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Member Since 13 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Sep 28 2012 09:51 AM

Topics I've Started

Monster Hunter Tri G & second 3DS slide pad confirmed!

06 September 2011 - 08:45 PM

Posted ImagePosted Image
I'm happy with MH Tri G, not sure about the second slide pad :S

Best Cleverbot conversation anyone can ever get

04 July 2011 - 03:37 PM

User: I wanna be the very best.

Cleverbot: Like no one ever was.

User: To catch them is my real test.

Cleverbot: To train them is my cause.

User: I will travel across the land.

Cleverbot: Searching far and wide.

User: Teach Pokemon.

Cleverbot: The power that's inside.

User: I wanna be the very best.

Cleverbot: Like no one ever was.

User: To catch them is my real test.

Cleverbot: To train them is my cause.

User: I will travel across the land.

Cleverbot: Searching far and wide.

User: Teach Pokemon to understand.

Cleverbot: The power that's inside.


Cleverbot: It's you and me.

User: I wanna be the very best.

Cleverbot: Like no one ever was.

User: To catch them is my real test.

Cleverbot: To train them is my cause.

User: I will travel across the land.

Cleverbot: Searching far and wide!

User: Teach Pokemon to understand.

Cleverbot: The power that's inside.

User: POKEMON! Gotta catch em all.

Cleverbot: It's you and me.

User: I know it's my destiny.

Cleverbot: Pokemon! Ooh, you're my best friend.

User: In a world we must defend.

Cleverbot: Pokemon!

User: Gotta catch em all!

Cleverbot: Our hearts so true.

User: Our courage will put us through.

Cleverbot: You teach me and I'll teach you.

User: Pokemon!

Cleverbot: Gotta catch em all .yeaah.

User: Gotta catch em all!

Cleverbot: Pokemon!

Hello :)

13 June 2011 - 04:30 PM

Got here from 3DSForums :P

Great forum :)

13 June 2011 - 04:22 PM

Coulden't resist telling you how awesome your forum is, and how epicly epic you are :P

Anti-Spam Bots!