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Member Since 02 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Apr 12 2013 11:07 AM

Topics I've Started

So, turns out single USB powered drives do work

03 December 2012 - 02:10 PM

I was watching a few Wii U videos on YouTube last night to fill the early hours while I couldn't sleep and one guy had a Toshiba single USB drive plugged in and working absolutely fine. So does a drive that has no external power source, and only uses one USB work fine? As Nintendo seemed to claim otherwise...

Y Splitter Cable

02 December 2012 - 06:10 AM

I've been looking around and reading a hell of a lot of forums and articles about the Wii U's external hard drive options and capabilities. However, theres one last thing i can't seem to find out! No matter which model I get I'm gonna get a hard drive, but currently I have an Verbatim 500GB drive that is powered by a single USB output. I know the Wii U won;t work wirth this in its current set up. To save buying a whole new hard drive that has an external power source could I just buy a USB Y Splitter cable and plus it into 2 of the Wii U's ports that way. As I read a dual USB powered drive will work without an external power source.



02 December 2012 - 06:02 AM

Hi :) New here and from the UK. Hopefully getting my Wii U later this month, would have one now if it wasn't for my macbook deciding to take a leap of faith and require a hefty repair! I've had pretty much every ninty console since SNES, apart from GB micro and the 3DS XL. So yeah, hi! /...now to just decide on basic or premium.....

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