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Member Since 17 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Sep 20 2014 02:01 AM

#205418 What video games do you own that you haven't completed, and why?

Posted by cannonshane on 09 May 2013 - 05:20 AM

Completed = 100% done the game, so do you mean completed or just finished?
Completed list - A LOT of games, because am not a complesionist
Finished list -
Metroid Nes
Donkey Kong gameboy
Resident Evil Revelations, Just not as into it as I thought i would be.
Luigi's mansion, only got it yesterday
Darksiders 2, no excuse of why i haven't finished it yet
Not much else, i normally finish games 1 by 1 thus having all my games finished.
There's a left handed control scheme for the game, you use the X, Y, A, B to move like a D-Pad

you're a gamer... but don't finish games because they bore you? Wha...?

Well yes. I buy a huge amount of games, I'm not short of money, I play them for a few hours and if they don't 'grip' me I very rarely play them again. They either sit there and gather dust or I trade them in.

#201335 Wii U or iPhone 5?

Posted by cannonshane on 28 April 2013 - 06:41 PM

Your comparing a mobile phone to a games console, anyway, I use to have an iPhone but I'm so glad I changed over to the galaxy s3.

#200104 Hidden Things added in Update

Posted by cannonshane on 25 April 2013 - 07:14 PM

Not really hidden but when you first turn the console on it now displays your Nintendo network ID under each user. 


List of things.

#194968 Your Ideal 9th Gen Console

Posted by cannonshane on 15 April 2013 - 11:50 AM

II don't think it's the consoles that need to change its developers, they need to stop trying to make games just for visuals and to get high ratings in magazines/websites, go back to making fun games.

#192416 Game characters you have a crush on

Posted by cannonshane on 09 April 2013 - 09:26 PM

Peach. She is such a fox

#191871 Jim Sterling: Console market is practically in a crash

Posted by cannonshane on 09 April 2013 - 03:03 AM

And PC's are no good for people like me who works on them all day, the last thing I want to look at when I get home is another computer /keyboard and mouse.

#191750 Jim Sterling: Console market is practically in a crash

Posted by cannonshane on 08 April 2013 - 04:20 PM

I know exactly were it would be heading, mobile platforms and budget consoles like game stick and ouya. Because developers don't need millions of dollars to make a game.

#189366 Buying a UK Wii U for Australia

Posted by cannonshane on 02 April 2013 - 04:45 PM

Well UK games work on an aus console I can confirm that.

#188043 What game you YOU want to see come back from the grave.

Posted by cannonshane on 29 March 2013 - 09:29 PM

Banjo kazooie

#188039 Sort Your carp crap Out, Nintendo

Posted by cannonshane on 29 March 2013 - 09:11 PM

If we make our voice heard, someone at Nintendo will see.

Bahahaha what are you 9, Nintendo has there business operations planned not only years in advance but pay people big bucks to organise it all, do you really think they sit their and read through forums to please people who sook all the time.

#184811 Just for Fun: Wii U rebrand

Posted by cannonshane on 21 March 2013 - 04:06 AM

No3rdparty4 U

#183773 WiiU faults, Nintendo listen!

Posted by cannonshane on 17 March 2013 - 08:56 PM

How many times can one person say the word "commercial" In one short video..

#182800 NASDAQ: Nintendo Must Sell 500K Wii U Games to Recoup Loss

Posted by cannonshane on 14 March 2013 - 07:45 PM

Well i personally plan to buy about 3-4 in the next month or so alone, So i doubt that's a hard number for them to hit.  

#182755 Fast&Furious Showdown headed to Wii U

Posted by cannonshane on 14 March 2013 - 04:24 PM

LOL very very very rarely are any movie games good let alone acceptable, Im a huge fast and the furious fan but i bet this game sucks balls.

#181468 I think the PS4 specs are a lie

Posted by cannonshane on 10 March 2013 - 06:23 PM

I do not care for specs on paper, give me the console running a game in front of me then I will make judgement, it's easy for people to sit there and sh1t bag how good or bad a console is by looking at a specs list, but tell me this how do you measure fun in specs???

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