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Member Since 13 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Oct 16 2011 10:22 AM

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In Topic: Poetry by a 10 year old creep (5 poems and counting!)

16 October 2011 - 10:23 AM

SAT's change every year. Sometimes they're poetry, sometimes a story, sometimes journalistic. I was thinking of essence to replace Evanescence.
Will be changed in a moment!

Nooo, it's always an essay. Sorry to break it to you. :P Take it from someone who knows. Also, SAT practice books train you for essays, not stories or poems.

In Topic: Poetry by a 10 year old creep (5 poems and counting!)

15 October 2011 - 12:29 PM

Random note:
"Presence" can rhyme with "essence," and "effervescence" is actually a word. Look it up. :)

Anyway, what do you mean by you think your poetry is ready for your SAT year? Just a little note: You don't write poetry in the SATs. You write an essay (on a topic they give you) in 25 minutes. ;) Ugh, that part was awful (I took the SAT twice, and I think my essay was sloppier the second time, but everything else was better).

HOWEVER: With that grammar, the English parts of the SAT should be a cinch by the time you take it.

In Topic: Poetry by a 10 year old creep (5 poems and counting!)

10 October 2011 - 04:00 PM

Alright, I'm trying to decipher the order of your post :b. Wait a moment, I think I've got it.

I am 10, I would show you a piccy, but... privacy. I may be a creep, I may not. It is neither your nor mine to say, it is people who have met me, and they will most likely have mixed opinions. I didn't understand the last sentence so I'll just ignore it :b.

Thanks on the opinion on the actual poem though :b, nice to know that I'm not terrible at poetry. Since it's my writing topic for a few weeks at school...

I know what you mean, scared the hell out of me when I first saw it. It grew on me though, and I used it.

No way. You can't really be 10 now, can you? No ten year-olds type/write that well and with such proper grammar. It's inconceivable these days. :P

In Topic: Post your desktop

14 August 2011 - 07:25 PM

On a Mac, just press Command+Shift+3, and it takes a shot of the whole screen. I cleaned up my desktop beforehand and minimized windows. :) I wouldn't know for Windows though. :/

Btw, 4 downloads? What does that even mean, people are stalking my desktop screenshot? XD

In Topic: Post your desktop

14 August 2011 - 03:38 PM

Everyone's going to bash me. Oh well. It's my obsession and that's that. x3

Attached File  Screen shot 2011-08-14 at 7.30.57 PM.png   1.08MB   601 downloads

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