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Is the Wii U Really a Graphical Jump Over the PS3 & 360?

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#21 Dragon



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Posted 21 October 2012 - 04:05 AM

well dont put all your eggs in one basket... because i can promise you the same way iwata did Wii U wont get every port from nextgen. its even possible the one you may want the most wont come to the Wii U. not because of power but because the developer doesnt think the game has a market on the Wii U.

Quote, please?

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#22 Stormage09


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Posted 21 October 2012 - 04:22 AM

it didnt say exactly it wont get every next-gen game he said they cant promise that the wii u will get every game, which is normal, but if atleast it gets the most important ones AAA it should be ok all depens on how the sales are going and how much they want to push the graphics

“We cannot promise that the Wii U will never be excluded from multiplatform software for eternity, but we can at least assure you that the Wii U will not have such a big difference as the Wii had in comparison to how, on other platforms, developers could expect very different graphic capabilities of generating HD-applicable high-resolution graphics.”

“Other companies might launch a next-generation console with more power, but we don’t necessarily think that the difference between the Wii U and such console will be as drastic as what you felt it was between the Wii and the other consoles because there will be fewer and fewer differentiators in graphics.”

what hes saying there is from now on it depends on the developers decision to make games for the wii u or not, not from nintendo

Edited by Stormage09, 21 October 2012 - 04:31 AM.

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#23 Dragon



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Posted 21 October 2012 - 04:32 AM

it didnt say exactly it wont get every next-gen game he said they cant promise that the wii u will get every game, which is normal, but if atleast it gets the most important ones AAA it should be ok all depens on how the sales are going and how much they want to push the graphics

“We cannot promise that the Wii U will never be excluded from multiplatform software for eternity, but we can at least assure you that the Wii U will not have such a big difference as the Wii had in comparison to how, on other platforms, developers could expect very different graphic capabilities of generating HD-applicable high-resolution graphics.”

“Other companies might launch a next-generation console with more power, but we don’t necessarily think that the difference between the Wii U and such console will be as drastic as what you felt it was between the Wii and the other consoles because there will be fewer and fewer differentiators in graphics.”

what hes saying there is from now on it depends on the developers decision to make games for the wii u or not, not from nintendo

That's the quote I know. It threw me off when TRON changed how Iwata said that.

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#24 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 21 October 2012 - 04:39 AM

That's the quote I know. It threw me off when TRON changed how Iwata said that.

i didnt change it... i said i can promise you just like iwata did (saying he cannot promise) Wii U wont get every multiplatform game. Seriously though the people that are thinking just if the Wii U sells well its going to get the "BIG" multiplatform AAA games are delusional. I can promise you that wont be the case.

Edited by TRON, 21 October 2012 - 04:41 AM.

#25 Dragon



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Posted 21 October 2012 - 04:42 AM

i didnt change it... i said i can promise you just like iwata did (saying he cannot promise) Wii U wont get every multiplatform game. Seriously though the people that are thinking just if the Wii U sells well its going to get the "BIG" multiplatform AAA games are delusional. I can promise you that wont be the case.

But if developers don't take a risk, how can you build the consoles fanbase?

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#26 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 21 October 2012 - 04:53 AM

But if developers don't take a risk, how can you build the consoles fanbase?

Exactly thats the point and the way i feel about the situation. but when you here publisher like 2k say they are watching the Wii U and they feel good about their casual party games they released on Wii saying it ( Carnival Games) was one of the best games on Wii.... the situation isnt looking good. for anyone to think that sales (yes i know Wii didnt have the specs and architecture of ps360 and Wii U will be better for next gen) of Wii U will change publishers and developers mind for next gen they need to rethink things a bit.

the Wii U could be a 100 million console seller and have close power to ps4 and 720 aqnd still wouldnt get every 3rd party games or the bigger ones we know are coming

#27 CUD


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Posted 21 October 2012 - 04:58 AM

But if developers don't take a risk, how can you build the consoles fanbase?

That's the situation the 3DS was in and the Vita is getting itself out of now, it's an issue pretty much every new system has to face.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

RIP in peace Nintendo.


#28 Dragon



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Posted 21 October 2012 - 04:59 AM

Exactly thats the point and the way i feel about the situation. but when you here publisher like 2k say they are watching the Wii U and they feel good about their casual party games they released on Wii saying it ( Carnival Games) was one of the best games on Wii.... the situation isnt looking good. for anyone to think that sales (yes i know Wii didnt have the specs and architecture of ps360 and Wii U will be better for next gen) of Wii U will change publishers and developers mind for next gen they need to rethink things a bit.

the Wii U could be a 100 million console seller and have close power to ps4 and 720 aqnd still wouldnt get every 3rd party games or the bigger ones we know are coming

2K should learn how to take a risk every once and a while. I wonder how rockstar games feels about this since 2K owns them.

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#29 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 21 October 2012 - 05:07 AM

ugh...another one of these threads.....

I'm pretty sure it will be - the specs show it - but we won't see it fully realized right away since we are dealing pretty much with ports and games based off older engines. Give it time and you will see. I don't believe it will be the jump from PS2 to PS3 in terms..but...I don't think even the PS4-720 will be a jump that much either..you can only push graphics so far. The Wii U will contend with PS4-720 just find on that scale - to me I can see it being the different of like looking at PS3 vs 360 in terms of graphics...noticeable..but only by a small margin. When we see games coming out later on using newer engines designed for next gen or using the new unreal/frostbite/cryengine..then we will see what its really capable of .
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#30 Dragon



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Posted 21 October 2012 - 05:19 AM

ugh...another one of these threads.....

I stated at the beginning of this thread that there are plenty of these. I'm well aware of how overpopulated they are. But I did a different take on it. Actually comparing specs. My main reason behind this, is because I'm tired of people claiming the Wii U is underpowered.

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#31 dragomix



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Posted 21 October 2012 - 06:15 AM

We have some really irrational statements. Wii U wont get every multiplatform game!? PS3 didnt get every multiplatform game, and it is the most powerful console of its generation. Alan Wake, Skyrim is bugy, Bayonetta wont work... I can go on, but I wont. Xbox (number) will always get more games, all developers started their development on some form off PC, they know how to work with Direct X, and it is easy later to bring game to PC (PC will always be platform with most "hard core" gamers). Power has nothing to do with bringing games to platform.

When Resident Evil 5 came, developer said that Wii cant even run main menu of the game because its weak. They sad thair engine can't run on Wii. 3 years after 3DS (wich is weaker than Wii) played same engine, and with much success, bringing beautiful graphics to 3DS. So Wii could run RE5, but developer didn't want to bring game to the platform. I dont know wich fault is that, Nintendo's or Capcom's, but I know that RE5 would be big success on the Wii.

Edited by dragomix, 21 October 2012 - 06:36 AM.

#32 Dragon



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Posted 21 October 2012 - 06:17 AM

You might want to edit a word or 2...

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#33 dragomix



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Posted 21 October 2012 - 06:25 AM

You might want to edit a word or 2...

Thanks! :) I have auto correct on my Sony phone, and it really doesn't work like it should!

#34 Dragon



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Posted 21 October 2012 - 06:29 AM

Thanks! :) I have auto correct on my Sony phone, and it really doesn't work like it should!

It has a messed up way of correcting stuff. lol

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#35 Desert Punk

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Posted 21 October 2012 - 07:59 AM

what you have to think more than the raw power its in the engines, they are the key for the next gen more than raw power to make the games look good, in a pc with a 9600 GT that i have lots of actuals games are still playeable at mid graphics configuration, talking carp lets say that the wii u raw power its like x2 360/ps3 and the next xbox is x4 and the ps4 x5-x6

the tricky part about the wii u is to receive next-gen ports for the maximum time possible they will obviously not look as good like the ps4 ones but i want to see the peoples face once the first game comes to the wii u and they will be like o_o the wii u can do that? its possible that the first next-gen games will even hit the 360/ps3 AND 720/ps4, speacially games that are releasing for the late 2013, like the next Cod MW4, or the first UE4 ( yes, UE4 on 360/ps3 too, its a very possible situation to happen)

then its when the wii u will cleary look better on next gen engines, comparing it to ps3/360 thanks to its better resolution,GPU features, and ramm but when comparing wii u vs 720 you can read this

WiiU compared to 720 will be in visuals like comparing Dreamcast to Xbox 1, said by a developer from neogaf

and here you have a comprasion dramcas-xbox 1 http://shenmuedojo.n...sdreamcast.html

another thing


PS4 and Xbox 720 won't be a massive leap forward according to John Carmack. (Doom, Rage)
Uncharted 3. Will games look vastly better than this on next-gen machines? Carmack is suggesting they'll just be smoother, slicker and higher reolution, but essentially the same
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and another


Iwata: PS4/Xbox 720 graphics won't be drastically better than Wii U

Nintendo honcho Satoru Iwata has said that the difference in visuals between the next consoles from Sony and Microsoft and Wii U won't be as "drastic" as the visual gap between Wii and PS3/Xbox 360.

and a liitle teaser from someone who has seen some bayonetta 2 gameplay... https://twitter.com/...677983960616960

"In happier news, I had to buy a power loader to pick my jaw off the floor after watching some Bayonetta 2 today."

my conclusion? yes the 720/ps4 ports comparing to the wii u will be better, a bit more of resolution, some better features and effects looking nice, but not in a brutal way like was the wii comparing it to the 360/ps3 what makes that the games on the wii u will still look good and nice, but we have to wait and see to watch a real comprasion and see how big the gap is

The shenmue comparison is unfair. The game was not enhanced for xbox at all and absolutely pushed the dreamcast to the max making heavy use of the tile based rendering feature to get good frame rates with highly detailed graphics. Also what you don't see on those images is the very long loading times of the dreamcast version compared to the much faster loading on xbox.

Something like Half Life dreamcast vs Half Life 2 would be a more realistic comparison.

The xbox and dreamcast were 2 brilliant consoles that I really enjoyed and Shenmue II is a terrific game with amazing atmosphere although sometimes the pace is too slow. Sega made no effort with the Shenmue II conversion to xbox though sadly.

#36 xile6



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Posted 21 October 2012 - 08:01 AM

As i said many times. The first few wii u games wont look all that better then ps3/x360 end of lufe games.
Now the end of life games for the wii u will blow the ps3 and x360 out the water.
For those that are lost. End of life games are games that have all there coding prefect, that push the system to the max.
Just look up ps3 mgs4 (first metal fear game for ps3) the look up mgs ground zero. Your see the leap.

As devs get better with there coding they can do more and get better looks.
When the ps4 and x720 come out, im betting the wii u will look a little bet better in the begining of the race. Then in the end everything will be on par with each other. Like how x360 is to ps3. It just all depends on the devs.
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#37 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 21 October 2012 - 08:08 AM

Exactly thats the point and the way i feel about the situation. but when you here publisher like 2k say they are watching the Wii U and they feel good about their casual party games they released on Wii saying it ( Carnival Games) was one of the best games on Wii.... the situation isnt looking good. for anyone to think that sales (yes i know Wii didnt have the specs and architecture of ps360 and Wii U will be better for next gen) of Wii U will change publishers and developers mind for next gen they need to rethink things a bit.

the Wii U could be a 100 million console seller and have close power to ps4 and 720 aqnd still wouldnt get every 3rd party games or the bigger ones we know are coming


$299?,kinect2?,no used games as of recent info?

i dont think the 720 is going to be anything xbox fans want it to be, they are aiming for the casual crowd.

I stated at the beginning of this thread that there are plenty of these. I'm well aware of how overpopulated they are. But I did a different take on it. Actually comparing specs. My main reason behind this, is because I'm tired of people claiming the Wii U is underpowered.

me too, but just wait until next year or 2014 , we will see the snow ball start rolling lol


#38 Mignaga



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Posted 21 October 2012 - 08:32 AM

No, I don't think it is.
That said, it doesn't need to be. Sony and Microsoft won't be making a huge jump either.


Be wary, the suck is coming.

#39 The Lonely Koopa

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Posted 21 October 2012 - 08:42 AM

No, I don't think it is.
That said, it doesn't need to be. Sony and Microsoft won't be making a huge jump either.

BWHAHA that what you think they are actually going to make a 4000 dollar console but take losses to bring the price down to around 200 for their basic and 250 for their premium.

#40 nintendo3DS


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Posted 21 October 2012 - 09:32 AM

Or Metroid. ;)
If they release a HD Metroid game I may just have to buy a Wii U.

Then get Nintendo Land!

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