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Member Since 16 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 30 2012 01:41 PM

Topics I've Started

Wii U clock speeds are found by marcan

29 November 2012 - 06:20 AM

Marcan is back and he has successfully hacked the Wii U!! Although, he is still working on getting to the systems core and full power potential, he has released some minor info...Look for a Wii U Homebrew channel in about 6 months, but for now, check out the CPU and GPU clock speeds he has released. Some forum members on the link provided are clowning these numbers, but you have to remember, Marcan clocked these figures while NOT playing a game, so the processor speeds can be a lot faster during gameplay. Its safe to say that the Wii U's OS doesnt need to run at high speeds for CPU and GPU.

marcan is a well known Wii hacker, in case you haven't heard of him.

Wii U codenames worth knowing: system Cafe, CPU Espresso, GPU/SoC/etc. Latte, ARM secure processor Starbuck (we made that one up).

1.243125GHz, exactly. 3 PowerPC 750 type cores (similar to Wii's Broadway, but more cache).

GPU core at 549.999755MHz.

we're calling the WiiU security processor the Starbuck (vs. Starlet on Wii). And it seems to be about equally vulnerable, too

sorry, I'd rather not talk about how I got that yet. It doesn't involve leaks, it involves Wii U hacks ;)

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Why was my drawing deleted by an admin?

26 November 2012 - 11:27 AM

I read the code of conduct and no where did I see a reason for this drawing to be deleted.

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Wii U not reading Wii saves!

22 November 2012 - 05:05 AM

Question for you. I tried to play a Wii game on the Wii U, and it didn't read my save data for that game. When I popped it in the pc I saw the files were there. Also, I had purchased two games Mario 64 and Super Mario. I was able to see them from the SD section of the Wii menu, but I couldn't load them to play. What can I do to get this to work?

Idea for next gamepad

19 November 2012 - 10:24 PM

What if Nintedo released a 3DS: XXL, and made it so that it's cross play compatible with the Wii U. Just imagine being able to play 3DS games on the TV, and being able to view Wii U games in 3D on the gamepad. They could also amp up the res on the device. IDK I just figured instead of releasing so many handheld clones they give it some practical use. Also extended battery life would also be nice.

Is it normal for a white light to be on when a game is inserted?

19 November 2012 - 10:51 AM

I powered the console off, and it has a white light where the eject button is above the red power button. I only noticed this after giving my game a break, and powering off the console. Is this normal, or does this have to do with a Miiverse notification? Also, does anyone know if the Wii U lights up blue like the Wii did with notice updates?

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