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Member Since 27 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Jul 02 2014 09:00 PM

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The New Kid

27 June 2014 - 10:15 PM

Hey guys! My name is Evan and I'm a 13 year old hardcore gamer who has been gaming for all those 13 years. My first game ever is currently unknown (I'm almost positive it was Super Mario World though). My favorite game console of all time is the Nintendo Gamecube. My favorite "game" of all time is actually a 3 way tie between The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 2, and Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. My favorite game series are The Legend of Zelda, Mario (The Mario series in general), Metal Gear, Metroid, Super Smash Bros, Halo, Battlefield, The Elder Scrolls, Assassin's Creed, and despite my age, I do NOT like Call of Duty. Being a hardcore gamer, I am very open to the games I play (I'll play pretty much anything I can get my hands on, unless it it a game from a series that I do not like, or if it is a game that I have heard many negative things about). Here is a quick list of the consoles I currently own:

Nintendo Gamecube 
Nintendo DS lite
Nintendo Wii
Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo Wii U
Xbox 360 (My main gaming console as of now)

Here is a quick list of the consoles I do not own, but have played quite a bit throughout my childhood:

Sega Genesis
Nintendo 64
Playstation 2
Original Xbox

In the foreseeable future, I plan on getting a Playstation 4 (Next year) and to fulfill my teenage dream of getting a jacked up gaming PC (Probably when I'm 16-17), and I will probably get a Playstation Vita somewhere in between that. 

I am still fairly new to the "New generation" of Nintendo (AKA 3DS and Wii U) as I got my 3DS and Wii U in November of 2013 and Christmas 2013 respectively. I currently have only 5 3DS games and 5 Wii U games. I hope to get plenty more games during my Summer Vacation.

When I'm not gaming, I'm usually researching about computers or watching anime/reading manga (Cowboy Bebop is my favorite). Anyways I feel like I've said enough, so happy gaming to everybody on this site!

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