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new Splatoon gameplay!

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#41 NintendoReport



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Posted 25 March 2015 - 07:27 PM

Love the playboy promotion from Nintendo. They invited a couple of playmates/gamers to checkout Splatoon.




Last October Nintendo turned heads when they teamed up with Playboy to promote Bayonetta 2 with some steamy pictures. Typically seen as the "family friendly" name in video games, Nintendo has once again teamed up with Playboy, but this time in a less eye-catching way. Nintendo has invited some of the Playmates to try out the upcoming third-person shooter Splatoon and give their thoughts as part of the Gamer Next Door series. You can check it out by clicking above! - See more at: http://www.gamnesia....on#.VRN8JPnF_1o

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#42 tboss



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Posted 26 March 2015 - 10:45 AM

Does the sniper rifle have a scope in game? In a recent video I didn't see a scope, but this model shows it..    Either I missed it or it's something you can get from the shop for it?





at this point, i doubt it will have a traditional sniper scope mechanic. The game seems to use a laser so far to say where you are aiming. That said it may have a zoom or over the shoulder zoom. At-least that would subjectively fit the game better from what we have seen so far.

As for the above, Nintendo seem to be solid supporters of rule 34. At minimum, aren't bothered by the US's comparatively conservative attitude for that sort of thing.

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