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Member Since 24 May 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 27 2012 04:56 AM

Topics I've Started

Asura's Wrath

21 August 2011 - 06:03 PM

Blimey! This game is utterly mad, in an impressive kind of way, and a strong possibility for the Wii U, according to Capcom;

Not sure if it is my kind of thing, but it certainly pulls out all the stops. Talk about over the top.


14 August 2011 - 11:33 AM

I've been thinking about why Nintendo are being so secretive about the Wii U?

Sure, not all the specs will be finalised, but, with the latest version of the dev kits already out, they must have a damn good idea of what the machine is capable of? I have also been somewhat taken aback by the number of big-name devs who give verbal support to the wii U, but tend to end their comments with something like; "we'll have to wait and see if the machine and market for the Wii U suits our needs".

It is almost as if they are all singing from the same hymn-book, as though they agreed to say this kind of thing. Maybe it's my over-active imagination, or the conspiracy theorist lurking inside me, just below the surface, but I'm becoming more and more convinced that Nintendo are hiding the true power and support of the Wii U in order to create a massive splash when it is launched. Perhaps they want to catch the competition off guard?

This article is what started me down this road;

Then again, I might be just indulging in wishful thinking.

The Darkness 2 at launch?

27 July 2011 - 12:52 AM

I seem to remember reading that "The Darkness 2" would be a Wii U launch title, but can't find where I read it, does any else remember this? It's crtainly a bit bloody and full of gore for a Nintendo machine, which is a good thing as far as I am concerned. We need the Wii U to be seen as hosting all genres.

This is the first game;

Third-Party Love

02 July 2011 - 04:49 PM

Is anyone looking forward to third party titles on the Wii U?

I see lots of threads discussing how great Nintendo's own products might be, but few, if any, talking about third party titles.

Of those games already announced, I'm keen to see Colonial marines and Assassins creed on the Wii U. I like to play FPS games, so Killer freaks and Metro peak my interest too.More than these, I'm hoping other titles come the this new machine. I am open to all kinds of games and no doubt will buy a lot of different titles, but Nintendo's own products are not at the top of my list right now, I want a machine that has it all, from Mario to Rage.

More confusion...

24 June 2011 - 04:28 AM

In a much mis-quoted statement about Nintendo's new online services and the Wii U, I spotted this from Miyamoto; "Also by having the smaller screen, being able to go online and perhaps see what game your friend is playing or see what TV they're watching

That suggests a feedback from the T.V. to the console, if that is the case, could you watch T.V. on the new controllers screen, while playing on the T.V. screen? Makes me think the idea that the new controller might double as a "universal remote" is not so mad after all...then again.

It just seems every time that Nintendo say something, they are creating more questions than giving answers.

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