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Member Since 30 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Aug 15 2014 12:44 AM

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Some questions about the "controller's" backwards compatibility

12 August 2014 - 10:36 PM

I've been doing  a lot of research on the backwards compatibility for the Wii U and it's controllers.

There's the gamepad and the WiiU Pro Controller


My question is, when I'm on "Wii mode" for the Wii U, will I be able to use the gamepad or the WiiU Pro Controller for playing games I bought from the Wii Virtual Console? I'm not talking about the WiiU Virtual Console. I'm talking about the "Wii Mode" virtual console. I don't need the games to be displayed on the gamepad, I was just wondering if I can use the gamepad or WiiU Pro controller to play VC games (SNES, NES, N64). 


It's because I'm not really willing to go through the hassle of buying a Wii mote, and then spending extra money on batteries and a Wii Classic Controller. 


Also, I'm very worried that I won't be able to play Smash Bros Brawl with the new Gamecube controllers coming out (the ones where you plug them into the Wii mote). I don't want to get SSB4 when it comes out because I want to replay Brawl. It's because I feel like I didn't give it a fair chance when I owned it before, but now I'm more than excited to give it another chance. 


If I get the new "GameCube controller plugged into a Wii mote," or a "Gamecube Controller Adapter for Wii U,"  will one of these options allow me to play Brawl using the Wii U's Wii mode?


Please let me know.

Hi everyone!

30 July 2014 - 11:23 PM

Hey everyone, I'm a new member here, and here to stay. I've been looking for a nice Nintendo community for a while since I'll be getting a WiiU sometime this winter, and thought it'd be great to discuss Nintendo related stuff with fellow gamers. 


I used to play a lot of very violent M-rated games for the past 6 years or so. But recently, I just got really bored of playing them since that's all I played for the past several years. I guess you can say that I'm feeling a bit stale due to the over-saturation of the same old FPS games on the market. 
It was ever since a few months ago where I went to my friend's party and we played SmashBros.Melee together, and it made me remember how much fun "couch gaming" was. It rejuvenated my love for playing NIntendo titles. Ever since then, I had the craving to buy a WiiU, especially with the release of the new MarioKart (which looks outstanding). Also really looking forward to the upcoming Smashbros and Starfox WiiU.

So yeah, let me know something about yourselves as well!

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