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#316021 Iwata passes away

Posted by Sage on 12 July 2015 - 07:00 PM






I just really love this one.

#316013 Satoru Iwata passed away

Posted by NintendoReport on 12 July 2015 - 05:42 PM

Great thread with iwata asks archives



#315994 Satoru Iwata passed away

Posted by Mewbot on 12 July 2015 - 03:53 PM



That came out of nowhere. Like I knew he was a bit sick but not that bad.


I feel so sorry for the guy. He was hounded and criticized to the end. I'll miss his slightly awkward English speaking E3 presentations, I'll miss his grand visions for the future of Nintendo and gaming as a whole, and I'll miss his Iwata asks interviews.


Most of all, I'll miss the Nintendo he created. I only hope they can replace him with someone who knows what it means to be Nintendo, not just another console.


Rest in peace Mr Iwata.

#315817 Rumour - NX will NOT be competing in power with PS4

Posted by Hunter on 04 July 2015 - 11:12 PM

the only way they can make NX more powerful or equally powerful as PS4 is if they can somehow sell the console cheaper. PS4/X1 owners are not going to buy it if it is expensive.


As long as it's easier to develop for than the Wii U so we get third parties and it's maybe a little closer to matching PS4, then that's all you need really.

#315600 7th Dragon III: Code VFD (Sega) announced for 3DS

Posted by NintendoReport on 30 June 2015 - 06:37 AM

If I'm not mistaken, the first one came out for the DS while the sequel came out for Vita. So 7th Dragon IV will be out for Sony's next handheld system? :P


Yeah I think that is correct.. at least the first part of your sentence lol.


3DS line-up is looking solid at least for me this year. Looking forward to this now for sure, and Project X Zone 2.. among other stuff.

#315595 7th Dragon III: Code VFD (Sega) announced for 3DS

Posted by NintendoReport on 30 June 2015 - 05:53 AM







Director: Masayuki Kawabata
Producer: Juro Watari
Scenario Writer: Sou Yoda
Character Designer: Shirow Miwa
Composer: Yuzo Koshiro
Theme Song: sasakure.UK




RPG " Seventh Dragon is a "latest series," Seventh Dragon III code: VFD "announced! Nintendo plans to release October 15, 2015 to the 3DS 


#315464 It's a hard knock life for us Wii U owners.

Posted by Tom on 27 June 2015 - 03:03 PM

People still aren't over E3?


Oh well. I'm still having fun with my Wii U, so it's all good.

#315363 Project Cars Dev "We Really Dislike Nintendo Users"

Posted by NintendoReport on 25 June 2015 - 03:01 PM

He has a point. It's Nintendo's fault really and the fans should be angry with them not the devs.

Ea, Ubisoft however are just the worst.


LOL you should be a political commentator, your spin is incredible.



When this was announced it was PC & Wii U, then they added PS3/360. They kept saying it's running great on Wii U as development went on. Next they dropped PS3/360 to add PS4/Xbox One but insisted that PC and Wii U were continuing as planned. There was always Wii U right from the Kickstarter program on day 1.

#315360 Project Cars Dev "We Really Dislike Nintendo Users"

Posted by Raiden on 25 June 2015 - 02:04 PM

Thought it was confirmed already he was being sarcastic

That would be damage control.

#315355 Project Cars Dev "We Really Dislike Nintendo Users"

Posted by Chrop on 25 June 2015 - 12:45 PM

Lets see, he promised a Wii U version if we gave him more money, Nintendo fans gave him more money, then he says he couldn't make a Wii U version... Pretty sure they don't like you either.

#315315 Where do we go from here?

Posted by MatrixChicken on 24 June 2015 - 04:39 PM

I kinda like the idea of the Nintnedo Cafe. I really love this site, so tweaking it a bit to allow for discussion of the NX along with older consoles would be cool. Though I wonder if more users would show up? In all honesty, the low userbase is one of my favorite things about this place... Everyone knows everybody... It feels like a nice little town.

#315298 Disney and Nintendo strike deal for films games toys and more - RUMOR

Posted by Raiden on 24 June 2015 - 02:15 PM

Nintendo & Disney negotiate a big deal: films, videogames and interactive toys and merchansing

– amiibo are not included in Disney Infinity 3.0 because both companies have yet to set an agreement
– Disney wanted to have a Mario figure in Infinity, but Nintendo refused to lend their most important character
– This is not a dead end in the negotiation
– Both companies have been in conversations for years, as Disney has asked Nintendo many times to have Mario in films and other media
– Under new Nintendo rules (licensing characters) options for Disney are widened: they are talking about Mario starring in films, probably something related to Wreck it Ralph
– Disney is after Nintendo to have a game with Mario and Mickey together
– Nintendo is open to it but wants to set their own pace for it

Nintendo mobile games on Amazon Appstore

– Nintendo will offer their mobile games through Amazon Appstore
– The American company was the one approaching their Japanese partner for the deal
– In response, Nintendo asked Amazon about Amazon TV games
– It is not clear what is this for, but people at Amazon think that there is something related to Android in Nintendo’s future
– Nintendo is moving some of their data out of Amazon Cloud Servers, probably to DeNA ones




#315253 Splatoon has surpassed 1 million sales world wide

Posted by NintendoReport on 23 June 2015 - 05:12 PM


Congrats.  Winner winner squid dinner.
Horrible google translation.

"News that the world total sales 1 million this break of Splatoon has entered! Our research results of squid Institute have ...... softened tears whether that was acceptable to so many people. First of all I want to tell thanks to everyone that who have support"


#315184 Hyrule Warriors on 3DS will have more extra content than we thought

Posted by NintendoReport on 22 June 2015 - 10:10 AM

Make Skull Kid a playable character already!


amiibo ready and waiting!






errr.... wait. :)

#315117 Grade each conference

Posted by Hunter on 21 June 2015 - 08:55 AM

Agreed these western games every year are so scripted it hurts my head. Every Uncharted since 2 shown at E3 has a massive downgrade on release. FFVII is the weakest FF on PS1. Like Oot one of the weakest entries on it's own system and period is the most praised. Gears 4 did the same formula we see almost every single time in these western game presentations. Start off where two character walk and talk about nothing. Then did you see/hear that. They investigate. Walk and talk and something is happening to build up for a payoff. Then BOOM stuff happens and right before we see the rest...fade to black and title screen. It's used to much it has no impact anymore.


i remember when they showed the last of us and i thought it looked great the way the AI reacted to your moves and decisions during combat


and then the game had nothing like that in it...

but yeah i absolutely despise any kind of cgi or scripted trailer really, especially from third party devs because they can't be trusted 

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