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Member Since 24 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Oct 25 2012 06:05 PM

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In-store pre-Orders available at Target today!

24 October 2012 - 02:59 PM

Found this today while searching Wii U stuff:  http://www.examiner....tore-pre-orders

I went to Target and got my deluxe version pre-ordered!  It's a $5 pre-order fee.

Warning: the store I went to and another I called for a friend only got FIVE pre-order cards per system edition, each.  Meaning 5 standard / 5 deluxe.  And I'm in a big city (Miami), and these are the two busiest Targets.  So I would definitely go to Target today if you plan on taking advantage of this.  If cards are not on display, ask someone in electronics and they should be in the back (which was my case).

Good luck! :)

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