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Member Since 18 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 06 2013 12:22 PM

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Is Bayonetta too much for me?

18 September 2012 - 09:39 PM

(First off, I have no idea if this is in the right section or not. I just made this account today because I really would like to hear what other people think about this, and couldn't think of another place to post it.)

So I have been hearing a whole lot of good things about Bayonetta recently (for obvious reasons), and went and did a little research and... well... it actually looks really fun. And since I really don't like playing sequels to games without having ever played the originals, I am considering going out and getting it sometime soon.

However, there is a bit of a problem.... I'm a teensy bit prudish... and thus sexual stuff in games sort of bother me. And from what I have seen of the title character at least, this game appears to have a bit of a sexaulized style at first glance. And no I'm not one of those "OH TEH NOES THINK OF TEH CHILLLDRENS???" people who thinks videogames should be nothing but kids games. I honestly don't care what people put in games, so long as it is rated in a way that lets me know exactly what it is I am buying. I just don't like sexual stuff. It makes me feel kind of sick. If I had to explain the feeling in detail, it is sort of like looking over the edge of a really tall building combined with the feeling you get when you have eaten way too much.

So I was just wondering... exactly how sexual is the game? Is it just the main character? Is the game actually as fun as it looks? Fun enough to put up with all the sexual stuff? Like I said, I really want to give this game a shot. But I don't want to waste time and/or money if it indeed turns out being too much for me to handle.

TL;DR: I am a prude, but I want to play Bayonetta. Wat do?

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