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can nintendo pull off these graphics next gen

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#21 Socalmuscle


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Posted 14 August 2012 - 05:25 PM

Um... No. The CGI in all CGI films is not rendered live and takes farms of special computers, dedicated to rendering alone, to produce those effects.

I don't see any cosole, not even within the next 10 years, producing Hollywood CGI movie graphics in real-time. Hopefully I'm wrong, but technologically speaking I seriously doubt it's possible.

Actually, it depends on when said cgi effects took place and how much power and time was actually afforded that production.

Consider transformers beast wars, veggie tales, etc. Even the 360 surpasses those prerendered cgi graphics easily.

The Samaritan demo is on par with final fantasy the spirits within cgi which took forever to produce in the 90's. And in some ways, the real time unreal engine 3 based demo outshines it. The character models in the ff movie are great. But the textures and lighting sometimes fall flat. In the Samaritan demo, lighting and textures are rich, vibrant, and pop off the screen.

The robots movie wasn't the greatest cgi achievement by any means, but there are places in the movie where I can see high end pcs choking. And though a dedicated console doesn't have the overhead a PC has to deal with, there are some aspects the wii u would struggle with too. In summary, some of what you see in the movie is easily duplicated by the Nintendo hardware. And other aspects would be very difficult or impossible. Therefore, the wii u comes close.

Real time graphics hardware these days is astounding. And graphic engines are really pushing the envelope.

#22 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 14 August 2012 - 05:32 PM

yeah i wasnt expecting real time graphics that good. more so the artstyle while looking similar.

Actually, it depends on when said cgi effects took place and how much power and time was actually afforded that production.

Consider transformers beast wars, veggie tales, etc. Even the 360 surpasses those prerendered cgi graphics easily.

The Samaritan demo is on par with final fantasy the spirits within cgi which took forever to produce in the 90's. And in some ways, the real time unreal engine 3 based demo outshines it. The character models in the ff movie are great. But the textures and lighting sometimes fall flat. In the Samaritan demo, lighting and textures are rich, vibrant, and pop off the screen.

The robots movie wasn't the greatest cgi achievement by any means, but there are places in the movie where I can see high end pcs choking. And though a dedicated console doesn't have the overhead a PC has to deal with, there are some aspects the wii u would struggle with too. In summary, some of what you see in the movie is easily duplicated by the Nintendo hardware. And other aspects would be very difficult or impossible. Therefore, the wii u comes close.

Real time graphics hardware these days is astounding. And graphic engines are really pushing the envelope.

i have to agree also. i never got why people were having meltdowns over if Wii U would get unreal 4. I think the unreal samaritian demo and hd zelda demo are fine for even 720 60 fps. we have been spoiled this generation and expect WAY too much from the next generation of console from a graphics standpoint.

#23 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 14 August 2012 - 05:36 PM

Best game on the N64 was Conker's Bad Fur Day.

Just sayin.

I also don't think we will receive anything like that on the Wii U beyond movies.

Trophy Cards are classy too! LOLZIGZAGOON



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