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Member Since 22 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 25 2014 06:14 PM

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In Topic: wii u gamepad accelerometer only goes up and down(left & right doesn'...

11 June 2014 - 09:51 AM

Sure you can contact them:



Thank you, I've contacted them. Just waiting for the reply...

In Topic: wii u gamepad accelerometer only goes up and down(left & right doesn'...

11 June 2014 - 09:26 AM

Your accelerometers are working fine. Accelerometers cant sense yaw (left and right rotation poaralell to the ground).

Your problem is with the tri axial gyroscope.

1. First off, try turning the system off and on, and putting in a game that forces you to calibrate the game pad, like nintendo land.

2. the gyroscopes are mems, so they are actual tinylittle physical machines, so they can get stuck. Firmly (BUT NOT CRAZILY DONT DAMAGE IT!) strike the game pad against your palm or something in the directions its not responding.

3. Contact Nintendo customer support.

Thanks for the reply!

1-I tried to calibrate it, no success. Even while pressing y+b in home menu.

2-It didn't work :(

3-I live in Brazil so I can't contact them

In Topic: Wii u gyroscope problem(Randon Screen spinning)

20 February 2014 - 10:41 AM

I was mostly saying to give it a good whack on the back and maybe that will help. the thing is pretty kid friendly so as long as you avoid the screen an buttons it will handle a hard impact no problem (I wouldn't recommend a hammer though, just use the part of you palm that's near the wrist).


And you might have to turn it off to recalibrate it, but whacking it while it's on should immediately tell you if it starts to work properly.

now it won't spin anymore, but it can't still track motion left/right only up/down.

In Topic: Gamepad problem

26 June 2013 - 10:23 AM

ive seen this problem before


its not the battery... something with system update i think... make sure before u spend money in battery


If its the battery, then you should be able to play while the controller is connected with the power cord... because it has the ability to charge and play at the same time...


more like laptops and mobile devices... if the battery is empty and they are connected to ac adaptor, they are fully functional.  (its an old topic though, I hope the guy fixed it)

yes, its not the battery I think i fixed it.You have to try turning it on, and if you do, try updating to the last version, and then "solved"

In Topic: Wii u gyroscope problem(Randon Screen spinning)

26 June 2013 - 10:19 AM

Mine did that for a few seconds and then stopped and it never happened again. Maybe call Nintendo about it.

Tnx for the reply.The real problem is that  imma brasilian so send I cant call nintendo, but perhaps I can send an email.

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