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Joshua West

Member Since 10 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 04 2013 10:18 AM

Topics I've Started

Wiimotion Plus Games on WiiU

08 April 2013 - 05:35 AM

What games would you like to see with Wiimotion Plus support?  I know everyone is enamored with the gamepad, but I feel that the peripheral never quite lived up to its full potential.  Don't get me wrong I really enjoyed Red Steel 2 and Skyward Sword but imagine WMP utilized in Waverace U or The Force Unleashed 3, or Waluigis Mansion (soon)

Can someone give me a convincing reason to get a Vita

04 February 2013 - 02:28 PM

I got some extra money recently and I'm considering purchasing a PS Vita.
However a lot of things are holding me back,
First, games, while there are games that appeal to me on the system like Persona 4 Golden, Gravity Rush, and Disgaea, nothing stands out to me as a must buy.  Secondly, including the cost of memory cards, I'd basically be buying a PS3, but a PS3 would be a better deal (and I won't get one because me and my roommate already have a gamecube and Xbox, and I hate the Dualshock).  Ultimately I dont feel like the purchase would be justified, but what do y'all think?


28 January 2013 - 07:00 AM

If they were to invent Baconade (a bacon-flavored drink not with bacon fat or grease) would you drink it?

New Golden Sun?

20 January 2013 - 11:07 AM

So Camelot says that they would be willing to develop a new Golden Sun if fan response is strong enough. What direction would you want the game to take and would you want to petition for it?

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