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Member Since 20 Jun 2011
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#310909 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Hinkik on 23 March 2015 - 10:30 AM

I had a goal of getting a promo from someone with at least 100k subs this year.


Well my best promo until now was 50k which is around half way.


But this one was 200k I am quite suprised actually:

#310812 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Hinkik on 20 March 2015 - 01:34 AM

If I may ask you guys... How did you come up with your names? I'm just really unhappy with VAX. It just feels lifeless or something.


I played soccer. I scored a goal. Got called Henkick cause my name is Henrik. Wanted to fit Henkick into my Pokemon game. Only 6 characters limit. ???. Hinkik.


So basically, don't just take something you come up with cause it sounds cool. It will be cringe worthy if you it's obvious that it has been made that way.

#310636 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Hinkik on 16 March 2015 - 02:39 PM



Yeah I should've done something about that... :P I just wish I could fix stuff after it's finished. ;_; My CPU was crying by the end of it all. Every time I moved to a different part in the song, I'd have to wait a few seconds for it to unfreeze. Let me tell you, knowing that it could crash and lose everything was not good for my heart...


Why is your CPU load so high? When you streamed you were at 30% all the time. Considering you only seem to use 3xOsc and were streaming at the same time you shouldnt get a few sec freeze between skips. Have you checked your framebuffer? And you can freeze tracks you know. And lastly, there is an option to smartly turn off plugins to save CPU load. Dont remember the name though.

#310328 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Hinkik on 11 March 2015 - 06:25 AM

Yeah frequencies are not my strong suit lol. I actually did that car thing today. I played it in my car and it just sounded a lot more empty. Besides my chords though, I actually write the rest of my song with the chords playing in the background. I think a lot of my problems come from a lack of knowing how to master better haha. I'll mess around with a couple of things though and see if I can improve on any of it though.

I guess I'll post a screen shot of my project file once I have finished touching it up.


If it sounds empty then it might be some phasing issues. Chech the mix in mono before exporting it. Otherwise you might be compressing badly (or not at all?) A dynamic track in a car stereo gets really quiet. Do you run the mix through some kind of brickwall limiter? It's necessary to some degree if you want it to get louder.


A basic mastering chain should look like this:

1. EQ

2. Compression

3. Limiter


Mine looks like this:


First some mixing things I do which is taken in consideration when I master:

Drums routed to a EQ n compress, same with all my keys and bass but the keys and bass are then routed to another single channel that is slightly compressed with the fx channel. The sub bass goes directly to the master channel cause I want the most pure sine wave I can get.


Then all those are routed to the master channel which isn't actually the master channel its a seperate channel which I just routed everything to. I do this to be able to simply turn off my whole mix if I wanna reference it to some reference track I have.


In the "master channel" I have:

1. EQ

2. Multiband compressor and limiter (aka dynamics)

3. Sometimes I have a saturator here

4. Sometimes I have a stereo widener here

5. Brickwall limiter

6. Sometimes an post EQ


My RMS is around -8 dB in the breakdowns, -6 in the intros and outros and around -3 in the drop. The mix is always as loud (in RMS) in mono as it is in stereo.

#310297 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Hinkik on 10 March 2015 - 02:07 PM

No change of synths but instead, I changed the processing of the sounds.




How I imagine Matrix in FL Studio:


finish ur tracks bruhh

Guys lets share our how our project timelines looks like.


Here is Enchant:


#310263 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Hinkik on 09 March 2015 - 02:25 PM

I thought there was something wrong with the bass lol. And when you say main synth, are you talking about the plucky chords, or the pads in the middle?


Probably both needs some less freqs in the 300-600 area haha. Actually the mix sounds probably very nice on most headphones but I have learnt to lessen on some stuff that make tracks sound awesome on headphones like muddy freqs and high bass. Cause when I put it in the car or something, it's a complete disaster.


One good tip is that if you solo a track, it doesn't need to sound awesome. Its supposed to sound awesome in conjuction with the mix. Before I had this mindset I always thought all sounds had to sound great in solo so my leads all had layered high freqs, my bass and piano/pluck always clashed and so on.

#310184 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Hinkik on 08 March 2015 - 01:50 AM

I think it's really good. Whatever sound pack you are using for your drums is nice. I especially like the drum fillers that you used. As for the lead, I think it's fine the way it is, but I'd also like to see what you have in mind for the changes. As for mixing I thought it was very neat. Everything seemed to be blended together rather well, but at the same time you could distinguish each sound seperately. Overall, I think you should keep it the same, but if you want to change the lead around, go for it because I'm curious about that too lol.



Mmmmm, those drum fills... So good.


The mix sounds a little dirtier on this one, though... Not necessarily muddier, but it seems low quality somehow... Is that a rendering thing or just some intense compression and EQ?



So I just started a new song like an hour ago. This is the middle of the song.



Thanks for feedback guys.


The sample packs I used for this track was rough connections 3 and the famous vengeance ones. Almost all samples are highly processed though with distortion, compression and EQ and layering.


I will probably change the lead into only being on the 3rd 8 bars of the drop because it's a catchy lead sound but it gets annoying after a while.


The mix sounds dirtier because I put distortion on the master lmao.


Also, nice teaser Chaos. Looking forward to your next work.

#310008 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Hinkik on 03 March 2015 - 03:21 PM

Dang, I knew I should have bought that program sooner lol. Well send it to me anyway. I'll see if I can just buy it now since I have moneys :P


Well ok then lmao. I can senderino it tomorrow probably. But honestly, I think someting like sylenth1 would be an even better buy for you. That synth is soooo great I love it. Serum is even better though but sylenth1 is better for progressive stuff.

OK gg, never mind. :P They'll be here in like an hour, so I won't have any time. lol


It's probably for the best anyways, I didn't have anything planned... And maybe we can work out a better time so both of you can be there. I need as many viewers as I can get! xD


Viewers count: 3 me, you and chaos?


In any case, it doesn't matter if you dont have anything planned we can just switcheroo (me or chaos starts streaming) if you really go empty.

#309939 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Hinkik on 02 March 2015 - 01:41 PM

Yop, right smack dab in the middle, time wise. Central. :P When would you be able to watch? I stay up late a lot, so that might help. :P


Anytime from 15:45 to 22:00 on non weekends. But sometimes I have lessons to like 18:45.

Btw I just noticed that you can check your totalt work time on each project file in FL studio.


So here is some work times I have:


Predator: 12 h

Guardian: 32 h

A silent voice: 3 h (sry chaos :P)

Nåväl: 6 h

Invaders: +46 h (dont know more since it's splitted into three project files and the third one is lost)

#309591 Member Title Change Request Thread

Posted by Hinkik on 24 February 2015 - 11:20 AM

Skrillax numbr 1 faen

#309513 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Hinkik on 23 February 2015 - 08:30 AM

Ahhhhh... Yeah. I'm starting to kinda doubt this. lol

Working on some stupid melbourne bounce for fun. :P


Put on harder sidechain on the bass/remove the on beat note and you will get the classic melbourne bounce sound.

#309343 Post One or Two Interesting Facts About Yourself

Posted by Hinkik on 20 February 2015 - 02:52 PM

1. I am closely related to Shigeru Miyamoto.


2. I like to lie a lot.


3. This thread's rules doesn't apply to me.

#309279 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Hinkik on 19 February 2015 - 04:55 PM

Yeah when I make music I kind of just throw everything together in the mixer and then sort it all out when I get closer to finishing lol. It might be why my tracks aren't too high quality, but one day I'll break that habit :P


Oh and I really like that complextro song. Kind of makes me wish I knew more about the Massive plugin aside from the few synths I managed to make with it.


Thanks man, but I only used one instance of massive in that song actually. Most were Serum and Sylenth1 haha.


But mixdowns.. well just create the track, then you can remove all effects and properly mix it.


@Chaos Dont know whether this is a remix or a collab since you haven't released the track yet but here is my version anyways:



Probably need to re master it cause I finished it now and the time is currently 02:00 in the night...


Also, please decide if it's a collab or remix. I don't care since it was fun for me ;)

#309262 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Hinkik on 19 February 2015 - 11:09 AM



it's as easy as copy image and paste.  :)


#309084 EDM Production and Appreciation thread!

Posted by Hinkik on 17 February 2015 - 03:21 AM

Hey Matrix, you got any tips for producing Glitch Hop? I kinda like, don't get the same feeling in my tests as you do. My growls/base hits on the first beat doesn't fit in. Maybe the sidechain is too strong or I need to do a different sound design on the base hit? And also, for the lead, I currently use subtractive synthesis to make them but maybe I should use wavetable or FM instead?


Chaos! Let me remix or collab one of your songs! Just for fun! I like your melodies n stuff, so I wonder how they would sound like with my sound design and arrangements.

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