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Member Since 22 Mar 2015
Offline Last Active Mar 29 2015 11:04 AM

#310886 Hi, names Garrett( Gary-wii u username)

Posted by GarrettReznor on 23 March 2015 - 12:08 AM

My Wii u games include( Pikmin 3,Zelda Wind waker HD, Super smash bros, Mario kart 8,super Mario 3d world and zeldas hyrule Warriors) super Mario Galaxy 2,punchout, and metriod prime trilogy via wii u shop.
  I'm incredibly excited to join this community and hope to meet some fellow Nintendo lovers. I bought the wii u almost a year ago with a small level of skepticism but  am so glad I did. Wii u is hands down my favorite console to date, and I've owned/own( ps2-4,360,gamecube, n64. My roommate and I play my wii u over his ps4 9/10 times with his remarks being how underrated the wii u is and why aren't there more games that feature local( split/shared screen)  coop/multi-player games.
  I'm stoked for the new zelda, star Fox, Splatoon, Yoshis woolly world( not sold yet if I'll buy it and of course xenoblade chronicles x.
Who agrees or believes with me that at this year's E3 Nintendo will officially announce the future release of pokken tournament for the wii u!?!

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