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Member Since 09 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 22 2012 12:03 PM

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In Topic: PlayStation 3 vs Wii - Which had better RPG's?

21 July 2012 - 06:55 PM

Do not accuse me of being close-minded. You will lose that war.

And you're correct, this thread is OUR PERSONAL opinion, so quit quoting other people and trying to cram your personal opinion down their throats like it's religion.

Ha! It's the first time I have read such an asinine response,What Idiotic war is that? You realize you've shot yourself in the foot with this response right? So I quoted or misqouted your silly observation sue me! If anything I did so to prevent you from claiming I put words in your mouth. I find the accusation that I am somehow cramming my Personal opinion down someone's throat to be completely ludicrous, as if no one on this thread(including you) hasn't done so? let me demonstrate and I quote (hehe)

"On the other hand, I'm not sure if there an RPG that has had a bigger effect on the JRPG world than Xenoblade Chronicles. I mean, this game is probably the biggest thing to hit the RPG world since Chrono Trigger was released."--You

Really now is that a fact?

And what about this Gem? " Besides, scores aren't everything"

Wait It goes on! " While the PS3 has quantity, the Wii has a rather large amount of quality in its JRPGs"

All according to you.

"So like Emblem said, I personally feel that it's a tie" are you defending this person or do you speak for him?

I would like to add that I may have been a little aggressive at first with my previous responses I do admit that, (Sorry about that Emblem). I also realize you (Gamecollector) are not a close-minded "fanboy" as I can clearly see you also play on your PS3 and have achieved a many platinums as well ( good on you mate). But..the fact of the matter is we both have fallen for this Troll bait (sorry OP it's true) and suffered for it. I would to caution you though not to stick your teenage nose too far into the honey badger's burrow or you will get bitten(lol just kidding). It is all about opinions, fair enough?

In Topic: PlayStation 3 vs Wii - Which had better RPG's?

21 July 2012 - 05:28 PM

Yeesh, calm down. You're going at the poor dude like a rabid badger. Besides, scores aren't everything. I could play a game that got a perfect score and think it sucked.

Well, I know the PS3 does have more JRPGs/RPGs in general, I mean, we hold these truths to be self-evident.

On the other hand, I'm not sure if there an RPG that has had a bigger effect on the JRPG world than Xenoblade Chronicles. I mean, this game is probably the biggest thing to hit the RPG world since Chrono Trigger was released.

While the PS3 has quantity, the Wii has a rather large amount of quality in its JRPGs. (Not saying ones on the PS3 are bad, but still.)

So like Emblem said, I personally feel that it's a tie.

Posted Image

Sigh... I realize this is a WiiU forum so I don't expect most of the posters to have a open mind on gaming in general. I am one of the lucky ones that own more than one specifc console(WII,PS3,Xbox360) and I also realize that I probably won't be able to convince you or anyone else on my position. I know this because the truth is most people answer these type of Questions(the poll) based on their experiences and opinions,which to be fair is exactly what the OP wants to know, "Our Opinion". So with that in mind MY opinion Is based on the amount of time I've spent playing RPG's in total and Which of these two Consoles Provided more enjoyment for me. My opinion....PS3 takes the cake. It not only satisfied my gaming thirst for JRPG's but it also sated my WRPG thirst as well. I realize the wii also had its gems but Xenoblade chronicles came a bit too late for MY taste, Although I did play it and enjoyed as well.

In Topic: PlayStation 3 vs Wii - Which had better RPG's?

21 July 2012 - 04:50 PM

Cool, but the title is which had better, not more.

Well its exactly why i put a Metacritic List to show the scores of the games on the two systems, so you tell me which system has the better games? More is a Plus in my Book.

In Topic: PlayStation 3 vs Wii - Which had better RPG's?

21 July 2012 - 04:38 PM


A Tie? you must be Joking right? allow me to show you the difference with this....

http://www.metacriti...3?view=detailed PS3 RPG/JRPG List

http://www.metacriti...i?view=detailed Wii RPG/JRPG List

As you can see the PS3 Has Three Pages of RPG/JRPG games while the Wii has one and the PS3 had very good RPG and JRPG games compared to the Wii.... So a Tie really?

In Topic: PlayStation 3 vs Wii - Which had better RPG's?

21 July 2012 - 04:25 PM

Lmao hahaha sorry but this is a very funny Poll since the answer is so obivious. The PS3 hands down had the most RPG and JRPG games compared to the Wii.
Sorry but this is a 100% Fact.

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