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Member Since 19 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 22 2014 02:27 PM

Topics I've Started

Mario3d world to adult?

02 February 2014 - 02:48 AM

Yesterday I bought 3dworld and a PS4 Knack bundle. Asked my five year old lad to play both,he loves Knack and is not in to 3dWorld at all, yet I think 3D world is mint!

So are Nintendo needing to change the games slightly for the younger ones that they try to aim for?

Just ordered my 2nd WiiU, question.

22 December 2013 - 12:32 PM

Uk, John lewis has white 8gb with 2D Mario for £149 delivered.
At this price I didn't even think about it seeing as our black one is in demand...

My question is- can I copy any save game data between the two?

None WiiU game screenshot thread --Spoilers--

14 December 2013 - 11:39 AM

So seeing as other platforms can share pictures this thread is to show games that might interest you in either buying another platform or buying the game,please keep things nice and respect other opinions.We are all gamers so just share your game moments.




No Trolling!


Three pics per post


Name the platform and the game


Feel free to compare platforms but no Bi*tching


In game or cut scene only


My first three -


PC Need for speed rivals 1080p max settings,cut scene.



PS4 Knack in game 1080p



Xbox one Forza in game 1080p


Deus ex. should I?

08 December 2013 - 06:37 AM

Buy this on WiiU or PC? Does the WiiU version have the enhanced graphics?

PC price around £6

WiiU price around £16

My pc gets a lot of use from multiplats that don't get ported to WiiU so hence more in to WiiU version if its up to spec.

Diminishing returns? a quick screen shot look PS4-WiiU

17 November 2013 - 02:56 AM

We all know the PS4 is the most powerful console out of the three, we also know that the WiiU is the lowest one, but does it really matter? 1st party titles will be great on all three but they don't help to compare screen shots and up to now we have a very limited few cross title games to look at.


Don't forget the PS4 screen capture feature is crap as it uploads to Twitter or Facebook so i tried to find to higher quality shots to look at, also the res is going to be lower on WiiU but see for your self if it's such a big deal now days???


WiiU Ghosts.


PS4 Ghosts.









PS4 Black flag





WiiU Black flag







I tried to catch the exact same moment on WiiU and failed lol.


PS4 version




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