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Member Since 04 Sep 2011
Offline Last Active May 05 2012 08:07 AM

#26177 If you could make a new game from any 1st Party Franchise what would it be a...

Posted by Matt on 05 September 2011 - 04:24 PM

If I had the choice of how the next Fire Emblem would turn out:

-Updated graphics (obviously)
-Improved battles (like, something that actually looks like an intense duel--like, cinematic CG movie-level fights)
-An injury system, where units with less HP would be less effective in battle. Also, some visual depiction of injury would be cool, but this IS Ninty we're talking about, and a T-rated game.
-Voiced dialogue
-The player plays as the strategist for more immersion (doesn't have to be a custom-named character--like, if you assumed the role of Soren in Path of Radience).
-Maybe, MAYBE some sort of active combat. Like, as an option, since FE is essentially a strategy game.

I'd also make a Wii U version of Golden Sun because Golden Sun was amazing.

A Fire Emblem fighter, like SSB, but with Fire Emblem characters since there's a ton of them, maybe slightly different mechanics.

A new Paper Mario/Mario RPG with lots of touch-screeny goodness.

That reminds me: is the screen on the controller pressure-sensitive? If so, then I've got a whole bunch of other ideas that I'll work on if I have any connection with Nintendo of America when I get out of college.

#26015 E3 2012... im a little worries.

Posted by Matt on 04 September 2011 - 07:47 PM

How much more powerful can a gaming console get while still being practical to play and develop for? In my opinion, until someone figures out how to make point-cloud graphics work well with games, we're pretty much set on graphics. The more polygons in a model, the more time and money it takes to develop. Skyrim looks amazing, but ultimately, isn't it running on hardware from half a decade ago? You really have to look hard to notice the difference in graphics between games from 2007 and games from 2011, even on the PC.

So, no, Nintendo's not gonna get the console one-up. It's gonna come down to games in 2012 at the rate we're going now.

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