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Member Since 07 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 08 2013 01:35 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Pokemon X or Y (and why?)

08 October 2013 - 09:34 AM

I probably won't be able to get X or Y at launch but if I had to choose now, I would still continue to wait for just a bit longer. They haven't sepcifcied whether or not the current mega evolutions to Blastose, Venusaur, Blastoise, Ampharos, etc are the X or Y mega evolutions OR if they only have one.

I mean, you can still trade for evolutions but right now the only incentive for me to get it early is for the Torchic with Blazakinite.


In Topic: COD Ghosts will get dedicated servers

08 October 2013 - 09:13 AM

I heard something about them being cross platform too, this true?

So far, the only thing I've heard is from E3 where they stated that Xbox 360/One players will be cross-plat and PS3/PS4. If it goes fully crossplatform then I mgiht consider getting it.


The story premise seems really interesting, I'll probably wait until there's an Ultimate edition with all the DLCs or something like that.

In Topic: Watch Dogs is 95% Stealth!

07 October 2013 - 05:59 PM

Eh, I'll believe it when I see it. I could easily see you stealthing your way to an objective only to inevitably get caught up in a fight. (Sorta like recent Assassins Creed)

The game seems to have similar mechanics and gameplay in terms of free running and combat as the AC and Splinter Cell series. You have to run a bit before climbing walls in W_D and it seems exactly the same as AC. The combat and stealth will show this read arrow/bar thingy whenever there is potentially someone who may see you.

In Topic: Ello!

07 October 2013 - 05:00 PM

@Mocha Bear

Well, people always expect me to pick Ike when playing Smash Bros, I haven't the foggiest idea though...

I haven't played the original or the second yet. I borrowed Brotherhood and Revalations because I heard that they summed up the story so far.



Thank you!

I've watched the gameplay for the first game already and I think a realtive of mine is considering buying the original Portal. I'll probably just leech off him.

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