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Member Since 08 Mar 2015
Offline Last Active Apr 07 2015 07:08 PM

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Greetings everyone

11 March 2015 - 12:39 PM

Hey fellow gamers, first time posting. Hope everyone is doing well! I look forward to discussing all things Ninty but first wanted to introduce myself, and shed a little background on myself.


I like many started gaming on the NES. We recieved the "Challenge set" for Xmas in 1990 so the first games I ever really played were SMB3 / Metroid / Duck Hunt / Zelda ect. Later got a Super NES (and Genesis) which pretty much defined my childhood years, which of course then led my getting the N64 and later the Gamecube my freshman year of high school. So many memories.


I always ended up getting the Playstations later on in the generation (actually only owned a ps3 last gen because I couldn't track down a Wii the first few years so just played with family, now I can luckily catch up on the back back catalogue on Wii U) but was always more of a Nintendo guy. I guess their games fits my personality better? I've never owned an Xbox system but have been into PC from time to time.


Well that's it for now. Peace out!

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