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Member Since 17 Dec 2010
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#2560 IP.Board has a reputation system - do you want to enable it?

Posted by Feld0 on 06 May 2011 - 12:48 PM

You know, I guess the only way we can know whether it's a good idea or not is to give it a shot. Reputation's been enabled.

#2531 Anime Discussion

Posted by Feld0 on 05 May 2011 - 06:03 PM



#2327 IP.Board has a reputation system - do you want to enable it?

Posted by Feld0 on 29 April 2011 - 06:36 PM

You may or may not know that IP.Board has a reputation system built into it. I've left it switched off for the time being, because of my bad experience with vBulletin's rep system over at 3DS Buzz. However, IP.Board's is different, and I think it may be possible for us to use it responsibly. But I don't want to enable it without getting your opinion on it first.

The way it works is like this: every post on the forums has a reputation score. It starts at zero, and every member can either add or subtract a point from it. The idea is for witty, informative, or just plain well-written posts to get voted up. An option is available at the bottom of every topic page that lets you show only high- or low-rated posts.

Every point a post collects counts towards the poster's reputation score, which can be displayed on their profile.

If we decide to activate the reputation system, I will definitely disable the deduction of reputation points as well as the display of points on users' profiles. The former opens the door to irresponsible downvoting, and the latter will create feelings of jealousy between members. Unlike vBulletin, you cannot leave a private comment with your reputation addition, and the posts' scores are anything but private - they are displayed very clearly in the lower-right corner of each post.

Keeping all that in mind, do you think it's a good idea for me to enable the reputation system, or is it better if we keep it off? The reason I'm a bit opposed to it is that I feel it loses its purpose after a while, but on the other hand, having it in place could help us dig up great posts from the forums further on. Vote in the poll, and please reply with your comments on this.

#668 Ban the last poster!

Posted by Feld0 on 01 February 2011 - 07:01 AM

Banned for forgetting the hyphen and period in your sentence.

#592 Ban the last poster!

Posted by Feld0 on 28 January 2011 - 07:14 PM

Banned for questioning my rules.

#587 Ban the last poster!

Posted by Feld0 on 27 January 2011 - 11:01 PM

A classic, and my favourite forum game of all. Simply pretend to ban the poster above you, and state a reason for it. The reason can be absolutely anything that doesn't break the general board rules. Allow me to start.

Banned 'cause you don't exist.

#301 The Era of Video Game Fanboyism

Posted by Feld0 on 28 December 2010 - 03:49 PM

Moved the topic 'cause it belongs in the gaming section.

You're definitely not overreacting, EK. I feel much the same way about fanboyism - there's nothing wrong with loving your console or the company behind it; or a particular franchise like Twilight, Mario, Call of Duty, or Halo; but there's definitely something wrong with someone trying to shove their fanboyism in your face. Rather than convince you to go buy an Xbox 360, a Microsoft fanboy very well may convince you to stay far, far away from it.

I'll admit to it, I'm an obsessive Yoshi fan (as if you couldn't tell from the site's design and my avatar, caption, and profile ;)). But I won't denounce anyone for not liking the li'l guy. One of the blog's first readers, from way back before it even had its own domain, really wasn't too fond of Yoshi, but I didn't hold it against him in the slightest. Whereas the moment you say something critical about the Xbox to most Halo fanboys...oh, you'd better run.

#254 ChatBox!!!

Posted by Feld0 on 25 December 2010 - 05:52 PM

Well, there's nothing wrong with giving the chatbox a try. If it doesn't work, I'll get rid of it. I'll look into adding one in the next day or two, and we'll see how it goes.

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