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Nintendo I am running out of excuses for you

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#21 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 07 February 2013 - 12:54 PM

yes but Uplay is ubisoft.. so u are a bit confused. Maybe its ur choice if u add origin in ur wii U, but wii U interface, OS and features, are not controlled by origin.

But either ways, thanks for telling me that, I will never buy mass effect 3 on wii U...lol

But I want to be honnest, I ve used twice origin eshop, to buy a game... but this game does not require u to install origin in ur pc. (swtor and swtor expansion)

Nollog is simply saying that Origin can function on the Wii U without converting the whole OS. You can't play Mass Effect 3: Special Edition without an Origin Account present. It does not mean that Origin is running in every part of the system.

You've simply mistaken what was meant by Origin.

Trophy Cards are classy too! LOLZIGZAGOON



#22 Plutonas



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Posted 07 February 2013 - 01:18 PM




and read that important info bellow


so u wii U owners, its better to read EULAS before u buy.. lol

Edited by Orion, 07 February 2013 - 01:31 PM.

#23 FrostySweetness


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Posted 07 February 2013 - 02:58 PM

Shiiii....I hate Origin and all those companies that need launchers in order to launch games. I hope it doesn't work their way onto consoles. What ever just happened to popping in a damn game and playing it? I don't want to pop in my game, then wait 50 years for the game to load due to the Wii U's abysmal loading times, then sign in onto origin, and start my game.

#24 UnholyVision



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Posted 07 February 2013 - 04:23 PM

NintendoLand has been in development for a long time. Believe it or not, it's an original idea and those take a while to plan and make.
Graphic-heavy games are actually less time-intensive, as you can have graphic artists working on the textures while making the game code, halving the time.

I believe I am reading what your trying to say right. Though no, just no. You're wrong in so many ways. Art is still art and is put out on another person unless it is indie regardless. The only time anything would be more time consuming in terms of coding would be if your just telling the hardware to light up the screen with little bland Atari style sprites. Because you're having to tell the machine in which area of all those pixels on screen the location you want it to light up. As far as graphical models and imagery, skins, and/or textures that are designed are still needed to be coded in. They have to be told how to move, and the overall be coded to act in the overall physics engine designed for the games world. In the long run a more graphical game takes more time to code out due to the complexity of the harder physics engine coding. Yet no one seems to hardly make their own engines anymore so less time consuming on that end. Either Unreal, Havok, or whatever used with a little spit, blood, and bubble gum to patch it all up to fit in whatever little tweaking is needed on the engines. (You still need a backbone engine for a 2D game and they are sold & bought too for these types of games. Not saying other wise, but 3D is more complex and time consuming to make. Also, yeah I know some of the 3D modeling/animation style software out there does bundles some movement coding inside the model files. Yet just because it is animated does not mean the game coding does not have to call upon something for it to move or even display the images needing to be rendered on the screen).

As for original games, sure it may be longer in terms if they coded out a new game engine. Yet in terms of the time needed all depends on the skill of the staff in terms of coding, team size, reasonable noting, budget, et cetera. This is not an indie developer we are talking about. They plan stuff out, give the teams the say so in what they need to accomplish and they do it. Not like their sitting around in some basement or whatever building the game they way they want it to the dot. As my point being they don't have free control over the outcome as some higher up is wanting it a planned way, so it could come out quicker, slower, or the same time as an none original IP. (Specially if not using their own original game engine). Not saying a small add in or change can not happen, but your not going to see something like, "Lets change the games story or add one" on some bloody whim. (Oh and I am not saying they should rush stuff either. Even if they are some crazy awesome code monkeys).

#25 Nollog


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Posted 07 February 2013 - 05:24 PM

I believe I am reading what your trying to say right. Though no, just no. You're wrong in so many ways. Art is still art and is put out on another person unless it is indie regardless. The only time anything would be more time consuming in terms of coding would be if your just telling the hardware to light up the screen with little bland Atari style sprites. Because you're having to tell the machine in which area of all those pixels on screen the location you want it to light up. As far as graphical models and imagery, skins, and/or textures that are designed are still needed to be coded in. They have to be told how to move, and the overall be coded to act in the overall physics engine designed for the games world. In the long run a more graphical game takes more time to code out due to the complexity of the harder physics engine coding. Yet no one seems to hardly make their own engines anymore so less time consuming on that end. Either Unreal, Havok, or whatever used with a little spit, blood, and bubble gum to patch it all up to fit in whatever little tweaking is needed on the engines. (You still need a backbone engine for a 2D game and they are sold & bought too for these types of games. Not saying other wise, but 3D is more complex and time consuming to make. Also, yeah I know some of the 3D modeling/animation style software out there does bundles some movement coding inside the model files. Yet just because it is animated does not mean the game coding does not have to call upon something for it to move or even display the images needing to be rendered on the screen).

As for original games, sure it may be longer in terms if they coded out a new game engine. Yet in terms of the time needed all depends on the skill of the staff in terms of coding, team size, reasonable noting, budget, et cetera. This is not an indie developer we are talking about. They plan stuff out, give the teams the say so in what they need to accomplish and they do it. Not like their sitting around in some basement or whatever building the game they way they want it to the dot. As my point being they don't have free control over the outcome as some higher up is wanting it a planned way, so it could come out quicker, slower, or the same time as an none original IP. (Specially if not using their own original game engine). Not saying a small add in or change can not happen, but your not going to see something like, "Lets change the games story or add one" on some bloody whim. (Oh and I am not saying they should rush stuff either. Even if they are some crazy awesome code monkeys).

Planning, it occurs before you put your fingers on the keyboard.
http://en.wikipedia....ationship_model is one of the more popular ways of planning a software title.

The roumor came out by an EA partner, and the rumor said, Origin is preparing wii U OS, based on origin. Now if the OS of the system and servers are controlled by nintendo and not "origin", origin cant get anything from u, except if u buy their games and they get specific data from ur play... eg saves, etc... If the OS of wii U was controlled by origin or UPLAY, then that was going to be a problem.

Now nintendo filters anything they DONT want origin and UPLAY to have... there is a difference between it. And if Origin or UPLAY control the OS of the system, then wii U was going NOT to be able play offline games... thats the difference.

So the rumor was mostly about, wii U must always stay connected be able to play (with Origin).

Can I make u a question.. If u DONT have internet access, can u buy and play mass effect 3? Or not. (ur answer is my point.... Thats why they "want to punish nintendo". I hope its more clear for u now.

No such rumour was present.




and read that important info bellow


so u wii U owners, its better to read EULAS before u buy.. lol

http://wiiudaily.com/2012/08/ea-origin-wii-u/ --> Wiiudaily, well known for false information took the dualpixels rumour and added some spice to it.
EA probably did want Nintendo to use Origin's backend for their online infrastructure, and many other companies probably fought for the contract too, but that would have no impact on the system software, as Origin is an account system, not a firmware, or operating system. It would have merely been what uplay is now, an application running over the firmware.

http://mynintendonews.com/2012/08/04/ea-apparently-desperate-for-nintendo-to-include-origin-on-wii-u/ --> dualpixels rumour

http://dualpixels.com/2012/08/05/how-greed-and-origin-killed-eas-relationship-with-wii-u-rumor/ --> this is dualpixels, the same people who said wii u would have a racing simulator at e3 2012, the same people who said wii u would come with a gamer card at launch in the box, the same people who... you get the point. Not a single rumour has come true from them. So why would anyone believe this one?

http://uk.gamespot.com/news/ea-wii-u-games-require-origin-account-for-online-play-6398683 --> This is Origin's EULA, and the spying you claim they do has been confirmed by plenty of professionals with more qualifications than you, me, or both of us together would have to look into such things that all they look for are other EA games, and add them to you Origin account, which you can do by choice from steam if you wish.

I don't like EA, but they're not some evil corporation out to kill you and control the government.

Edited by Nollog, 07 February 2013 - 05:31 PM.

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#26 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 08 February 2013 - 05:09 AM

Times are a little bit boring for Wii U with all the delays, but I got me 3DS to keep me busy.

#27 UnholyVision



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Posted 08 February 2013 - 08:51 PM

Planning, it occurs before you put your fingers on the keyboard.
http://en.wikipedia....ationship_model is one of the more popular ways of planning a software title.

O Rly? As the kids say. Guess you missed the point of my second paragraph. Yet if you wish yes you can even pseudocode it up for the outline of the program. Though that was not exactly the overall point............


EA probably did want Nintendo to use Origin's backend for their online infrastructure, and many other companies probably fought for the contract too, but that would have no impact on the system software, as Origin is an account system, not a firmware, or operating system. It would have merely been what uplay is now, an application running over the firmware.

Origin is more than just an account system it is a store to sell EA goods. If EA had its way I am sure they would love to have Origin within Nintendo to get more of the digital content money. Next it would not really require a firmware update all together to setup Origin as a third party application to sell goods. It could run fine coded out with all the same includes & variables as the Nintendo eShop. Only problem is they would have to make some kind of deal to make that happen and doubtfully it ever would. Considering it would possibly avert customers from the eShop & be utmost pointless in terms of doing the same thing as the eShop for delivering content.

Edited by UnholyVision, 08 February 2013 - 08:59 PM.

#28 Nollog


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Posted 09 February 2013 - 03:23 AM

O Rly? As the kids say. Guess you missed the point of my second paragraph. Yet if you wish yes you can even pseudocode it up for the outline of the program. Though that was not exactly the overall point............

Origin is more than just an account system it is a store to sell EA goods. If EA had its way I am sure they would love to have Origin within Nintendo to get more of the digital content money. Next it would not really require a firmware update all together to setup Origin as a third party application to sell goods. It could run fine coded out with all the same includes & variables as the Nintendo eShop. Only problem is they would have to make some kind of deal to make that happen and doubtfully it ever would. Considering it would possibly avert customers from the eShop & be utmost pointless in terms of doing the same thing as the eShop for delivering content.

Honestly didn't read your post, I just knew one of you would find some complaint with what I said, so I had that reply ready. Don't want to argue it because it's down to each individual game, not as simple as I put it.

Nintendo allow microtrasactions.

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#29 GAMER1984



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Posted 09 February 2013 - 03:51 AM

ok lets really talk about nintendo and what they need to do. first thing is Nintendo has an to seperate themselves from the other two companies. they need games like wonderful 101 and lego city undercover those games make their platform standout. as far as specs go they dont need to try and be on the same level as the others. Nintendo has been in this industry this long becuase they know how to make money... its a BUSINESS! now yes i do want them to be competitive and in the same ball park... but i dont think they need to be as powerful as long as the Architecture is modern (which the Wii U is dispite rumors and people who think they know tech) they will be fine. for all the negativity out about the Wii U it seems no one is seeing what nintendo is doing right with the console. i dont remember the last time a console within the 1st couple of months of its life has been so popular with Indies. one thing is for sure we will not be having a indie game drought on the Wii U... which is good as ive become a big fan of indie developers as of late. they are collaborating with 3rd party devs (smash 4, bayonetta2, wonderfull 101, unk crytek stuff, and shin megami tensei x fire emblem) with more to come im sure. and no matter what yo think Nintendo has the best and most popular franchises in gaming. seriously we are looking at Pikmin3, mario kart, wind waker hd, yoshi, and im sure others being released this year! do you guys not remember how the ps3 started this gen and it has gone on to sell 70 million console while losing billions in the process(which Wii U wont do). as long as nintendo sticks to what they are good at and seperating themselves from the others they will be just fine. everyone wants them to copy what sony and microsoft are doing and if they did they will be in thrid place again a la Gamecube.

#30 PedanticGamer


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Posted 09 February 2013 - 07:26 AM

Shiiii....I hate Origin and all those companies that need launchers in order to launch games. I hope it doesn't work their way onto consoles. What ever just happened to popping in a damn game and playing it? I don't want to pop in my game, then wait 50 years for the game to load due to the Wii U's abysmal loading times, then sign in onto origin, and start my game.

On pc you generally don't need origin running once the game has been activated, unlike steam and it oh so brilliant offline mode which requires you to know that your going to be offline.

#31 UnholyVision



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Posted 09 February 2013 - 12:04 PM

Honestly didn't read your post, I just knew one of you would find some complaint with what I said, so I had that reply ready. Don't want to argue it because it's down to each individual game, not as simple as I put it.

Nintendo allow microtrasactions.

Uhuh...... :rolleyes: There is this thing called an edit button is this was so called to be true. Easily changing what you said without taking your time to have to write out this supposed canned message....

Depends on the game? It is ultimately the same in the end in terms of the 3D functionality. Only thing that makes the coding any longer would be the amount of content thrown into the game such as armor, weapons, et cetera. Yet usually a smart programmer just copies and pastes things if the so called new item needs say a new if statement, switch case, and/or arrays are needed & of course which is more efficient at the so called given time. (Given you can do the same things multiple ways. Even if the code is not as refined. Of course that is not good to extend it on forever). Then just toggle the entry values to whatever is needed and boom done. Only need an artist to make the texture change so the programmer can call in the files needed to be displayed. Of course what I am saying makes it sound much smaller of a job with your Wikipedia diploma, and regardless of how refined the code is we are still talking thousands of line of code & tons of multiple files all being called here and there without each file to then in turn be called into your file which consists your main();. Anyway....

Nintendo allows micro transactions, I never would have guessed when they have an online store for how many years now? Yet again not the point of the overall topic I was suggesting upon via the Nintendo eShop online store & EA Origin online store.

On pc you generally don't need origin running once the game has been activated, unlike steam and it oh so brilliant offline mode which requires you to know that your going to be offline.

Steams offline mode is sort of bleh. At least you can copy the files that store the fact your in offline mode & replace them when needed. Yet that sometimes stops working after a while. (I know the pain of this). Nothing as easy as say Impulse or Desura when it comes to offline mode. How does Origin compare to them? Only curious as all I tend to hear is bad things about Origin. Plus I never used Origin and probably never will for the record. Mostly because I am not a fan of making an account for a service that only offers one companies games when I am already signed up for so many that provide me with everyone's games. Be that Origin game activation keys included, as I have not bought due to lack of appeal in games. (Yeah kill me now I am not really a fan of BF3 or ME3. XD)

Everyone wants them to copy what sony and microsoft are doing and if they did they will be in thrid place again a la Gamecube.

Clearly now everyone as you're disputing it. ;) Anyway, just because a company was to offer something similar in functionality does not mean it would fall in last place. Only would require the games people want and some kind of other appeal with a good marketing team to back up the supposed product. Next how exactly did Nintendo GameCube copy something and become a failure for it? From my knowledge of owning a launch GameCube they lacked many appealing games. Heck when it was coming out people even disliked the idea of Lugi's Mansion and Mario Sunshine those were a big poster child to most. Then games did not flow out that well or be advertised greatly. I know plenty of people that did not even want a GameCube until the newer Resident Evil came out for the NGC. Only to play it and sell it off afterwards. As for third party support NGC lacked that similar to the Wii so that helped as well to make it not sell as well as say the Wii. Yes, it failed in some areas, and did worse off, but how exactly did they fail in copying other companies? They did not even try to compete with online play that the PS2 or Xbox had. Then similar to the PS2 you were forced to buy an Ethernet adapter, but in Nintendo's case it was for Phantasy Star and like one other game. I played PSO on the NGC and to be honest dropped it after a while to never really use Nintendo online based games again. Instead I did the whole XLink (I did use that PipeConnect or whatever it was called as well. The one with literally a green pipe as it's .ico file for the shortcut) thing to play the games online that were marked system link. Yet those were small in amount as well & not considered the best games either. (Played Mario Kart Double Dash & a little bit of Kirby's AirRide). Regardless, it seemed like a lack of software that did not appeal to the consumers more than copying. (Not saying there were no good games. It just seemed Nintendo failed in making the appeal in the sixth generation). (Oh and I remember the days when Wind Waker was coming out. I went in game stores like GameStop to even hear the clerks put down the new Zelda for it's art design. A lot of my friends at the time even said similar things. Ah, all the lovely dislike it received for artwork. Reminds me of when XIII came out & people complained about cel-shading).

#32 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 09 February 2013 - 12:11 PM

10 megatons of IPs announced and people are still complaining! Wow!


#33 Nollog


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Posted 09 February 2013 - 01:21 PM

Uhuh...... :rolleyes: There is this thing called an edit button is this was so called to be true. Easily changing what you said without taking your time to have to write out this supposed canned message....

Depends on the game? It is ultimately the same in the end in terms of the 3D functionality. Only thing that makes the coding any longer would be the amount of content thrown into the game such as armor, weapons, et cetera. Yet usually a smart programmer just copies and pastes things if the so called new item needs say a new if statement, switch case, and/or arrays are needed & of course which is more efficient at the so called given time. (Given you can do the same things multiple ways. Even if the code is not as refined. Of course that is not good to extend it on forever). Then just toggle the entry values to whatever is needed and boom done. Only need an artist to make the texture change so the programmer can call in the files needed to be displayed. Of course what I am saying makes it sound much smaller of a job with your Wikipedia diploma, and regardless of how refined the code is we are still talking thousands of line of code & tons of multiple files all being called here and there without each file to then in turn be called into your file which consists your main();. Anyway....

Nintendo allows micro transactions, I never would have guessed when they have an online store for how many years now? Yet again not the point of the overall topic I was suggesting upon via the Nintendo eShop online store & EA Origin online store.


I didn't edit because it's true. Nintendoland was in development for a long time. The person I was talking at implied it took 5 seconds to make.
I figured she was just saying because it doesn't have super multi hyper global extrapolas texture it took no time to do, which I think is wrong.

"Of course what I am saying makes it sound much smaller of a job with your Wikipedia diploma"
Oh you. Here's me justifying myself to you for the second time, so I'll directly reply to your insinuation this time.
I have only 7 years experience as a programmer and software developer (the second is geared more toward the pseudocode, models and diagrams for planning stages).

It is the point. EA can sell their DLC in game if they want. They can set their own prices, they can release what they want.
They only gain control and administration costs by having their own origin store on the console, which they could still do if they wanted to.

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#34 UnholyVision



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Posted 09 February 2013 - 02:21 PM


I didn't edit because it's true. Nintendoland was in development for a long time. The person I was talking at implied it took 5 seconds to make.
I figured she was just saying because it doesn't have super multi hyper global extrapolas texture it took no time to do, which I think is wrong.

"Of course what I am saying makes it sound much smaller of a job with your Wikipedia diploma"
Oh you. Here's me justifying myself to you for the second time, so I'll directly reply to your insinuation this time.
I have only 7 years experience as a programmer and software developer (the second is geared more toward the pseudocode, models and diagrams for planning stages).

It is the point. EA can sell their DLC in game if they want. They can set their own prices, they can release what they want.
They only gain control and administration costs by having their own origin store on the console, which they could still do if they wanted to.

LOL I am not arguing that the game was in development for a long time. Where do you pull this crap from? Because my original disagreement with you was aimed at the fact you are stating because a game is 3D is is less time consuming to develop because of an art team. In the end 2D & 3D imagery are composed by artist unless we are not wanting a game to look like something from Atari. Making the crazy binary strings to talk to the hardware to light up little pixels on the screen. 3D world games require higher grade physics programming making the coding much more complex while 2D worlds are less complex to code in as they are linear making things less complex to develop. Which I composed my post also saying of course this could be bought and just modified a bit. Being as engines are sold all the time. Hell, I even stated I may be reading your post incorrectly to some degree, but you never even refuted said claim. Instead you turn it into some how leading to explaining to someone of longevity avoiding what was overall said.....

Java scripting and coding using those web design languages are we. I mock you in this extent because you say one thing and contradict the other things you say. That or just completely ignore the fact of what is said and sort of phase it into something completely off of the topic at hand with no disregard as possibly being invalid usually with some kind of retort. Oh and I am not going to say I am this amazing programmer that is so godly better than another. Yet, I am skilled in multiple languages other than the standard C++ (edit: standard for most game design. Unless we are talking possible mobile games which can be Java and not scripting) and from how I read most of all your stuff it sounds like complete moot. (Oh and yeah, I will say in advance I have noticed I have said some much more sharp tongue things the last couple of posts. Happens sometimes upon no sleep for a few days and will say I take responsibility for said actions in regards if I did misread something. However, I still stand by what I am reading at the time as contradictory, misleading, uneducated in said topics, oblivious, and et cetera from my understanding via reading of your said posts.

If they have said store for DLC in game I was unaware of this. If true and transactions are made via an in-game purchase not from said eShop I find Nintendo to be idiotic. As they are basically opening the door to a more none controlled flow of media and money lose in terms of business of electrical goods. Which I suppose Nintendo can not really be prompted on their logic in terms of third party or online distribution as they fail at both. Also, yes I was insisting the such on the such of an application via Nintendo as it would need approval in terms to get put in the eShop and possibly a form of said agreements upon said usage if smart. Surely you do not imply I suggested that Nintendo have no control over what is displayed in their own shop without some details included. Oh and I also original stated that you were not really correct on the fact that you stated a firmware upgrade was needed towards development of a Origin third party store to be made and placed on the eShop. Being as that is how your said post read, but of course some how that changed into more moot saying, "Nintendo allows micro transactions"......... Well no duh.

It seems to me every time I respond it either is not read or some how simplified into another matter that is completely off base of what is being said. Considering has reoccurred multiple times I honestly am to impatient and tired to even bother carrying on a one way conversation leading in loops. I can find my infinite loops in programming thank you very much.

Edited by UnholyVision, 09 February 2013 - 02:24 PM.

#35 Nollog


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Posted 09 February 2013 - 02:56 PM

LOL I am not arguing that the game was in development for a long time. Where do you pull this crap from?

I was, when you said I was wrong.
So you're saying you quoted me to talk about something unrelated to what I said?
Sorry for the confusion.

LOL I am not arguing that the game was in development for a long time. Where do you pull this crap from? Because my original disagreement with you was aimed at the fact you are stating because a game is 3D is is less time consuming to develop because of an art team. In the end 2D & 3D imagery are composed by artist unless we are not wanting a game to look like something from Atari. Making the crazy binary strings to talk to the hardware to light up little pixels on the screen. 3D world games require higher grade physics programming making the coding much more complex while 2D worlds are less complex to code in as they are linear making things less complex to develop. Which I composed my post also saying of course this could be bought and just modified a bit. Being as engines are sold all the time. Hell, I even stated I may be reading your post incorrectly to some degree, but you never even refuted said claim. Instead you turn it into some how leading to explaining to someone of longevity avoiding what was overall said.....

I didn't mean to say an art team makes things go faster.
What I meant is if you have a dedicated team for the art, you're going to be able to have the art being done at the same time as the programming of gameplay.
I assumed possibly wrongly that the person I quoted was simply saying because nintendoland looks simple, it took no time to make.
I was saying just because it's non got superduper texture art work, it probably still took a long time to make.
New ideas take longer to make than a call of duty every year.
watchdogs was 2 years in the making at e3 2012.
a new cod comes out every 2 years.
That's probably a poor example too, but I'm not trying to say what I say is right, I'm just throwing up some anecdotal evidence to support my text.

Yeah I do oversimplify things, because nobody wants to read technical babble, and I want to write it even less so.

Edited by Nollog, 09 February 2013 - 03:04 PM.

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#36 PedanticGamer


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Posted 09 February 2013 - 03:44 PM

Steams offline mode is sort of bleh. At least you can copy the files that store the fact your in offline mode & replace them when needed. Yet that sometimes stops working after a while. (I know the pain of this). Nothing as easy as say Impulse or Desura when it comes to offline mode. How does Origin compare to them? Only curious as all I tend to hear is bad things about Origin. Plus I never used Origin and probably never will for the record. Mostly because I am not a fan of making an account for a service that only offers one companies games when I am already signed up for so many that provide me with everyone's games. Be that Origin game activation keys included, as I have not bought due to lack of appeal in games. (Yeah kill me now I am not really a fan of BF3 or ME3. XD)

I actually think Origin is great, really it nearly all comes down to some EA hating and bashing from what I have seen as that is the popular and sheep thing to do (most seem to hate on it for no real reason now). There is still plenty of room for improvement, but offline mode has always worked for me. Most games (I haven't had an instance where I couldn't at least) can be run from the .exe without origin running in the background, and origin does seem to be carry less system load then steam. Origin doesn't have the many features integrated like the community hub of steam but does have things like inbuilt streaming capabilities that steam doesn't have.

#37 UnholyVision



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Posted 09 February 2013 - 06:21 PM

I was, when you said I was wrong.
So you're saying you quoted me to talk about something unrelated to what I said?
Sorry for the confusion.

Simply put, I suggested I may be reading it wrong giving the implication you should basically correct me if I was wrong. Instead of a post totally giving me conformation of if I was right or wrong I get a useless explanation (to me at least) on how games are planned. I reply basically saying that does not support what I believe you were saying and was completely off basis of what was being said. You then reply to what comes off sort of like a possible smug like retort for not reading and as if it was not worth the time as you knew what I was saying already making it not worth the time. I reply with a sort of, "whatever" kind of reply implying it is still off base a bit with an extended revamp of what I was saying expanding on a portion of your post. Also adding in a comment of a, "Why bother making canned messages. When you can just edit your post to be clear so you don't have to constantly post again. Considering posts are keyed out in terms of skim reading" (Not in those exact words, but basically the meaning behind it was that). The conversation continues to loop and becomes utterly pointless to me as you seemed to be deluded off of what was originally said turn it all into a super cluster furk of nothingness for both ends.

Nothing more needs to be said on this as it keeps looping and I am yet looping again to explain what I was saying throughout this whole silly episode of posts. That and we sort of covered it in ways already.

I actually think Origin is great, really it nearly all comes down to some EA hating and bashing from what I have seen as that is the popular and sheep thing to do (most seem to hate on it for no real reason now). There is still plenty of room for improvement, but offline mode has always worked for me. Most games (I haven't had an instance where I couldn't at least) can be run from the .exe without origin running in the background, and origin does seem to be carry less system load then steam. Origin doesn't have the many features integrated like the community hub of steam but does have things like inbuilt streaming capabilities that steam doesn't have.

Everything is less resource happy than Steam. I have told this to everyone for years. xD
Streaming as in live video? If so seems pointless to me at least. Considering I have screenshots, upload screenshots, record video, upload said recordings, and even Stream live video all using Xfire which is way less process hungry than Steam & possibly Origin to do much more. Meh, not saying Origin is horrible or anything, but not something to make me use it, specially not for EA only games. Being as I am not always the biggest fan of them. The ones that really matter to me usually get either republished to Steam or else where so I am not required to install more software for maybe one game.

/ / / Reply to post below / / /
Why oh why are you looping this crap yet again? We basically covered it and I summed up in a none huge post method. Hoping to just drop it to move along with at least the OP's topic. Anyway, if I must, here simple way of how I am reading it. My rewording to show you what I mean in quotes.

Graphic-heavy games are actually less time-intensive, as you can have graphic artists working on the textures while making the game code, halving the time.
"Graphics heavy games are less time less time intensive, because graphics artist are working on textures while the programmers code the game. This halves the time of completion".

Which I state is false. As just because there are two teams does not make the game coding halved in time for development. Nor does this decrease the overall time needed to complete the artwork. In general they both are going to be the same length based of the individuals skills more or less. Unless the methods of production are changed in such as a newer quicker piece of art software or a more sufficient language is made that can shorten the time of the best methods in C++ & of course be more sufficient in general for quality of language.

Alright, I am done completely with this. Other than saying PHP and nothing like Perl and SQL portions as well for databases beyond the whole PHP foundation? Awesome to know for running a forum & such even.

Edited by UnholyVision, 09 February 2013 - 07:49 PM.

#38 Nollog


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Posted 09 February 2013 - 07:04 PM

Simply put, I suggested I may be reading it wrong giving the implication you should basically correct me if I was wrong. Instead of a post totally giving me conformation of if I was right or wrong I get a useless explanation (to me at least) on how games are planned. I reply basically saying that does not support what I believe you were saying and was completely off basis of what was being said. You then reply to what comes off sort of like a possible smug like retort for not reading and as if it was not worth the time as you knew what I was saying already making it not worth the time. I reply with a sort of, "whatever" kind of reply implying it is still off base a bit with an extended revamp of what I was saying expanding on a portion of your post. Also adding in a comment of a, "Why bother making canned messages. When you can just edit your post to be clear so you don't have to constantly post again. Considering posts are keyed out in terms of skim reading" (Not in those exact words, but basically the meaning behind it was that). The conversation continues to loop and becomes utterly pointless to me as you seemed to be deluded off of what was originally said turn it all into a super cluster furk of nothingness for both ends.

Nothing more needs to be said on this as it keeps looping and I am yet looping again to explain what I was saying throughout this whole silly episode of posts. That and we sort of covered it in ways already.

Here's my review:

Nintendoland couldn't have taken that long to make.

NintendoLand has been in development for a long time. Believe it or not, it's an original idea and those take a while to plan and make.
Graphic-heavy games are actually less time-intensive, as you can have graphic artists working on the textures while making the game code, halving the time.

-Nintendoland in development a long time.
-it is an original idea, which needed various stages of planning to go into it.
-graphic-heavy games take less time to make, because artists are working on the art while the developers are planning and coding.

I believe I am reading what your trying to say right. Though no, just no. You're wrong in so many ways. Art is still art and is put out on another person unless it is indie regardless. The only time anything would be more time consuming in terms of coding would be if your just telling the hardware to light up the screen with little bland Atari style sprites. Because you're having to tell the machine in which area of all those pixels on screen the location you want it to light up. As far as graphical models and imagery, skins, and/or textures that are designed are still needed to be coded in. They have to be told how to move, and the overall be coded to act in the overall physics engine designed for the games world. In the long run a more graphical game takes more time to code out due to the complexity of the harder physics engine coding. Yet no one seems to hardly make their own engines anymore so less time consuming on that end. Either Unreal, Havok, or whatever used with a little spit, blood, and bubble gum to patch it all up to fit in whatever little tweaking is needed on the engines. (You still need a backbone engine for a 2D game and they are sold & bought too for these types of games. Not saying other wise, but 3D is more complex and time consuming to make. Also, yeah I know some of the 3D modeling/animation style software out there does bundles some movement coding inside the model files. Yet just because it is animated does not mean the game coding does not have to call upon something for it to move or even display the images needing to be rendered on the screen).

As for original games, sure it may be longer in terms if they coded out a new game engine. Yet in terms of the time needed all depends on the skill of the staff in terms of coding, team size, reasonable noting, budget, et cetera. This is not an indie developer we are talking about. They plan stuff out, give the teams the say so in what they need to accomplish and they do it. Not like their sitting around in some basement or whatever building the game they way they want it to the dot. As my point being they don't have free control over the outcome as some higher up is wanting it a planned way, so it could come out quicker, slower, or the same time as an none original IP. (Specially if not using their own original game engine). Not saying a small add in or change can not happen, but your not going to see something like, "Lets change the games story or add one" on some bloody whim. (Oh and I am not saying they should rush stuff either. Even if they are some crazy awesome code monkeys).

-i am wrong
-art is art, will never be done by the coder.
-code is only more time consuming is when trying to use low-level things
-need to code in movement etc.
-engines control movement etc.
-movement etc. control in engines not good enough
-original games only take longer when they need a new engine(, or come out on a brand new console with a brand new controller)

Planning, it occurs before you put your fingers on the keyboard.
http://en.wikipedia....ationship_model is one of the more popular ways of planning a software title.

-i think i was trying to say that all you said about the programming is moot since the planning is what i was referring to in this particular case: nintendoland.

O Rly? As the kids say. Guess you missed the point of my second paragraph. Yet if you wish yes you can even pseudocode it up for the outline of the program. Though that was not exactly the overall point............

-pseudocode is good enough

Honestly didn't read your post, I just knew one of you would find some complaint with what I said, so I had that reply ready. Don't want to argue it because it's down to each individual game, not as simple as I put it.

-admitting to it not being as simple as put for all games.

Uhuh...... :rolleyes: There is this thing called an edit button is this was so called to be true. Easily changing what you said without taking your time to have to write out this supposed canned message....

Depends on the game? It is ultimately the same in the end in terms of the 3D functionality. Only thing that makes the coding any longer would be the amount of content thrown into the game such as armor, weapons, et cetera. Yet usually a smart programmer just copies and pastes things if the so called new item needs say a new if statement, switch case, and/or arrays are needed & of course which is more efficient at the so called given time. (Given you can do the same things multiple ways. Even if the code is not as refined. Of course that is not good to extend it on forever). Then just toggle the entry values to whatever is needed and boom done. Only need an artist to make the texture change so the programmer can call in the files needed to be displayed. Of course what I am saying makes it sound much smaller of a job with your Wikipedia diploma, and regardless of how refined the code is we are still talking thousands of line of code & tons of multiple files all being called here and there without each file to then in turn be called into your file which consists your main();. Anyway....

-edit your message so you don't have to defend your stance on something
-all 3d games have the same development time
-only way a game takes longer to make is if you have many items to put numbers in for, which can be avoided by copy and pasting.
-wikipedia diploma
-thousands of lines of codes
-changes in texture need programmer involvement(?)


I didn't edit because it's true. Nintendoland was in development for a long time. The person I was talking at implied it took 5 seconds to make.
I figured she was just saying because it doesn't have super multi hyper global extrapolas texture it took no time to do, which I think is wrong.

-no edit because felt it was still true in this case.
-assumption about op

LOL I am not arguing that the game was in development for a long time. Where do you pull this crap from? Because my original disagreement with you was aimed at the fact you are stating because a game is 3D is is less time consuming to develop because of an art team. In the end 2D & 3D imagery are composed by artist unless we are not wanting a game to look like something from Atari. Making the crazy binary strings to talk to the hardware to light up little pixels on the screen. 3D world games require higher grade physics programming making the coding much more complex while 2D worlds are less complex to code in as they are linear making things less complex to develop. Which I composed my post also saying of course this could be bought and just modified a bit. Being as engines are sold all the time. Hell, I even stated I may be reading your post incorrectly to some degree, but you never even refuted said claim. Instead you turn it into some how leading to explaining to someone of longevity avoiding what was overall said.....

Java scripting and coding using those web design languages are we. I mock you in this extent because you say one thing and contradict the other things you say. That or just completely ignore the fact of what is said and sort of phase it into something completely off of the topic at hand with no disregard as possibly being invalid usually with some kind of retort. Oh and I am not going to say I am this amazing programmer that is so godly better than another. Yet, I am skilled in multiple languages other than the standard C++ (edit: standard for most game design. Unless we are talking possible mobile games which can be Java and not scripting) and from how I read most of all your stuff it sounds like complete moot. (Oh and yeah, I will say in advance I have noticed I have said some much more sharp tongue things the last couple of posts. Happens sometimes upon no sleep for a few days and will say I take responsibility for said actions in regards if I did misread something. However, I still stand by what I am reading at the time as contradictory, misleading, uneducated in said topics, oblivious, and et cetera from my understanding via reading of your said posts.

If they have said store for DLC in game I was unaware of this. If true and transactions are made via an in-game purchase not from said eShop I find Nintendo to be idiotic. As they are basically opening the door to a more none controlled flow of media and money lose in terms of business of electrical goods. Which I suppose Nintendo can not really be prompted on their logic in terms of third party or online distribution as they fail at both. Also, yes I was insisting the such on the such of an application via Nintendo as it would need approval in terms to get put in the eShop and possibly a form of said agreements upon said usage if smart. Surely you do not imply I suggested that Nintendo have no control over what is displayed in their own shop without some details included. Oh and I also original stated that you were not really correct on the fact that you stated a firmware upgrade was needed towards development of a Origin third party store to be made and placed on the eShop. Being as that is how your said post read, but of course some how that changed into more moot saying, "Nintendo allows micro transactions"......... Well no duh.

It seems to me every time I respond it either is not read or some how simplified into another matter that is completely off base of what is being said. Considering has reoccurred multiple times I honestly am to impatient and tired to even bother carrying on a one way conversation leading in loops. I can find my infinite loops in programming thank you very much.

-not arguing about nintendoland taking time to make
-original argument = 3d games take less time to make(don't know where you got that from, I'm sorry for making it seem like I said that, all games take at least 2 years to make, and should really take more imo if they have any hope of being good games)
-2d is simpler (again not sure how this came up, maybe it was the NSMBU mention?)
-i only do javascript, and various web languages. (only web language i like is php :P because it was free when i learned it)
-i contradict myself
-bend what you say or ignore it.

I was, when you said I was wrong.
So you're saying you quoted me to talk about something unrelated to what I said?
Sorry for the confusion.

I didn't mean to say an art team makes things go faster.
What I meant is if you have a dedicated team for the art, you're going to be able to have the art being done at the same time as the programming of gameplay.
I assumed possibly wrongly that the person I quoted was simply saying because nintendoland looks simple, it took no time to make.
I was saying just because it's non got superduper texture art work, it probably still took a long time to make.
New ideas take longer to make than a call of duty every year.
watchdogs was 2 years in the making at e3 2012.
a new cod comes out every 2 years.
That's probably a poor example too, but I'm not trying to say what I say is right, I'm just throwing up some anecdotal evidence to support my text.

Yeah I do oversimplify things, because nobody wants to read technical babble, and I want to write it even less so.

-restating i was talking about nintendoland taking more than 3 seconds to make
-art being made at the same time as plans, codes, etc.

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#39 PedanticGamer


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Posted 09 February 2013 - 07:47 PM

Everything is less resource happy than Steam. I have told this to everyone for years. xD
Streaming as in live video? If so seems pointless to me at least. Considering I have screenshots, upload screenshots, record video, upload said recordings, and even Stream live video all using Xfire which is way less process hungry than Steam & possibly Origin to do much more. Meh, not saying Origin is horrible or anything, but not something to make me use it, specially not for EA only games. Being as I am not always the biggest fan of them. The ones that really matter to me usually get either republished to Steam or else where so I am not required to install more software for maybe one game.

One thing it is though, is it is a free way of streaming in full screen and is also less resource intensive then xplit (at least for me). It is simple and built into the inlay. If there are no games on origin you want and you don't want a free option for full screen streaming (as it works for non origin games as well) then obviously don't get origin. Though one reason I would make an account at the moment is currently you can unlock Battlefield 1942 for free if you have an origin account (though I think that is ending soon).

I will say that it is surprising that nothing from EA's rather spectacular release line up interests you (nothing wrong with not caring for any of the games, it is just surprising . Just to name some exclusive to origin pc games, Dead Space 3, Battlefield 3, MOH Warfighter (sp was meh but I loved the sadly now mostly dead multiplayer), NFS Most Wanted, Crysis 64 bit, Crysis 3, and then of course many available also on steam such as Crysis 2, Alice Madness Returns, Kingdoms of Amular The Reckoning etc.

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