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Member Since 26 Sep 2014
Offline Last Active Oct 05 2014 06:50 AM

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The possibilities of Minecraft on Wii U

27 September 2014 - 09:22 AM

Lately we've been having some Minecraft related news, between Microsoft buying Mojang and Notch admiting he would like to do Minecraft for Wii U and 3DS, and other things such as the misterius U Craft. Personally I believe that Nintendo, such as Nintendo fans, want Minecraft and Mojang is to bussy to attend us all, but someday not to far they are going to staart the development for Nintendo consoles. Now, what happens with U Craft, will Mojang still going to want to make Minecraft after this/ and if they do Minecraft, what happens to U Craft? In short words, will you like or dislike or dont care to have Minecraft on Wii U?

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