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Member Since 01 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 16 2013 04:52 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: I am no longer defending Wii U...

19 January 2013 - 05:32 AM

Solid point there CUD - only happy people here! - what's that you say? Not happy? - De-rezz.

In Topic: Banned from Miiverse for two weeks for a stupid reason!

19 January 2013 - 05:29 AM

Racism and the Wii U - nothing worse than racists trying to justify to themselves that they're not racists. Can't we all just get along? I'm mean just look at how many 'races' are in the average Mario game - he doesn't have an issue with it does he? - lol

In Topic: Could Wii U be threatened by the 720 and Orbis?

19 January 2013 - 05:23 AM

Rofl @xBASSxMONSTAx, Still Rofl @ Adders...

In Topic: I am no longer defending Wii U...

18 January 2013 - 03:39 PM

2nd time around and Im really enjoying the WiiU -havent turned the ps3 on in a while but Nintendo Land? that needs an extra 20 games to be impressive...

In Topic: Could Wii U be threatened by the 720 and Orbis?

18 January 2013 - 03:16 PM

I think its most definitely a wasted opportunity for Nintendo not to capitalise on the head start.
Iwota actually stated that Pikmin 3 was delayed to spread out 1st party releases because 3rd party were supporting the U at launch - very arrogant way to think. most 3rd party titles were ports of games that were released on other formats - not exactly cuttng edge strategy.

ZombiU's a fine game but a world away from a system seller. Nintendo's simply got complacent. sold huge amounts of Wii's by releasing rainbowware for it and got away with it and thought they'd magically repeat the process.

lazy. lime light has gone already. so they'll release info some solid franchises that i'll be over marketed and i'll have to wait 2 years to play.

Don't get me wrong, since getting the Wii U again Im really enoying it - but guess what? I need more 1st party games THAT ALSO impress - more sales, more games - more competitive with Sony and MS when it comes to developer focus.

threat? Very much so, it'll get shadowed then the rainbowware will start....

****i most definitely wasnt calling it rainbowware....*******

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