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Events for September 15, 2011

in Community Calendar

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----- Wii U Go's 1st Anniversary
By Feld0

Today is Wii U Go's first anniversary! Hard to believe my blog has already been around for an entire year, isn't it? It used to be called Wii 2 Blog, and at one point was even on the feld0.com domain.

To celebrate Wii U Go's anniversary, I'll be publishing a special commemorative article chronicling the blog's and the Wii U's histories, in addition to finally launching the long-awaited Xenos theme, an entirely custom look for the blog that has been in development for the past three months. In addition, I have one more surprise that I will reveal on the day...

September 2011

Celebrating Today

(16) Generic Hero
(12) Jstar269
(17) Colon Leftbracket
(18) Buoysel
(23) Starfighter
(??) MajestyWolf
(19) KDoom11
(15) damofojones1
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