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Member Since 26 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 11 2014 10:43 PM

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Swipe Knight now on Indiegogo WITH TRAILER!

13 July 2014 - 01:28 AM

Swipe Knight is now up on Indiegogo for funding, along with the promised trailer, lot's of images and all the information you need about the game. Hope ya'll like it 1.gif



If you like it and want to help then please post the image above on your Facebook, Twitter or other social media with a link to the campaign. You could also send a mail to gaming sites such as IGN, Gamespot or thewiiu.com and ask them to write an article about the game3.gifwhich would obviously be a BIG help.

I will be here as often as possible to answer any questions you guys might have.

NEW upcoming Wii U game Swipe Knight

06 July 2014 - 06:32 PM

Hello everybody,
My name is Tommy and I been making games for about 5 years or so, and last month I got approved by Nintendo to make games for Wii U. I am so happy and excited because since I was 4 years old my dream has been to make games for Nintendo, and now 23 years later its finally happening :)
Here is some very early images my upcoming Wii U game Swipe Knight.


Swipe knight is a metroidvania game with many unique features and game mechanics. One of the most outstanding mechanics is that you control the character by swiping the touchscreen.

Swipe up to jump and swipe down to slide.
Swipe in the direction the hero is walking to attack.
Swipe in the opposite direction to turn around and walk in the other direction.
Swipe down while jumping to do a down thrust.
And more.

This might sound a bit weird to some of you, but I will post a trailer of the game in about a week or so and then you will understand that it’s not as weird as it seems, its actually really comfortable.
Players can also control the hero with the left analog stick in which work in the same way as the swipes.

The idea came from all these popular mobile games like Cookie run and Subway surf, they have a particular addictive feel to them.
I wanted to capture the addictive gameplay of those games and put it in a metroidvania style setting. The result is something truly unique.
You get the best of 2 worlds, the simple addictive gameplay elements of a casual game taken to a whole new level mixed with the excitement of exploring a vast world, finding new items, fighting huge bosses and all that good stuff.


Swipe Knight does not only have 1, but 2 stories. The main story which will be about 65% of the game is focusing on how the leader of a cult is trying to resurrect an evil demon who’s soul has been trapped inside a ghost ship.  

The other story which will be about 35% of the game, is found in the secret areas and will progress more every time you find a new secret area of the game. So the game has a big emphasis on exploration and secrets to say the least!

As a gamer I have always been fascinated by games with interesting world themes, that’s why Mario Land 2 with all its unique worlds is one of my favorite Mario games.  

So even though you will visit more common worlds like a desert, forest, hell and so on, will you also visit worlds with more unique themes like:
Cyberpunk Zone
Boardgame World
30s Cartoon Alley
Survival-horror Mansion
Garden of Love
To name a few.

Most of the worlds in the trailer have been from the more common ones, and if you want to see the more wacky ones then come back here on a regular basis because I am going to post some of them here in the coming updates.
But it’s not just the looks of the worlds that will make them different from one and other, each world will have its own unique set of enemies, puzzles, obstacles and gimmicks.

You probably wonder what crazy gameplay that will make use of both screens at once, right? Well the 2 screens will be used in many different ways, but without saying to much let me leave you with this:

You can control the hero with either swipes or the left analog stick, so it only takes ONE hand to control ONE character. The Wii U gamepad have TWO analog sticks and one touchscreen, and TWO screens. So there will be parts where you are controlling 2 characters separated from each other at the same time, one on each screen.
I don’t want to give away any more of my 2 screen ideas, because I don’t want to see them end up in someone else’s game before I released mine, but hopefully I got you excited by now.

More info coming soon :)

Thank you for taking your time to look at my work.
I will keep you all updated on the progress here in the thread, but you can also follow me on my facebook page https://www.facebook...mmy.nordered.77 , just send a friend request if you like what you see here.

Hello I am a Indie Dev

26 June 2014 - 05:55 AM

Hello everybody,


I am a game dev and just got approved last month to make games for Wii U. Its been a dream to make games for Nintendo since I was 4 years old, So I am very excited :)

I will post more about the game soon. But I added a sneak image of it;)

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