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Member Since 14 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Mar 29 2013 08:05 PM

Topics I've Started

Can't play Nintendo Land at all

30 November 2012 - 05:23 PM

Well that's not true, mine is fine, but that's in my room. My housemates Wii U is in our lounge room because of his oversized TV and that's where we wanted to play the multiplayer attractions. However, when we select Nintendo Land from the main menu, it appears to get stuck in an infinite loop where it shows the logo and the curtains, also plays the music, but never gets to the "press Start to play" part. After this the only way to shut down the console is to pull out the power cable.

I've looked around and no one seems to have the same issue as us. Any ideas? Thanks guys!

Hands on with the Wii U Pro Gamepad (video)

07 June 2012 - 06:58 AM


Joystiq has posted Engadget's (linkception) video with some detailed hands on with the Pro Gamepad.

I've gotta say it looks absolutely brilliant, as much as I love the regular gamepad.


Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

10 May 2012 - 05:50 AM

Personally the FFTA games are some of my favourite hand held games to ever be released, and I would really love to see the series continue. So far there's no word, but do you think we could see more at E3 or sometime in the future? Does anyone else share my passion for these games?

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