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There have been 55 items by CaptainFalco311 (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#79573 New Wii U News from EB Games Canada

Posted by CaptainFalco311 on 20 May 2012 - 02:08 PM in Wii U Hardware

Thanks for the info. Can't wait to preorder mine! :D

#51537 Paul Network to have wii U game info this month

Posted by CaptainFalco311 on 05 January 2012 - 12:52 PM in Wii U Games and Software

This guy was the one who told infomation about Title Fight on the PS3.

Was that ever confirmed?

#51542 Should the WiiU have a USB3.0 on the back

Posted by CaptainFalco311 on 05 January 2012 - 01:06 PM in Wii U Hardware

I think that it would be wise for Nintendo to have at least 1 USB 3.0 port. Given that the console will most likely be out from 2012 to 2017, they need to have the technology available to keep up, and in 2017 a lot more devices will be 3.0 than 2.0. It's kind of like Wi-Fi with the Wii-in 2006, most Wi-Fi was in public places and not in homes.

#51064 Paul Network to have wii U game info this month

Posted by CaptainFalco311 on 03 January 2012 - 05:28 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I've never even heard of this site, so I wouldn't get my hopes up high. And if it is a Wii U and 3DS game, it can't be Retro's game (unless Nintendo Software Technology does the 3DS port, not unlike Metroid Prime Hunters and Metroid Prime 3).

#80087 Info that makes Android Rumor Plausable

Posted by CaptainFalco311 on 22 May 2012 - 09:49 AM in Wii U Hardware

It is NOT going to be Android-based. So many vulnerabilities that would be present, it's not even funny. If Nintendo doesn't want their console to get hacked a week after it comes out, they just can't have it be Android-based.

#55092 Advance Wars Wii U Concept

Posted by CaptainFalco311 on 16 January 2012 - 05:35 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It would be called Battalion Wars 3 lolololololol

I was thinking about Battalion Wars, but this game would be turn-based like AW and have powers

#56108 Advance Wars Wii U Concept

Posted by CaptainFalco311 on 21 January 2012 - 07:51 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Actually, there were two for the GBA and two for the DS

Since the Advance Wars series' has only been on handhelds, I'd imagine that the next installment would be on the 3DS.

If they make Advance Wars 3DS (and make it a successor to Black Hole Rising or Dual Strike rather than the disappointing Days of Ruin), I may be tempted to buy a 3DS

#55088 Advance Wars Wii U Concept

Posted by CaptainFalco311 on 16 January 2012 - 05:28 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I love Advance Wars. It's one of my favorite series of all time, and made the almighty GBA even more awesome. I have an idea for a Wii U entry, and so here goes:
  • Create-A-CO: Create your own CO. Customize his or her looks, proficiencies, and powers.
  • Online 4-Player Battles: Pretty self-explanatory. To avoid 3-hour sessions, there may be Words With Friends-esque "at your own pace" multiplayer in that you take your turn, the other players take their turns and you get a notification when it's your turn again while you do something else (probably if this was a downloadable game)
  • New Controller Utilization: Your TV would act as a live view of the complete battlefield and give in-depth stats, and you would carry out orders on the touchscreen. This would prevent other players from seeing your actions in splitscreen.
These are just a few ideas that I have. Personally, if this was available as Wii U Ware, I'd buy it in less than a heartbeat.

What do you think?

#52846 Wii U unveil timeline?

Posted by CaptainFalco311 on 09 January 2012 - 02:30 PM in Wii U Hardware

If Nintendo doesn't announce Wii U pricing and release at E3, I'll be all like

#51066 Similarities.

Posted by CaptainFalco311 on 03 January 2012 - 05:30 PM in Wii U Hardware

I think it just deals with how Nintendo works as a company. I don't think there's some conspiracy to make sure there are X Mario games every generation. And with a successful system comes tons of accessories. That's how capitalism works.

#53517 Wii U unveil timeline?

Posted by CaptainFalco311 on 11 January 2012 - 06:48 PM in Wii U Hardware

I hope? It releases in summer or before my birthday (June 23rd) maybe pull a dreamcast and launch it at E3.

That was the Saturn actually (Dreamcast launched on 9/9/99 in the States), and Nintendo wouldn't be stupid enough to launch it at E3-it would piss off stores, consumers, and developers alike.

#39099 Wii U's Release Window revealed?

Posted by CaptainFalco311 on 28 October 2011 - 02:11 PM in Wii U Hardware

I'm glad that the Wii U is coming out in the summer for two reasons:

-I just spent $70 on Skyward Sword, which could have been spent on a Wii U. I'll have more time to save up
-This will give me the ENTIRE SUMMER to play with my Wii U without thinking about school one bit :D

#79485 Wii U store

Posted by CaptainFalco311 on 20 May 2012 - 08:13 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I think that the general consensus here is that the Wii U will be able to download GCN games. My only worries with this are the price and the download times (storage isn't an issue for me, 500 GB USB hard drive ftw).

In regards to pricing, I believe it's currently like this:
NES: 500 Nintendo Points/$4.99 USD
Sega Master System: 600 Nintendo Points/$5.99 USD
TurboGrafx-16: 700 Nintendo Points/$6.99 USD
Sega Genesis/Sega Mega Drive: 800 Nintendo Points/$7.99 USD
SNES: 800 Nintendo Points/$7.99 USD
N64: 1000 Nintendo Points/$9.99 USD
GCN: My guess is 1500 NP/$14.99 USD

I think they'll make a $5 jump in price because the games are a) 10x the size of a N64 game and thus require more space on the server, b ) the games are more recent, so they can charge more because you can still go into a GameStop and buy a GameCube game, and c) Nintendo likes making money. That being said, Nintendo should definitely have external storage as an option from day one. Let's break this down from a storage space point of view:

8 GB Wii U hard drive
-2 GB Wii U and Wii saves, along with some downloaded VC games
-1 GB in WiiUWare games
= the average Wii U user has roughly 5 GB of space for GameCube games. GameCube games are usually 1.3 GB, so this means the average Wii U user can fit about 3 to 4 GameCube games without external memory.

Side Note 1: I really hope Nintendo switches from blocks to MB and GB. My hard drive is 500 GB, not 32,768,000 blocks.
Side Note 2: Half of me hopes that Ninty releases all of the Wii's VC games onto the eShop on day one. Half of me thought waiting for those games to come out and seeing what came out every week was fun, and it might be fun on the Wii U as well.

#40892 Wii U's Release Window revealed?

Posted by CaptainFalco311 on 04 November 2011 - 06:26 PM in Wii U Hardware

hmm i wish you were right about it being in summer but thats not certain at all. the final version will be shown in the summer at E3. but i just saw an article reporting on a nintendo meeting and one of the results was that the wii u is likely to be released in japan in september and EU and NA in november :( a summer release would of been awesome and its still possible but less likely

WHAT?!?! If Nintendo doesn't release the Operation Rainfall Trio next year, it's going to be a REALLY boring year.

#52156 Wii U's Big Secret

Posted by CaptainFalco311 on 06 January 2012 - 06:01 PM in Wii U Hardware

A 3D screen would be nice and all, but GOD NO DON'T PUT A 3D SCREEN IN THE WII U'S CONTROLLER. The 3DS' screen barely worked for me, and when it did, it was hardly impressive. Add that with a touchscreen and having to alternate between the controller and the TV's screen, it would just be a painful, uncomfortable, and underutilized nightmare. I do agree that Ninty may have something else in store at E3 (many things, actually), but if anything, it may be the confirmation that we can use more than one Tablet Controller.

#52868 Move save files from Wii to the Wii u

Posted by CaptainFalco311 on 09 January 2012 - 03:25 PM in Wii U Hardware

No caps. Now.


^Found in 10 seconds of searching on www.wiiugo.com...the website this forum is for.

Alright. If all of this "Reggie Sez" stuff is false then he is officially the greatest troll of all time

#52848 Move save files from Wii to the Wii u

Posted by CaptainFalco311 on 09 January 2012 - 02:31 PM in Wii U Hardware

I think Nintendo did say that they were going to make it so you could basically import the whole of your Wii to the Wii U. (Miis, save data, games, etc)) So no worries, I suppose.


#91110 Super Mario Galaxy 3

Posted by CaptainFalco311 on 01 July 2012 - 09:49 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I loved Galaxy 1 and 2, but I think it's time for something new. Imagine a beautiful 1080p 60 fps, fully open world (no windows or cannons that bring you to separate levels) where you have to explore and find 120 stars scattered throughout the planet....

...and you call it Super Mario World.

#119915 Iconic Sega franchises they need to resurrect on the Wii U

Posted by CaptainFalco311 on 21 October 2012 - 08:29 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Jet. Set. Radio. Yes please. Just imagine pulling off a wallgrind and then scribbling a graffiti design as fast as possible on the GamePad.
Sega, pay attention.

#91111 Gamestop's a bit harsh on pricing..

Posted by CaptainFalco311 on 01 July 2012 - 09:50 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Nintendo has confirmed retailers listing Wii U games around the $100 range "are using fictitious prices".

They actually cost $149.99.

#50753 Launch Title Prediction Thread

Posted by CaptainFalco311 on 02 January 2012 - 03:23 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Well, it's 2012 and before we know it the Wii U will be out. Along with new hardware launching comes launch titles. So, what do you think will be the U's launch titles? The Pilotwings reboot and Steel Diver launches caught me off guard with the 3DS last year, so I'm stumped for first-party titles. On the third-party side though, I think Ninty needs CoD as a launch title if it comes out in November. What are your ideas?

#51059 Launch Title Prediction Thread

Posted by CaptainFalco311 on 03 January 2012 - 05:21 PM in Wii U Games and Software

A new 2.5D Metroid would be an awesome launch title, and would definitely win us some favor from Game Informer. Also, maybe an HD Zelda collection(Zelda, Zelda II, ALttP, MM, WW, TP and possibly OoT and SS in HD!).

I prefer the side-scrolling Metroid games by far, but I think it's more realistic that we'd see something along the lines of Metroid Prime Hunters 2-a game with a good reputation among hardcore gamers (and even more so with the Prime games) that could show off how online play should be done. Plus, it never hurts to have a heavy-hitter, first-party game at launch (gives death stare to Steel Diver)

#51540 How long would it be untill SSB4 is released

Posted by CaptainFalco311 on 05 January 2012 - 01:02 PM in Wii U Games and Software

The Smash Bros. series has a tattered release schedule (3 years from 64 to Melee, 6 years from Melee to Brawl), and I think Nintendo needs a new Smash Bros. more than anything. I'd say it's most likely that it'll come out in late 2013/early 2014. At the very latest, it'll come out in 2014.

#79299 Rumor: Project H.A.M.M.E.R coming back as a Wii U title?

Posted by CaptainFalco311 on 19 May 2012 - 03:48 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I was looking forward to this game back when the Wii was abut to come out, but I seriously doubt this rumor. The link tracks back to a weebly page. Seriously. Weebly. Myth=busted.

#79479 Star Fox Wii U - My Ultimate Fantasm

Posted by CaptainFalco311 on 20 May 2012 - 07:48 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Nice, kinda similar to my Star Fox Assault 2 HD Online nerdgasm idea. Just imagine customizable, level-uppable classes in a Metroid Prime Hunters 2....

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