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Member Since 19 May 2012
Offline Last Active May 02 2016 06:37 PM

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Zelda Wii u delay = NX launch title?

01 April 2015 - 07:57 PM

Serious thought here.

New possibility for the game to be better obviously it could be better in a few ways simply due to better hardware.

But the real reason I believe this is that Nintendowill NOT be showing the game at E3 this year. Very strange given that one years E3 is definitely the time to hype a game coming out the following year.

So next years E3 will actually promo the game, which will also be about the time the NX IS FIRST OFICIALLY MENTIONED in a hype capacity.

Given the recent remarks from miyamoto and iwata about the big game launch issue combined with the realization that the wii u is a downhill proposition, it makes sense for nintendo to continue to support wii u, but not pouring liquid gold into a vat with a hole in it.

If the NX launches with Zelda, Mario, Metroid, etc. It would likely be an instant and possibly unparalleled success, creating instant momentum that will built the mindshare and free hype that will serve to encourage consumers and developers alike.

Personally, though I love the wii u, I feel this is for the best. For the game, for nintendo, and ultimately for the gamer who would've bedt serv d to play this amazing game on the best hardware possible.

Anyone else suspect this?

metroid prime trilogy wii u

01 February 2015 - 11:13 PM

going to relive some nostalgia here and hope again for a new game  


but... disappointed that it requires wii gear  this wasnt done on the wii channel it was on the U eshop so i hoped it was reworked for the gamepad  


but cant even enjoy it now because i have to unpack the sensor bar and buy a new wiimote. 


i carefully readcthe description and info before i bought it  but there was no indication it required wii hardware. 


to be honest bummed a bit. but still excited at the same time.


anyone else playing this?


how are you enjoying it?


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