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Member Since 25 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 21 2013 03:17 AM

#173922 Take notes Nintendo

Posted by 16-bitLink on 21 February 2013 - 02:55 AM

Nintendo botched the launch by entrusting it to third parties who delayed, cancelled, and under delivered. E3 2013 is launch 2.0

Sonys conference kinda sucked.

The single greatest thing was the unreal 4 demo. And we saw that last year.

Knack is just stupid. Kill zone looks ok. And second son looks like a wii u game.

The controller looks like something out of the Sanford and Son junkyard and... Where the heck did Sony find so many creepy people to keynote?

Nintendo shouldn't take notes here.

But I will guarantee Microsoft has a much better, more focused reveal in store.

Wii u will likely bE the fun console. Xbox will likely be the more connected console. And ps4 will be the most powerful.

But in the end the Xbox and ps4 will look very similar and the wii u will be somewhat less, but still look good next to these two.

Sony launched this reveal early and it just didn't feel fully baked.
Like maybe they aren't confident going head to head with Nintendo at e3. It's also likely they didn't feel confident competing against a 720 reveal.

Sony revealed a great hardware specification. ESP the gpu and ram. But the games were not that great. And the overrall delivery of the keynote was lame. ESP the bald guy who tried too hard to sell his game by trying to stir up real life strife over the police... Just to sell a game. Lol

Dude NONE of the games looked like Wii U, I haven't seen or heard of any Wii U game looking half as good what they showed. PS4 is like 10x more powerful than Wii U already and now on top of that they have even BETTER 3rd party support, I dont know man Nintendo is falling behind fast, Zelda and Mario isn't going to save them anymore. It seems like Nintendo is still the "little kids" console and not going after the hardcore/ more serious games. I dont know how you think it sucked it was literally a small taste of whats to come, Nintendo better get thier shi* together because as of now my wii u looks like its going to be sold to help me get a ps4..

#173891 Take notes Nintendo

Posted by 16-bitLink on 21 February 2013 - 12:09 AM

I like my Wii U I have had a lot of fun with it and I'm happy with it but after watching the reveal of the PS4 it blew my mind away. Like I said I like the Wii U but I felt Nintendo could have delivered much more than what they have. It also seems like Sony is going o deliver far more at launch and this is were the Wii U went wrong. Nintendo REALLY has to pull off something big if they even want to be mentioned next to PS4 and new xbox...If Nintendo doesn't deliver I guess I might have to sell my Wii U to get PS4 but I think Nintendo will get it together...Hopefully

#151693 Zombie U Two, What would you add/change to the Game ?

Posted by 16-bitLink on 25 December 2012 - 12:12 AM

1. Bump in graphics
2. Better/more responsive controls
3. Slightly less linear
4. more variety in melee weapons
5. Better/ more in depth story
6. Better combat
7. Dont call it Zombi u two, sounds like Bono from U2 might sue for copyright...just call it Zombi U (insert badass name)

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