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Member Since 29 Jan 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 11 2012 02:02 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Assassin's Creed III Protagonist revealed?

01 March 2012 - 08:07 AM

I'll probably love the game, regardless of the setting. The artwork looks amazing though and it seems real to me. I just hope the city/location is varied enough and has plenty of free running options. I really have no idea what the cities were like in America at that time ^^,

In Topic: Pokemon Black 2/ Pokemon White 2

26 February 2012 - 05:16 AM

I don't care if it's only for the DS, I will love this regardless.. Most likely ^^, In the future a Pokemon 3DS game will come anyway, I can wait for that. I hope they improve the online functionality a bit though, GTS, Online Subway (e.g. fight together with a friend on the other side of the world), etc. More worlds (which is rumoured) would be great aswell.

In Topic: Sony's new chief says they are going to make “unavoidable, painful choices”

17 February 2012 - 04:53 PM

I wonder how much that will make a difference. The large budget for marketing. I think most people that have a certain amount of interest in the Vita already know about it, thus marketing seems a bit.. pointless. Ofcourse you might reach a new audience, but I don't think that audience is large enough. Perhaps they should use the money to reduce the price instead for a certain time. Ah well, let's see what it does.

In Topic: Sony's new chief says they are going to make “unavoidable, painful choices”

14 February 2012 - 06:22 AM

I see it more likely that Sony will depart the gaming industry, than leaving other electronics. A new Playstation requires a large investment and thus money, which they don't appear to have at this moment. Other electronics are already established and require less investment, so it seems more likely to me that they stick with those relatively cheap products. The PS Vita might change things though, but if it flops it might be another reason to leave the gaming industry (for the upcoming generation).

In Topic: RUMOR - Ubisoft's 2012 game lineup (Assassin's Creed 3 on Wii U)

13 February 2012 - 05:51 PM

True that, and Assassin's Creed 3 is out in November as far as I know. It might be a launch title then, that'd be very nice hehe.

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