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Member Since 13 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 04 2013 06:20 PM

#125612 Friend Codes Are Now A Thing Of The Past With Wii U

Posted by FireBoost06 on 07 November 2012 - 03:15 PM

This is awesome! I really hate using friend codes and I am glad they went with an account ID instead. :D

#47281 what do you want the Wii U to be????

Posted by FireBoost06 on 13 December 2011 - 02:45 PM

All I ask is...

1. The most important to me is online. I really want a great online that is similar or better than what xbox live or psn offers.
2. Graphics that blow away ps3/360. I really don't care about graphics that much but I want the Wii U to stand up to the next generation consoles from sony and microsoft.
3. New hardcore games from nintendo. I think is time for Nintendo to make a hardcore game that will bring back the core audience.
4. Great pricing. I dont want the console to be too expensive nor too cheap. I think $349.99 is the sweet spot.
5. Great games at launch. I know they learned from the 3DS launch so i believe Nintendo will have a great games for the Wii U at launch.
6. CHANGE THE NAME TO SOMETHING THAT DOESNT INVOLVE THE WORD "WII". If Nintendo knows that people think the 3ds is like a ds but with 3d and better graphics then they should change the name. I dont want people thinking that the Wii U is a wii but with better graphics and a controller with screen. But either way if they name it WII U i will still get it.

Thats all i ask for and i hope that Nintendo surprises me at e3 2012 with the Wii U final form. :)

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