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Axis Magnus

Member Since 19 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 18 2011 09:22 PM

Topics I've Started

New Interview with Reggie!

05 July 2011 - 11:47 AM

Teh Link!

Wii U is look more interesting!

Oh, for godsakes Nintendo...

24 June 2011 - 08:34 AM

So this little post on NeoGAF caused a major crapstorm around yesterday because it seems to indicate that the Nintendo RPG Xenoblade may not make it to North America.

Honestly it's no skin off my nose because I have access to PAL games but I am miffed when NA gets denied their content. However, I'm not sure how legit this is considering it's from a small interview from a french tv channel, which it could be taken waaaay out of context than it appears (They could be talking about the controller and not the actual game) and it's posted on a forum (It's frigg'n NeoGAF afterall) and I still have some hope it'll make it to American shores eventually (Then again I felt the same way about Fatal Frame IV and ASH :D )

But if this is true, Then I just hope NOA has a real good reason for holding this back other than some tired tripe like "JRPGs don't sell!" or "Americans only like shooters!" because other than Zelda and Kirby the Wii lineup is looking pretty barren and not releasing it this year is a bonehead move. I'll wait, Nintendo. But my patience is really running thin.

About that sensor strip...

22 June 2011 - 07:35 AM

I'm sure you guys remember about that golf demo in the Wii U concept video; about how a Wii remote could interact with the new controller's sensor strip.

The thing is...What else could you possibly use it for other than golf? I admit, compared to it's other features, I'm creatively bankrupt on this one. :)

"Wii U is a Future You Want."

22 June 2011 - 05:23 AM

Teh link

It's an interesting read. Tell me what you guys think.

Warning! Challenger Approaching!

19 June 2011 - 08:43 PM

Hi, I'm Axis. David's Wii U blog brought me here. I'm looking forward to discussing anything Wii U related and I'll try not tick you guys off.....much :P

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