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Member Since 07 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 07 2013 09:30 PM

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In Topic: Wii U Wishlist

07 December 2013 - 09:32 PM

my wishlist is simple dlc's for games like cod like every other system gets a normal surround sound like dolby and dts not lpcm which no one buys unless they get it for wii u and how about bluetooth since it supports it just no software for it been with nintendo since nes every system i have but im thinking this will be last since you got to buy another system if you want what others get automatic

my wishlist is simple dlc's for games like cod like every other system gets a normal surround sound like dolby and dts not lpcm which no one buys unless they get it for wii u and how about bluetooth since it supports it just no software for it been with nintendo since nes every system i have but im thinking this will be last since you got to buy another system if you want what others get automatic

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