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Member Since 21 Jul 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 14 2012 07:04 AM

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Who was/is dissapointed with the PS3?

21 October 2012 - 03:24 PM

I'll keep it short.

The Playstation (PSX)

This is a genuine classic console.It redefined gaming,and introduced a whole new genre of games.It deserved its success. The controller at the time was awesome,and playing wipeout with it is a fond memory of mine.An endless catalogue of games make this console possibly the most loved console ever released. (if it had mario it would've gained legendary status)

The Playstation 2

Following on from the awesome success of its predecessor,the PS2 didnt have much to worry about.Amazing graphics,DVD playing capabilities,and a resounding 'cool factor' meant the PS2 was arguably even more popular than PS1.Metal gear solid 2 literally wow'd gamers with its gfx,and GTA3 and Vice city as long time exclusives destroyed the competition.PS2 was a juggernaut,and nothing could stop it.Again,another much loved classic console.

The Playstation 3.

Even after the huge success of the PS2,there was always something iffy about the PS3 in previews.It was strange then,but clear looking back.

XBOX. I bet Sony hates that name.The initial release of XBOX,did actually steal some of sony's thunder,even if its ps2 was untouchable at the time.See,what happened was the ps2 market was saturated with copy cat shovelware games,and thats great for the casuals and families.But for a while,sony took there eye off the core gamers,and microsoft took most of them in one swoop with there much more poweful xbox,and some killer games with killer graphics.Halo and PGR need no mention.Also notable and a first for consoles,was an internal HDD.We could even rip CD's!! We had custom soundtracks!! We had better gfx,loading times....better everything really.Not to mention LIVE which completely revolutionised online multiplayer on consoles.

So...................Fast forward to PS3. They gave us an internal HDD,cool. But Microsoft already had a cooler feature where you could take your HDD anywhere,even connect it to your mates 360. If you tried that on PS3,you would have to format the HDD,not cool.

Sony added a bluray player,Great!! Except it hiked up the cost and a PS3 would set you back at least £425! AT LEAST!! To add to the insult of the price,we got a lovely composite cable in the box,thanks sony.
But it certainly doesnt stop there,said bluray player is so slow,you have FORCED game installs,because the drive cant read the disc fast enough.So after getting home with a game you've just bought,you might as well load it up and head on out for a few beers, and it might be done when you get back.

-No rumble until late on
-Controller design same as PS1 except with lousy 'pressure sensitive' buttons which btw,are useless.
-Launch console is the worst looking console ever.Huge,heavier than my PC in fact.
-Worst AD campaign ever
-Oh yh the triggers on the controller............lol

I could go on and on tbh.Sure microsoft have made mistakes(RROD anyone?) But on the whole,Sony have lost the foothold they had.Absolutely shockingly bad advertising,coupled with poor multiplat ports and a general lack of direction are literally killing sony atm. PSvita? Where are sony? What are they doing? I dont even think they know. I'll post more when my brain gets in gear again.

Dont doubt the Wii U's performance potential

08 September 2012 - 04:48 PM

After doing lots of reading about wii u,including rumours and people seemingly having access to Nintendo,IBM,and AMD's plans,i have to ask this question.....

Why do you all seem to think you know whats inside the console?

Person A: Its a Power 7 super duper IBM powerhouse CPU.

Person B: No,its a tri core cpu worse or equal to the 360 cpu.

How do you guys know this/that?

Do you not sometimes take a step back,and realise your just following rumours,you should say this to yourselves: "you know what,im just going along with what im reading"

Its a joke tbh.

But i have no doubt of the potential of this new console. Apparently it has '1GB or RAM available to games' But people suddenly think the Wii u only has 1GB RAM. Think about it,the PS3 only has 256mb of VRAM,the Wii U has a whole GB,this is awesome make no mistake.

But still,even im speculating,because we dont know if it has 1GB Vram,or if it has 1gb ram split between System and GFX.

Either way,its at least double the amount of 360 or PS3 so rest assured the Wii U WILL be much better than the current gen.

Tbh i cant wait for Wii U it looks awesome,im currently talking it up amongst my friends family,i cant wait to show them Zombi U and Aliens:CM. Cheers.

About the power of the Wii U

21 July 2012 - 01:37 PM

Hi all,ive been following this site for about a month,and tbh some of the people posting about the Wii u's specs have me quite amused.

First off,everyone keeps banging on about the CPU inside the console,saying its not as powerful/is/ or isnt a match for the 360.

Can i just say a CPU does not need to be stupidly fast,its mainly the system RAM and GPU that bottlenecks the CPU. (at least in console history)

Lets get this straight: XBOX 360 CPU is 3.2ghz,tri core,with 6 threads total. When it was first released,it was a 90nm design,it was stupidly hot even PC's were running higher ghz with better more efficient technology.

Nowadays M$ has got it to 45nm,it runs cooler,more efficient,but its still the same cpu,and do you hear ANYONE complaining about its performance?
Even M$ have stated its mainly the system RAM/V-RAM and GPU processing that are the main bottlenecks.

That was like 7 years ago. So thats is an ice age in PC terms,and you know what?.....CPU's have come a long way. Even if the Wii-U's cpu is 'only' 2.9ghz,it WILL still outperform the 360 and most certainly the PS3 because its simply got more efficient clock cycles plus advances in cache etc etc.

How do you think they can squeeze a tri/quad core into a little box like that and not be fast/efficient?

And a educated guess will tell me the GPU will be a 6670,which is quite a bit inferior to a 6770. But thats another story.. Cheers.

And also,the 360 and PS3 have a total of 512mb ram,split between system and gpu respectively.

If the Wii-U does actually have 1.5gb ram shared,that is a HUGE increase and rest assured will demolish 360 and PS3.

And if its 2GB? Even better.

Lastly id like to state im no fanboy,i did own a wii and sold it,i also had a ps3 on 2 occasions and sold them both. I am a 360 gamer currently,but im definetily getting a Wii-U because i see the huge potential it has.

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