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Member Since 13 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Dec 20 2011 05:23 PM

#46784 I would like to know my popularity

Posted by juanpa899 on 11 December 2011 - 09:35 AM

is your popularity really THAT important?

#35380 Post Your Car or Dream Car

Posted by juanpa899 on 07 October 2011 - 06:08 PM

Posted Image
I can't believe someone hasn't posted this OLD SCHOOL FLYING TIME-TRAVELING CAR OF THE FUTURE!

#30573 Wii U Forums Quiz Bowl! (Results)

Posted by juanpa899 on 20 September 2011 - 03:36 PM

wasn't there a 3rd oracle game? i think it was mystical seed of courage

#25558 A (mildly) disturbing look at our Google search stats

Posted by juanpa899 on 02 September 2011 - 10:14 AM

Well, this is scary....
Maybe i should start watching MLP...

#25003 Best Cleverbot conversation anyone can ever get

Posted by juanpa899 on 30 August 2011 - 02:55 PM

My conversation with cleverbot started out good, but it has difficulty saying goodbye.

User: Hai.

Cleverbot: Hai!

User: Wazzap!

Cleverbot: Tell me about yourself.


Cleverbot: Do you really think I'd follow YOU around?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: H, that's great!

User: Um, what?

Cleverbot: Fruit on a pizza is gross.

User: I know right?

Cleverbot: Can you remember my name?

User: Cleverbot!

Cleverbot: No, thats your name. What is mine?

User: Um, cleverbot?

Cleverbot: No. Garra.

User: Ok then...

Cleverbot: That is not all I have to say to the world. By the way why am I saying things to the world?

User: Beacuse your robot instincts tell you to.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Do you like nintendo?

Cleverbot: Yes very Much.

User: Yay!

Cleverbot: Do you like engineers?

User: Yeah, they're cool, I guess.

Cleverbot: They're cool to Daisy, too. Do you remember who Daisy is?

User: No...

Cleverbot: About you.

User: What about me.

Cleverbot: I don't even know how to respond to that.

User: Um... Do you like waffles?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Do you like pancakes?

Cleverbot: Yes I love pancakes.

User: Do you like french toast?

Cleverbot: Yes I like french tost.

User: I'm sorry to ask but what is tost?

Cleverbot: I'm sorry if I ever said anything to offend you.

User: No, that doesn't offend me, you just misspelled toast.

Cleverbot: You did not ask a question.

---Here i tried speaking into it, said what.----
User: What is.

Cleverbot: What is is what?

User: I dunno.

Cleverbot: Okay...

User: Bye!

Cleverbot: I'm still gonna keep on talking.

User: : (.

Cleverbot: Why are you sad?

User: Beacuse you hurt my feelings.

Cleverbot: Yeah !!! Woohoo.

User: You are a horrible half-human half-computer.

Cleverbot: For watching that tv show, or answering your binary question?

User: Okay, I'm just gonna leave now, Bye!

Cleverbot: Who are you hiding from?


Cleverbot: I am not talking to you.

User: Good, beacuse now I hate you, bye.

Cleverbot: You can't go we are friends.


Cleverbot: I don't hate anybody. That's really immature. You are just terrible at communication. I'm really disappointed.

User: What?

Cleverbot: You heard me!

User: K bai!

Cleverbot: *try s to get back to sleep*.

User: I'll take that as a return goodbye.

Cleverbot: Yeah we are both girls.

User: Why Cleverbot, WHY!

Cleverbot: That's your name isn't it?

User: Thats it, bye *leaves*.

Cleverbot: You still didn't leave.

User: FINE! BYE!

Cleverbot: Still here.

User: >: (.

Cleverbot: Do you not want too!?

User: Just leave, bye.

Cleverbot: Do you really really want me to leave?????

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Ok then. This evening.

User: >: ( bye.

Cleverbot: Ok.
After much resistance, Cleverbot has said goodbye!

#18217 Worst movies based on cartoon shows

Posted by juanpa899 on 03 August 2011 - 08:08 AM

I didn't know Popeye had a film lol

Wait, Popeye has a film?!

#14541 the dream i had about the Wii U

Posted by juanpa899 on 14 July 2011 - 06:46 PM

I had lots of dreams about the 3ds, like one when i opened the 3DS, then it ate my face off.
I woke up with second thoughts about the 3DS.

#13885 My Wii U Menu Concept

Posted by juanpa899 on 12 July 2011 - 05:34 AM

Whoa, this menu concept looks very professional!

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