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#148350 Zelda U?

Posted by m3gaman81 on 15 December 2012 - 03:17 PM in Wii U Games and Software

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Ok so I guess this will be pretty high, if not on the top of their list for the Wii U?

What do you guys think will make this the best Zelda yet, in 10 points?

Also the rumours that are flying about it being the biggest and maybe the Retro development team as part of the franchise, also Skyward Sword style?

Do you think they should make 2 Zeldas for the Wii U or just one and maybe a Link to the past or Majoras Mask remake?

Let the discussion commence :D

#149948 Zelda U?

Posted by m3gaman81 on 20 December 2012 - 07:48 AM in Wii U Games and Software

While MM is VERY different from the entire Zelda franchise, it is usually a fan favorite, and is well known for is creepiness, and bravery to try something new. And uhh, OOT has been remade like three times..

lol...How dare you!
I'll probably give MM another go, as it's saved just before the first temple! Problem is there is hardly any time left and I have to complete a dungeon, what happens now? I find the game ok,  but feel it was made this way, as it was 2 years after OOT and the game mechanics make the game smaller, almost suffocating at times, which makes me think......what could have been if the game was made after a 4 year cycle?
As I've said before, there's nothing wrong with the game, but I feel people have been tricked into repetitiveness for a smaller game!...sorry :(

#149317 Zelda U?

Posted by m3gaman81 on 18 December 2012 - 01:34 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Listen, it's an "ok" game. I mean back in 2000, I played it with as much enthusiasm as any other Zelda game. But at that point, I didn't know what I know now about it. It was just a little annoying, and no Ganon, no typical Zelda stuff. i don't know. It just did not hold my interest.

For me, I am the type of guy who plays a game once...and that's it. I NEVER go back and replay games, yet I have played OoT AT LEAST four times! I started to replay Skyward Sword (which I loved!) because I worked my tail off to get that damned hero shield and wanted to replay with it, but at the age of 37 and having two kids, it's really not one of my priorities right now! But i will say this: after I give my kids "their" Wii U for Christmas, and the early 24-7 excitement dies down for them, I am dying to replay SS on the U! Just hope this data transfer stuff I keep hearing about from the Wii to the U works!!

I just saw over on IGN that their was some "tech demo" for Zelda U (I know - it was last January, I guess I have been living under a rock!) and my gosh it looks amazing! I really hope the final game takes advantage of the U's power and has graphics liek that! I mean just wow!!! And I hope they stick with the adult Link. I just like him better than the Link in diapers.... ;-)

I would say I'm quite similar to yourself games wise, I'm a little younger, and have no kids(nearly 10 years ago though!) I play games once maybe twice at a push, but the zelda series I've payed multiple times? with Twilight Princess being the most at around 4/5 times, and that's a lot for me! I still have to play wind waker, yes I know, I know. I'm hoping that they have a VC gamecube download on the U.

As for Zelda, yeah stick to adult link for the main console, and throw in a young link adventure for the 3DS or summin. Although OOT is probably my fav, he's young in that so I wouldn't have a problem with time travel again or something like that? I mean the possibilities are endless with the wii U controller and there's nothing wrong with a little colour, I just don't want it looking like a bag of skittles.

#148984 Zelda U?

Posted by m3gaman81 on 17 December 2012 - 04:06 PM in Wii U Games and Software

oh God, I hope not! easily my LEAST favorite Zelda game of all time. When I got my Wii, first thing I did was download OoT and MM from virtual console. I played OoT all the way through to the end, and loved it as much as I did back in '98! Majora's mask? Probably played for about a half hour. Haven't touched it since. Just a bad game. Nothing to do with Zelda continuity. Just did not feel like a "Zelda game".

I would rather them concentrate on an all new Zelda game. If they are going to remake one, then let it be the greatest of them all: Ocarina of Time!!

Haha touche my friend! although I gave it a little more than 30mins, but hated and I mean hated the time limit! The game has massive potential but ruined by the fact that if I'm not quick enough of finding what I need to find, then I have to start again!.....pffft... pffft righty then. I know you can slow down time yada yada, but honesty it felt like groundhog day with Bill Murray....was not a happy chappy, I think thats when I started drinking....:P

Haha anyway yeah a new Zelda is my vote, open world, some new tunics and weapons, epona, and a sidekick like Midna from TP, also some magic wouldn't go a miss, and that dominion rod and spinner from TP were great to use.

Please o please the next time we pick up bugs or whatever it doesn't pause the game and tell you what it is....that was annoying!....ok I think it's time for me to go to bed, I'm getting grumpy....lol

#207377 Wild Nintendo E3 Predictions

Posted by m3gaman81 on 15 May 2013 - 11:36 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Superman fly's onto the stage, wearing a N instead of the S, while lightning strikes and Michael J Fox steps out of a delorean, holding the Nintendo 5000 from the year 2113! :D

#150838 This is the silliest response from a developer/producer yet

Posted by m3gaman81 on 22 December 2012 - 03:51 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Obviously Nintendo wants the main focus of the gamepad, so devs have to focus new ways of implementing the features of the gamepad.

Who wouldn't want to use the gamepad?

It's frikkin fekkin fakkin friggin frokkin frakkin freakin awesomnississimnessessily cool.

That's..... awesomnississimnessessily cooooooool :)

For me the gamepad as a map and inventory is a win win.....so devs...get on it man, come on no more excuses....like my dog eat my homework.....excuses....excuses....:P

#207381 Retro Studios's Game will be announcing real soon.

Posted by m3gaman81 on 15 May 2013 - 11:43 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Tomorrow then?

#207936 Retro Studios's Game will be announcing real soon.

Posted by m3gaman81 on 17 May 2013 - 05:03 AM in Wii U Games and Software

tomorrow what?

tomorrow who? what? eh? you? me? why? :P


 The game will be announced real soon? I said tomorrow then? ;)

#211157 No Hate - But People Are Taking Another Look @ Wii U

Posted by m3gaman81 on 25 May 2013 - 08:31 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I think as many people have said in other posts and other threads, that they are waiting for a price drop and more games from Nintendo, and I am guessing that after Nintendo reveal a hoard of games just before E3, the console will begin to sell well in the running up to the winter holiday season.


I feel that now many people will look towards the Wii U after the summer, as it will be cheaper and the games will start to flow, plus the backwards compatibility, no fees etc, plus people who haven't owned a wii, it will be like owning 2 new computers, and they will realise the wii has some decent games hidden among all the "casual" games, they just have to dig a bit deeper. lol


For me though sure Wind Waker will be great, but I would like a new high quality Zelda for next year, preferably with a Twilight Princess feel, and the lens of truth for the gamepad!

#199938 Nintendo E3 2013 Lineup

Posted by m3gaman81 on 25 April 2013 - 03:45 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I think nintendo are just gona go.......SURPRISE!!!!! Ahahahahahaaaaa!!!!!!! Meheheheheheeeh!!!!!!


I fortell a flurry....of  goody goody gum drops games galore spectacular awesomeness!



#169190 Mario Galaxy 3

Posted by m3gaman81 on 09 February 2013 - 09:31 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'd like a dark version of mario, kind of like the last level in SMB3, but 3D and mario and gang have to bring the light back to the worlds, kind of like twlight princess.

But in the 3D version, he brings back all the colours to the game. Start the game of a greyish colour with hardly andy light/colour etc and as the game levels go on the worlds get darker and he has to try harder to gain the light/colours back?

Just a thought.....or maybe I'm hallucinating again!....lol.....SUPER MARIO in the UNDERWORLD...mawhahahaha!!!!!

#149950 Majora's Mask U?

Posted by m3gaman81 on 20 December 2012 - 07:56 AM in Wii U Games and Software

The time spent developing a remake of an old game could be time spent developing a completely new one. I would rather have a completely new game.

Agreed, although I feel it may be on the horizon! Probably 3DS. If it is getting the "Remake" treatment, I hope they make the time(...yuk)limit cycle longer, so i don't have to start over, and over, and over, and....yeah you get my point!
Like I've said before the game has potential, but the time limit is annoying for the start of the game, and I know there are songs to play to slow it down etc, but I played the game under pressure and it started to annoy me when I ran out of time! Sure I got quicker at finding stuff, but my boredom level crept in with the repetitive nature of the game.....so my answer is slow down the time limit to start with and speed it up at the end....lol.....well...maybe!

#170659 Life after the Wii U?

Posted by m3gaman81 on 12 February 2013 - 08:22 AM in Wii U Hardware

I know this is a bit premature, but what would you guys like to see as the successor to the Wii U?

Tablet/No Tablet, another New controller?



Joint Venture/Merger with another big name company?

Super Wii? 3D Cube? Super Cube? Ultra Wii?

Drop the Wii brand?

Have I missed anything?

So what do you guys think for the Big N's next console, I know it's early but give it a go, what would you like to see next?

#161112 I am no longer defending Wii U...

Posted by m3gaman81 on 20 January 2013 - 12:23 PM in Wii U Hardware

I think it's funny when people say they don't want it because there are no good games for it.......and i'm like
.......................................................................................................................................................... /

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Maybe ....just MAYBE it's because it's a NEW system , I can understand people not liking CoD or ZombiU but come on give it a chance they haven't even released the new Zelda or the new Super Smash Bros, there are sooo many good games not out yet......and when they blame it on the problems it's had i just remind them of the Red ring of death for 360 and the Various problems Sony had with the PS3

Hahaha, true my friend true :)

The console's been out for 2 months..lol people need to GET A GRIP and just chill....wait till the good games come......Yeeeeha!

#207379 How loud is your wii u Disc Drive?

Posted by m3gaman81 on 15 May 2013 - 11:40 AM in Wii U Hardware

21 Giga Cowbells :D

#148585 How is Skyward Sword?

Posted by m3gaman81 on 16 December 2012 - 01:28 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I know It's not a WiiU game, but I've been a Zelda fan my whole life.  I did not care for Twilight Princess, its actually my least favorite Zelda game.  So since it's been out for quite a while, I figured I'll get some honest opinions.

You don't like TP? I thought it was great! But each to our own I guess :)

YES! Skyward Sword is a great game and a must play for a zelda fan, infact it's a must play for all, even the die hard Skyrim players, if they just chill out a bit and play a beautifully crafted game. SS has a very surreal feel to it, it's colourful and the motion controlls work very well with it, it's a shame it came at the death of the wii to get it right!

Anyhoo....Lanayru desert had me enchanted, and was in awe when playing that part of the game at first. Sure SS has room for improvement, as I prefer an open world like OOT, but still this game is great to play and am sure will quickly become one of your favourites. But I do hope the next Zelda looks like that tech demo from 2011! and is more like OOT/TP design :P

Get SS you won't be disappointed....infact I'm going to play it again, since you brought it up...cheers!

#147981 Hello :)

Posted by m3gaman81 on 14 December 2012 - 07:12 AM in Introduction Central

Hey guys, just joined the forum. I am looking forward to many discussions on the awesome new Wii U console.

I hope to see you all on the boards. :)


#151036 Favorite Legend of Zelda game?

Posted by m3gaman81 on 23 December 2012 - 08:35 AM in General Gaming

1. Ocarina Of Time
2. Twilight Princess
3. Skyward Sword

All very close, but OOT has less flaws than the other two, and is just....magic!

Haven't played Wind Waker yet.....gasp! This list could change, as I hope Nintendo add Gamecube content on the Wii U!

#207934 Elder Scrolls on Wii U?

Posted by m3gaman81 on 17 May 2013 - 05:00 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Imagine if Nintendo works with Bethseda on the next Zelda...

Ooooohhhhh yes please!  Epic: The Legend of Zelda Reborn! Damn this would be a great Idea and Nintendo and Bethesda would make MEGA bucks!


This would also allow for the PS360 die hards who haven't played Zelda yet, to see what they are missing!


Fantastic idea my friend! :D

#150720 Elder Scrolls on Wii U?

Posted by m3gaman81 on 22 December 2012 - 05:47 AM in Wii U Games and Software

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Would you like to see the Elder Scrolls come to Wii U in the future?

Or even a port of some of their older titles, Oblivion and Skyrim?

I for one would welcome it, as I see it as the biggest games should also be released on Nintendos premier console.

The more third party the merrier, and would make this new console more appealing. :)

#207376 Elder Scrolls on Wii U?

Posted by m3gaman81 on 15 May 2013 - 11:32 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Elder scrolls Online would be great on Wii U! The gamepad screen would be very useful to have a inventory, map or quest menu on it!

Nintendo might just surprise us yet my friend, I'm looking forward to E3! :D

#207387 According to EA: The Wii U cannot run Frostbite 3... but your phone can!

Posted by m3gaman81 on 15 May 2013 - 11:49 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I don't like EA's attitude towards Nintendo! It's as if they think they are above them and are acting like 10 years olds (no offence to 10 year olds :D) holding a stupid grudge! get over it EA and give Nintendo your backing! What is annoying me most just now, is how ALOT of people are forgetting Nintendo's place in the gaming industry and are become snobbish towards them, and seeing Nintendo as childish! Nintendo caters for all....yes all! If Nintendo doesn't do well with the U, then you can bet on it, the next console will! Still the U is young and will take off....soon! :D

#161109 21K systems sold last week - Nintendos Wii U problems turn into a crisis.

Posted by m3gaman81 on 20 January 2013 - 12:11 PM in Wii U Hardware

Getting fed up of all the doom and gloom posts...just enjoy the blooming console and games..have fun,its why you bought it....gheeeeeez

Exactly could't have put it better myself. All these scare mongering articles about Nintendo are just to put people off buying the product, and it works, for a lot of people actually believe these fools that write nonsense.
The console has been out for barely 2 months! People need to get a grip and stop wanting too much too fast!

When did CPU clock speed become the bee all and end all anyways? A good game is a good game, end of.

When did selling a gagillion consoles in two days matter? It will sell when the "Big Guns" get announced.

When did only Sony and Microsoft matter in the gaming world? Pfft never they are playing the high specs game, which will eventually fizzle out.
And on another note, Sony or MS will probably copy some of the Wii U hardware or external ideas for the console.

Before you think I hate MS or Sony, I don't. I've had an MSX(80's) and playstation's from the get go, and play the XBox 360 now and again. I just think all the hate against Nintendo is un called for, and instead they should be praised for their innovation in a stale market these days.

For me graphics isn't everything, and gameplay is king. I do love shiny realistic graphics, but the gameplay sucks these days! How many First person shooter games do we have to have? Games aren't even that hard anymore, where's the challenge?

When we get a good mix of gameplay and graphics then it will be a good system. The Wii U is vastly upgraded from the Wii and it has everything that was asked of it, also the incorporated gamepad is to keep up with the tablet market so I understand this, and some of the gameplay will be excellent....I'm looking at U Zelda.

The games that will be coming for the U will be great, even better if some hard nose devs just give it a go and work their magic on an innovative console that's no too...OMG how do we code for that?

As for the next PSBox whatever, they'll be spec'd higher than the U, but the console's will be dearer, so will the games. So I won't even think about getting a PS4, until a price drop in hardware and software. By that time I will have played, Zelda, Metroid, Mario and I'm guessing some other "Surprises", and my eyes will be looking forward to see what all the consoles offer, and where gaming is headed.

So for now adios amigos, Wii U price drop immenent, great games on the horizon, so get with it or your not a "True" gamer....sorry but your not. so.....play them all....play everything...maw hahahaha! :P

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