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zombi U review from ign

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#1 Jelloman



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Posted 18 November 2012 - 10:04 AM

i feel like ign got this one wayyyyyy wrong their missing the point of the whole game, thats what happens when some guy from the playstation department reviews a nintendo game.


#2 Stormage09


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Posted 18 November 2012 - 10:19 AM

im done with all the zombiU review stuff, i will play it and decide if its good or not by myself, then maybe i will sell it back to pick another game
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#3 nintendo3DS


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Posted 18 November 2012 - 10:19 AM

Exactly. Why is everyone reviewing this game so badly?

I'm still getting it, but that's sad.

#4 derk2468


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Posted 18 November 2012 - 10:28 AM

I think its really comparable to Red Steel. Which I personally loved. Repetition never killed a game for me. If its fun its fun, end of story. Reviews are too business like and industry biased nowadays. Instead of reviewed by the everyday gamer. Can't wait to get it and my deluxe bundle in the mail tomorrow :D

#5 3Dude



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Posted 18 November 2012 - 10:30 AM

Ha ha, guys quit complaining about low reviews. Its better than having homogenous 10's across the board from reviews that are actually advertisements.

Ignore the number and read the review, dont bother looking at the number unless things in the review make sense to you, and answers questions you have about the game.



#6 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 18 November 2012 - 10:51 AM

It's all the stigma from the Resident Evil series, people have forgotten how to play Survival Horror.

#7 3Dude



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Posted 18 November 2012 - 10:56 AM

It's all the stigma from the Resident Evil series, people have forgotten how to play Survival Horror.

Rich Stanton of Eurogamer hasnt.

Find reviews, that have people who like the same things you do, so you dont get stuck wondering why someone is complaining about something you like. Youll probably feel better spending more time on positive thinking than negative anyways.



#8 Nollog


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Posted 18 November 2012 - 11:07 AM

Sounds about right.
What I was afraid of.

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#9 3Dude



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Posted 18 November 2012 - 11:14 AM

Sounds about right.
What I was afraid of.

Self fuflfilling prophecies, gotta love em.

The review is missing a whole lotta information according to the eurogamer review. Important information. A Whole lot.

Im always excited by games with review scores like these, all over the board, it means there is a high chance its a heavily systemic and not a completely scripted game thats been turning this gen into a gigantic borefest. And its looking like its most definately a heavily systemic game.

Edited by 3Dude, 18 November 2012 - 11:16 AM.



#10 Gnomishek



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Posted 18 November 2012 - 01:13 PM

It's all the stigma from the Resident Evil series, people have forgotten how to play Survival Horror.

But ZombiU doesn't feel like a survival horror game as well. I mentioned that before and it seems like I was right. Anyway, I will give it a try. I have a tender spot in my heart for cheesy 'horror' games and movies.

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#11 Nollog


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Posted 18 November 2012 - 01:37 PM

Self fuflfilling prophecies, gotta love em.

The review is missing a whole lotta information according to the eurogamer review. Important information. A Whole lot.

Im always excited by games with review scores like these, all over the board, it means there is a high chance its a heavily systemic and not a completely scripted game thats been turning this gen into a gigantic borefest. And its looking like its most definately a heavily systemic game.

Graphics and audio being poop poor is nothing to do with me.

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#12 MyNameIsMatt


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Posted 18 November 2012 - 01:47 PM

If the "flaws" bother you, don't get it, if you don't think you'll be bothered try it

Edited by MyNameIsMatt, 18 November 2012 - 02:01 PM.

#13 JaylisJayP



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Posted 18 November 2012 - 02:50 PM

I returned it for Black Ops 2 Wii U right now. It's not only the reviews that swayed me, it's the lack of updated gameplay and description in the reviews of the quality of the gameplay itself, regardless of whether the style of play is something the reviewer likes or not. When gamer videos start popping up on youtube, and if it looks good then, I'll go out and buy it. Right now, it's not worth the $60 gamble for me.

Edited by JaylisJayP, 18 November 2012 - 02:50 PM.

#14 3Dude



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Posted 18 November 2012 - 02:59 PM

Graphics and audio being poop poor is nothing to do with me.

The audio is fantastic. you can tell even through the freaking live streams. The visuals are inconsistant, but certainly nothing Id consider outright bad, Ive seen far worse throughout areas of fallout 3, fables, dragons dogma, blops II human revolution... Pretty much every 360/ps3 game has the same issues if you stick your face up close to the textures like complainers are doing.

Id be more worried about the glitches, and I dislike a few of the unnecessary load times. Still better than the average ps360 game though.

Regaurdless, this review, and particularly the gamespot one is starting to look REEEEAAAALLLLLYYY stupid and extremely uninformative now.

Edited by 3Dude, 18 November 2012 - 03:05 PM.



#15 Ixchel


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Posted 18 November 2012 - 03:05 PM

Yeah... I'm just gonna take a gamble with the game. I think it'll be at least a 7.0 for me. I admit the textures do look muddier than they should... even in a dirty zombie world. But it's not stopping me from buying it. It seems to have good gameplay and I'll get it for 20% off, so either way it's worth it.
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#16 WiiUgamer


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Posted 18 November 2012 - 03:32 PM

Has anyone played it on here?? I bought it then read the reviews haven't opened it yet and want some opinions

#17 3Dude



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Posted 18 November 2012 - 04:09 PM

Has anyone played it on here?? I bought it then read the reviews haven't opened it yet and want some opinions

Yeah, Ive played it for a few ours, though Im not buying it (Or a wii u) until after christmas.

The main question you need to ask yourself is, do you like survival horror? Do you hate what survival horror has become this gen? Do you yearn for a time when games were actually a challenge? Do you like dark souls? Rouge like?

If you are answering yes to these, you will probably like Zombi u.

From what Ive played, its pretty good, but buggy.

The combat system great, and heavily stat based, each character has different base stats, sometimes you get a survivor whos a complete wuss and sucks at everything, sometimes you get a cop or army dude with great stats and gun skills. Sometimes you get a hobo.

The game has rpg elements kinda like elderscrolls, the more you do something the more 'points' you get in that category, until you level up that stat.

When you die, all level ups are gone. Gear can be retrieved a la dark souls, by finding your body before you die again, except your body is now another zombi you must kill first.

Ammo is scarce a la old school survival horror (though, personally, I never felt pressed for ammo in the original re's, silent hills, or other survival horror games where much ado is made about scarce ammo... Maybe im a much better shot than the average gamer?)

Um, only have one melee weapon, lone zombies are easily manipulated, and can be pretty easily dispatched, but dont underestimate them, get careless and they can one hit kill you with a bite. You actually have to aim the cricket bat, hitting a zombi anywhere but the head with the cricket bat will be ineffective, and the video reviews ive seen about complaining about taking umpteen million hits to kill zombies are patting them on their shoulders. Even the kill hit needs to be aimed, it doesnt auto whack zombis in the head for you,

More than one zombi at a time, and that cricket bat is useless. It was designed this way, if you find yourself surround by a dozen or so zombis, you screwed up. You WILL screw up.

I learned VERY fast, not to break windows or open doors that might be attached to an alarm system. Apparantly zombies freaking LOVE alarms and come running from EVERYWHERE, from out of windows of nearby buildings, off the freaking rooves, out of the garbage, EVERYWHERE to pimp slap the moron who sets off the alarm.

The gamepad use is great, you have a map by default, and you have a button you can press that sends out a ping, a motion detector, that shows anywhere on your map where something is moving (Think Alien). So yeah, you can use this to prepare for Zombis that might be around the corner. But it detects EVERYthing thats moving, including rats and crows, which can have hilarious results of you scaring yourself over nothing.

Your safe house is not safe. Barricade your damn doors as soon as you get a hammer and planks. Stock up on planks, barricades are life saving.

Zombis CAN break through barricaded doors.

You can hunt rats and crows for health. Better hope they havent munched on any zombi corpses though....

Visuals are a mixed bag, youll go from the muddy textures of a small budget game to some crazy lighting/atmosphere effects. The fog and other vision distorting effects are so fantastic, when you see a zombie through the fog, slanted rain and light glare, it could just be a normal person, you cant tell, which is great, it works like its supposed too I... actually wish they put in other non zombied survivors, what a layer that would add.

Zombi placement is random everytime you enter an area. Zombies you didnt kill continue to move, even when you arent in an area, they wont be where you left them.

Item/weapon placement is also pseudo random. When you die and fail to reach your old body thus losing all your stuff, that rifle and magnum you lost respawn in the same area you found them, but not necessarily the same hidden area you found them in the first time.

You can install upgrades to your weapon when you find a workbench.

Gameplay is systemic enough for you to create your own gamestyle. For people with very dull imaginations, they play in a very boring way. For others, they can manipulate the system rules in very clever ways, like throwing a flare down from a second story buillding, having a dozen or so zombies crowd around it, before throwing a grenade, or taking easy potshots, or just running past them, or planting a mine then dropping a flare on it etc.

Ammo and grenades is scarce, flares not so much (its more that you just cant carry all of the ones you find with you at once) but an oppertunity to take out a large number of zombis is definately worth it.

Reviews are split down the middle, reviewers either hate it, or say its the second coming of survival horror jesus. I will note, however, that of the 4 low scoring reviews I have seen, they have been noticably far less informed about the game than the higher scores, often leaving out paragraphs worth of make or break information on the game, and talking about it like this information didnt even exist.



#18 Alianjaro



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Posted 18 November 2012 - 05:34 PM

The problem is, I guess, that people are now sick of zombie games. Games like left 4 dead and the walking dead have made zombie games so shallow and filled with unnecessary gore. The real thing is that zombie games arent for everybody.
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#19 tubagodd



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Posted 18 November 2012 - 05:44 PM

Yea bunch of the lower scores said that there was pretty much no story to the game, only because they weren't spoon fed it at the beginning like all other games
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#20 3Dude



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Posted 18 November 2012 - 06:56 PM

Yea bunch of the lower scores said that there was pretty much no story to the game, only because they weren't spoon fed it at the beginning like all other games
<img />

Those same ones complaining about story also totally failed to mention the story is also told through newspapers, personal journals, letters etc that you have to find hidden throughout the world.



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