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Member Since 22 Sep 2011
Offline Last Active May 24 2012 10:00 AM

#62349 Well, this is awkward...

Posted by CaptainBravo1 on 18 February 2012 - 07:12 PM

That awkward moment when you're sitting at the drive through listening "stamp on the ground" and singing along. You (Me) look up and see the cashier staring at you(Me) listening to you(Me) sing along. Total embarrassment :blush:.

#62156 Minecraft Wii-U

Posted by CaptainBravo1 on 17 February 2012 - 07:10 PM


But it should be able to play games online like Minecraft. They should have all of them, like World of Warcraft, Club penguin, Minecraft, Roblox, Dragonball Online, Blockland, Fifa, etc.

What are you saying "Yuck" to? Minecraft? Or the idea? Just wondering it caught me off guard. =D

#61249 Monster Hunter plus wii-U equal success?

Posted by CaptainBravo1 on 12 February 2012 - 11:57 AM

Glad to hear what everyone has to say on the topic. From here on out I'm just rambling.

(Here's where my rambling begins.)-> Nintendo from what I've seen and read are going to start trying to appeal to hard-core gamers. Which I say ok whatever just give me my Nintendo high and Monster Hunter! XD Also if they are able to put the grandness of Monster hunter on a little game cartrage for the 3DS than they can make it 10 times no! 20 times better for the Wii-U no questions asked. Well It is more of a given for Japan cuz Nintendo of America never let any good games in. -.- I'm suprised after I think two of being released Xenoblade chronicles. Will hit the U.S.A by April 2012 already got it reserved. Now, just got to wait for Pandora's Tower to be released. Still waiting for Monster Hunter and the return of the Switch Axe.

I didn't get to play Monster Hunter Tri as much as I wanted to but if Tri-G comes over I will get it. Do I hope for Monster Hunter to arrive on Wii U, well there is an easy Answer:
Posted Image

Also if Nintendo of America could use Nintendo Direct to help the sells of the game with the west. People love Reggie Fils-Aime so seeing him play a Monster Hunter game and saying how cool it the game is can be a big plus.

This made me laugh, so hard when I realized it was Dr. House. Took me a minute cuz I didn't reconize him with a smile on his face. XD

#37385 Monster Hunter for Wii U?

Posted by CaptainBravo1 on 20 October 2011 - 05:10 PM

I'm really hoping for a new monster hunter for any system (American release) Even though I'm a Nintendo die hard I'm also a Monster hunter die hard. I hope its on the Wii-u just imagine if you use the new screen controller for the bow gun/bow. But I had some major issues with Tri. Like to few monsters (big and small) No new quests aftr lvl 51 and they basically gave up on it. I mean Wii can have DLC and I would be willing to pay for Monster hunter tri DLC eveb though it has been out for what over a year? I still play it cuz the social interaction is the thing that is keeping it alive for now and they truly need to make a new one and it should be for Nintendo only (My opinion) to prove that Microsoft and Sony can't push them around. But don't get me wrong on this I love Monster hunter tri and I the disk breaks. :laugh:  But seriously the wii disk could hold alot more than the psp disk but the psp disk got like lets see about 3x's the content tri got and the ps2 did also. Come on Capcom I'm cheering for you (Not litereally unless you actually will make the next one for Wii-U) to make the next big Monster Hunter title. (P.S. If they do I will make a YouTube Video of me cheering.)Wow I wrote alot; sorry about that I love Monster Hunter. B)

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