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Member Since 30 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 28 2012 01:12 PM

Topics I've Started

Wii U - More play options than we realize

25 December 2012 - 07:33 PM

Various ways I've discovered to play my WiiU off screen whilst using the gamepad in a different room

Not sure I've seen this method of play in any of the online reviews, blogs, etc...

Whilst it may seem unlikely that anyone would want to use their wii mote or pro controller when the gamepad already has its own controllers...? the option exists for those interested....

My thoughts are that Nintendo might actually release a video out connector of some kind allowing you to hook your gamepad up to an additional external device. For example, it would be great if I could connect the gamepad to my projector in the theatre room and play COD without having to move the console for those games that support off screen play.

And for those of us playing say black ops 2 in double screen mode... the ability to view the game on the gamepad on a  bigger screen via some form of video out(even if the resolution isn't upscaled 1080p) would be a fantastic addition.

PS. Im using a battery operated infra bar to operate the wiimote which is located in a different room to my Wii u console. The pro controller works anywhere in our 2 story home. The only limitation is how far the gamepad can travel before it loses the signal. Though Im sure some form of signal extender might appear in the not so distant future..?

G'day hows about wii throw another shrimp on the barbie?

30 November 2012 - 09:52 PM

New to the forums. Picked up my Wii U yesterday.
Im an old timer whos first getup was on the vic 20.

Unfortunately for me Im a natural fault finder and if this things got some issues...well I'm likely to experience them!
Coincidence? probably not.

I do however like fixing most things myself so If I find a prob I'l post it here hopefully along with a way around it....

Why dont I start things off....1st issue of the bat Wii U DHCP problems. If u have them do the following....

Wii U Manual Set-Up (How  to Manually Set Up an Internet Connection): http://www.nintendo....p&helpcatID=253

Once you have completed the Manual Set-Up of the Wii U's internet connection settings please place the IP Address you have created for the Wii console into your routers DMZ settings.  For instructions on how to do this please refer to the routers product manual or contact your router manufacturer.

In addition please change your router's channel setting to 1 or 11. By default, most routers broadcast on channel 6, which overlaps with other channels and may be weaker. For help doing this, click here and select your router brand and model (if available). The information you need is found in the "Broadcast Channel" area:

Wireless Routers - Default Settings: http://www.nintendo....uters/index.jsp

If not I look forward to finding more.....(Squeaky thumbsticks on the gamepad are currently on my agenda :))

Wii u Gamepad - Analogue thumbsticks making intermittent crackling sound?

30 November 2012 - 06:25 PM

Just got my Wiiu and loving it.
This morning I got up early and played a round of BLOPS 2 in the dead silence of the morning.
And I noticed that the thumbsticks make an aweful crackling sound when you move them slightly left and / or right.
Its louder on my right stick than left and occurs in almost all directions on this side.

It doesnt happen all the time and so I guess the sticks are not meant to make this noise....it sounds like the spring inside might be causing it...

Does anyone else have this issue.?

If your going to test it out turn the volume off on the tv and controller.


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