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Member Since 17 Feb 2011
Offline Last Active Dec 17 2012 09:06 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Will the WII U have a brand new sensor bar?

24 August 2011 - 01:13 AM

[If they use a new sensor bar] they will be forced to sell new Wii remotes or they will use the old sensor bar. It's just simple logic really.

It's not simple logic. They would have to go way out of their way just to make it not work. It's just two sets of inferred LEDs. You can replace the sensor bar with candles and it'd work (depending on light in the room, of course). It's nothing special.

Or are you not talking about what I think you are? You worded it badly.

In Topic: Retro Studios are working on a Wii U game

20 August 2011 - 10:26 AM

The only official mention of Metroid was talking about possible concepts, which included the scan visor. As evidenced by Other M, Sakamoto cares more about gameplay (Actually, Other M is a terrible example) than writing short scientific logs about the creatures in the Metroid world, so either Retro are making another Metroid game or they it's just speculation.

Also for people whining about Metroid and saying they won't make another, a quick google search of "Retro not making anymore Metroid games?" shows random links and the only thing of relation is a blog post on 1Up entitled "Retro may return to Metroid one day".

In Topic: Known facts

19 August 2011 - 07:16 AM

So show me, I'm prepared to be astounded. Don't forget, I'm talking about comparing both at a resolution of 1080p, what most modern T.V.'s are capable of, as console players tend to use T.V.'s, and this thread is about consoles. I'm just using high-end P.C.'s as a measure of what "next-gen" consoles might be like.

I'm perfectly prepared to accept that you find the differences "jaw-dropping", fine, I don't, but does that change the points I made? A: That even a "next-gen" console which was as good as, or better than, a current high-end P.C. will not make the Wii U obsolete, and B: If gamers were really that "moved" by such things then we would all be playing on P.C.'s, not consoles.

The Wii U is very likely to hold it's own with "Next-gen" consoles, regardless of their power-ups.

It changes your points because:

A: A console with the same amount of current top of the range PCs is impossible, and if it weren't it would make the Wii U obsolete if just for the cool kid factor.

B: No, no we wouldn't. A PS3, which is considered to be amazing graphics can be bought for $299 last time I check, where as a top of the range PC costs well over $1000

In Topic: Wii U's Rejection.

19 August 2011 - 01:04 AM

Yeah but the point is what if the 3rd parties fail at first then they completly stop making games on the console so once again people will switch consoles for different games and will end up like a wii with only 1st party master pieces that "Core" gamers don't and other garbage that no one likes.

Ever heard of dudebro? They're people who buy games solely on popularity or graphics. 3rd parties will appeal to them. And say, for example, you could use the Wii Zapper with the Wii U remote as a scope, that'd put you at an advantage in games like COD, and loads of people will eat it up for that sole reason.

And do you know how many people are massive fans of Nintendo games but don't own a Nintendo console for the fact that they can't afford to own 2 consoles and that the PS3 and 360 have more and better third party games? Loads. And if they can get all the first party Nintendo games and all the great third party games on one console it will do brilliantly.

In Topic: Retro Studios are working on a Wii U game

19 August 2011 - 12:56 AM

I'd like to see them do a new IP for Nintendo.

Sort-of like how they released a PotC Trilogy?
But before you die of rage, hear me out. A Metroid game that is developed by Retro doesn't need to be part of the Prime Arc. The sooner everyone realizes this, the better.

Also, Retro never actually said this, it was another one of those lies/rumors by that Emily Rogers person.


Retro isn't developing Mario Kart 7, they're helping design a track based on Donkey Kong Country Returns, that's all.

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