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Ocarina of Time

Member Since 08 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 14 2015 10:34 AM

#273897 Mario Kart 8 to Have Track Editor?

Posted by Ocarina of Time on 21 February 2014 - 03:36 PM

pegasus generator maps? Count me in!

#270497 What do you want in Zelda U?

Posted by Ocarina of Time on 04 February 2014 - 12:05 PM

I want a non annoying companion.

#268465 If you could change ONE thing

Posted by Ocarina of Time on 24 January 2014 - 10:35 AM

Region free

#267931 Pokemon Bank Back On the Japanese eShop

Posted by Ocarina of Time on 21 January 2014 - 06:02 PM


#265556 Currently playing thread

Posted by Ocarina of Time on 08 January 2014 - 06:07 PM

YS! My Fave series to ever grace this earth an my avatar my fave character from the series.

Chronicles my fave game of all time. Awesome to see more Ys fans.


I just wish I had the chance to play Ark of Napishtim. It hope it at least makes it to the PS Store in the future, but wont get my hopes up.


I feel like I've missed someone because of certain information in Memories and Ys Seven. :P

#265552 Currently playing thread

Posted by Ocarina of Time on 08 January 2014 - 05:44 PM

Ys: Memories of Celceta for Vita

Replaying other Ys games when I finish with this one.

#264731 2014 Wii U games

Posted by Ocarina of Time on 04 January 2014 - 12:17 PM

Fatal Frame/Project Zero. YES

The fourth was never localised apparently due to game breaking glitches (It was confirmed for Europe at one stage) and the Wii version of Crimson Butterfly was never released in the US.


Spirit Camera for 3DS was a waste of time.


Really, I don't think it's looking good for a new instalment on Wii U if one was cancelled and the other never made it to the US.

Nintendo only had the rights to Spirit Camera, Deep Crimson Butterfly and the fourth game.  So maybe the next might not even come to a Nintendo console.

#264581 Bravely Default censored for western release

Posted by Ocarina of Time on 03 January 2014 - 11:38 AM

So many people are mad that now they're looking at 18 year olds instead barely dressed 13 year olds.

Says a lot really.

#259684 *Throws an armchair* The Wii U is finish. (VGA SPOILERS)

Posted by Ocarina of Time on 07 December 2013 - 06:49 PM

Please understand.

#259364 Emily Rogers Tweet- 3DS owners will be happy on monday night

Posted by Ocarina of Time on 06 December 2013 - 04:04 PM

I've been happy all year with 3DS, minus news about swapnote, flipnote and a few features removed from 3DS Miiverse. but you know..


#257496 CNET says get Wii U over Xbox One and PS4

Posted by Ocarina of Time on 22 November 2013 - 05:26 PM

I just don't know what's going on any more, I really don't.


Don't get Wii U because it's as bad as a dvd player for gifting to people.

Wait! you should get it because now higher quality titles are pumping out.


Can't wait to see what is said next week.

#256477 PS4 CPU overclocked @ 1.8 GHz

Posted by Ocarina of Time on 16 November 2013 - 11:38 AM

I have no idea what I'm looking at.

#254120 Nintendo loses bayo 2 exclusive? Bayonetta 2 removed from exclusives trailer.

Posted by Ocarina of Time on 01 November 2013 - 09:47 AM

Hideki Kamiya got somewhat pissed off on Twitter at everyone asking if it's still exclusive, restating that since Nintendo funds the game it's up to Nintendo if the game will be on another console.


I don't blame him for being miffed and not just because of tweets.  I believe he said before that he had fears of the wonderful 101 marketing, or lack of I should say.  It wasn't being promoted well and people wouldn't know what it is.

Seeing Bayonetta 2 not even in the trailer might rile him up a bit.

#254025 Nintendo killed 3DS SwapNote App

Posted by Ocarina of Time on 31 October 2013 - 07:45 PM

I entered my Nintendo Letterbox (swapnote) app today on 3DS and was greeted with a lovely message saying spotpass functions have ended.


Special messages will never be received again.

No longer are you allowed to send messages to friends a distance away.


This was caused because people were abusing the app by sending offensive material to each other.


I am saddened by this.  I used this with my little brother a lot and now it's gone.

Guess Nintendo likes to ruin the fun for everyone because of some bad eggs in the crowd.


I have a problem with this.  Both parties needed each others codes to even send messages and WHO is it hurting by what friends exchange with each other?  Even the streetpass part of it needed the other party to have your code registered.  It's not like some minor is going to see a pee-pee drawing randomly while walking down the street, oh, PARENTAL CONTROLS SAY HELLO.


I guess Nintendo should kill everything which can interact with another person.

Goodbye going to another town in animal crossing.

Goodbye pokemon chatting.


Keep Nintendo off the internet or else they'll remove the crappy browser too!  Keep up the good work.

Hurry up and move to the 21st century for goodness sake, embrace the internet and online communication better.


Looking forward to flipnote studio where I can share drawings with friends and my brother.....unless they decide to not release it because of this fiasco.


EDIT: As of Today (november 1st), Japans Flipnote Studio app has now been affected the same way as Swapnote.  Sharing with the friends gallery is no longer available.

I guess the only option for flipnote now is to pay for the online service (No thank you).


Damn you Nintendo.


Posted by Ocarina of Time on 23 October 2013 - 08:11 AM

No Yoshi, no buy and it's still just a remake of 3D land.



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