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#109597 ZombiU is What Resident Evil 6 Should be.

Posted by kris1206 on 18 September 2012 - 12:29 PM in Wii U Games and Software

ZombiU is my most anticipated game of this year then GTA V (It would of been awesome to have it on the Wii U on launch). The only time that RE6 intrested me was when one of the capcom guys said that its going to be more like RE3 (My favorite RE game watched my brother and mam playthrough it) but that was LIES

#93086 ZombiU Gameplay Collection

Posted by kris1206 on 12 July 2012 - 07:22 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Oh ok that's fine. BTW to reply to someone click "Quote" under their post and go from there

Yeah I know, I just typed the message and forgot to click the quote button and I was to lazy to retype it.

I hope that you can travel around some of London and that the game is free roaming with optional missions.

#92716 ZombiU Gameplay Collection

Posted by kris1206 on 09 July 2012 - 02:03 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I want this game mainly for the multiplayer, which is a first for me cause I usually buy a game for the single player experience

#92728 ZombiU Gameplay Collection

Posted by kris1206 on 09 July 2012 - 04:26 PM in Wii U Games and Software

The multiplayer shows of the asymmetric gameplay better than nintendo land IMO plus I want to sabotage my brother with zombies

#126105 ZombiU features a big plot twist

Posted by kris1206 on 08 November 2012 - 02:09 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Does the ending of Half Life 2 episode 2 count as a plot twist? Never saw that coming.
I doubt I'll ever reach the end of ZombiU I'll probably get too scared and hide in the corner

#125411 ZombiU features a big plot twist

Posted by kris1206 on 07 November 2012 - 08:00 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Its probably that the guy who you most trust is bad, but the guy who you don't trust is good. Either that or your in the Aminus of AC

#109513 ZombiU character slowly turns into a zombie?

Posted by kris1206 on 18 September 2012 - 09:56 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Whilst watching the ZombiU trailer from the conference a few days ago I noticed the blackening of the veins which seems to be the main symptom of turning.

I hope this is not the case as it would seem like a pointless fight, unless you can neutralize it when you get back to the safe house which then would put an extra bit of pressure on the gamer. It might be better to be featured on the hard mode thingy that you unlock afterwards.

#109606 ZombiU character slowly turns into a zombie?

Posted by kris1206 on 18 September 2012 - 12:35 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It seems like the zombies are a lot harder to kill in this game. I'm scared ;-;

6 hits with melee weapons plus gunshots attract hordes.

#102816 Your Favorite Developer and the IP you most want them to make on Wii U

Posted by kris1206 on 28 August 2012 - 04:00 PM in General Gaming

Valve- Half life 3
Apart from that Rockstar games- GTA V
Or Bethesda- the elder scrolls online/ the elder scrolls 6

Unless I could get a time travel devise go back to 2001 get everyone from rare and make a company called platinum reloaded (as platinum is a rare thingy) then they make banjo threeie also i'd go back in time and make the first burger

#100035 You can play Wii games on the Wii U gamepad

Posted by kris1206 on 16 August 2012 - 02:42 AM in Wii U Hardware

I wouldn't mind playing galaxy and mario bros wii on it with just the gamepad (not using the wii remote and nunchuck) but some games would be a bit difficult to play like skyward sword where you would probably need a gamepad XL to be able to concentrate properly assuming you would prop it up

#96676 XBOX 720 Devlopment Kit Phots and Specs Leaked, Wii U more Powerful?

Posted by kris1206 on 30 July 2012 - 12:23 PM in Wii U Hardware

Not really bothered TBH I just want to play on a console that will be fun and give a new experience. Thats why I'm getting a wii u

#155909 windwaker and twilight princess vc on gamepad screen, YEAH

Posted by kris1206 on 04 January 2013 - 04:36 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'd prefare it if they optimized it so you can control your inventory with the gamepad

#164194 Wind Waker HD Screenshots

Posted by kris1206 on 28 January 2013 - 01:31 PM in Wii U Games and Software

They can change some stuff if they like. But don't they DARE touch the soundtrack or the core gameplay!

I love the soundtrack but I want it to be orchestrated.

Anyways... I cannot wait for this to come out, I wonder how they'll change the tingle game boy thingy which i don't actually know what it does, to make it work for the U.
I wonder what pot head woman is doing in Windfall Island, she is not supposed to be there. Also there is really dark patches in the sea, which could be instead of the shiny rings.

I wonder what the pigs look like in this.
Maybe they should do a extended version of the ghost ship as an actual dungeon and then do another one for the other half of the triforce map. (There should just be two or three triforce maps, still 7/8 shards though). Or maybe just a massive dungeon to get the triforce in hyrule (Maybe the true temple of time)

#148251 Will the Wii U take as much time to get going as the 3DS?

Posted by kris1206 on 15 December 2012 - 04:10 AM in Wii U Games and Software

^I like your sig.

On topic: I don't think it will take as long. To be honest, the 3DS didn't do that bad either. I think next year we will get some new next-gen specific games which would sell (third party) but also some first party hitters. Mario Kart 8 wouldn't surprise me a bit (but I'd still enjoy it.. Mario Kart Wii looked AMAZING for a Wii game, now imagine that with modern tech and in HD... that should be mind-blowing). A new 3D Mario is a bit too hopeful perhaps, but would be a smart move for sure. Zelda won't happen, there's a chance for a new Metroid tho, to appeal to the hardcore gamers.. And we will also see a few casual titles again that will sell a lot. What happened to Wii Fit U?

Reggie's body isn't ready at the moment XD

I only have 5 games for my 3DS three of which are mario and the others are from third parties (and ill be getting luigi's mansion next year). I think in two years a Zelda game will be announced and released and mario 3D will come out around the same time. I think next year will be mainly new IPs

#59050 WiiU Renaming Suggestions (New Names)

Posted by kris1206 on 01 February 2012 - 03:02 PM in Wii U Hardware

Nintendo Dreamcast JK
I would rather them stick with WiiU because it what we have come to know although I did have a dream where Regi came on the stage and was laughing at us because we thought that the code name was the real name, also he started dancing and then he turned into a potato

#123658 Wii U Web Browser Scores High In HTML5 Test

Posted by kris1206 on 02 November 2012 - 05:27 AM in Wii U Hardware

To bad I only have mobile internet :(

#123875 Wii U Web Browser Scores High In HTML5 Test

Posted by kris1206 on 03 November 2012 - 04:35 AM in Wii U Hardware

Cool, I think I might give this browser a go, if it's good that means I havn't gotta stop playing to get my laptop :D

Never played a PS3 but maybe cos' it's crappy, don't have a go at me people, I'm just very uninformed when it comes to PS3, I've never played one, if I'm wrong fair enough.

That's too bad, are you thinking of getting internet?

LMAO, ahhh soo the PS3 Browser crappy then?


I used to have it but where I live we can only have one crappy ISP who overcharge on everything, but I am going to try and get a job next year to bring it back

#104227 Wii U SKU's at launch (RUMOR)

Posted by kris1206 on 04 September 2012 - 02:14 AM in Wii U Hardware

possibly maybe 2 is with nintendo land and NSMBU

#93608 Wii U Reveals Predictions

Posted by kris1206 on 16 July 2012 - 10:48 AM in Wii U Hardware

I'd say September so people can prepare for it

#62115 Wii U menu

Posted by kris1206 on 17 February 2012 - 02:57 PM in Wii U Hardware

If they did a city home menu then your friends should gather within a Cafe. Oh and the pictures within it could be taken from the games that you have played like a picture of link flying his loftwing

#61484 Wii U menu

Posted by kris1206 on 13 February 2012 - 04:24 PM in Wii U Hardware

I think that it should be in a small city, so the middle would be the disk based things, North would be the e shop, West would be the portal to nintendo network, east would be to allready downloaded games and south would be for social apps such as Video chat and youtube.

#92392 Wii U leaked Games

Posted by kris1206 on 07 July 2012 - 03:29 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I would download mario strikers if it was like the gamecube version
Also I doubt this is real cause Red steel 2 is on it unless its an HD remake.

#146999 Wii U is in a precarious position

Posted by kris1206 on 12 December 2012 - 09:29 AM in Wii U Hardware

Nintendo will be fine, if the rumors about the Xbox 8, and PS Omni are true, then they are going to be 10x more gimmicky that the Wii and Wii U combined. Also developers been very vocal about current Gen lasting so long. We will see the best 3rd party support on a Nintendo console since the SNES. All the signs are there.

Xbox 8 LoL micosoft can't count very well. Anyways Nintendo will be fine, even if it flops like the gamecube gamers will carry on using it as the games wont be like most of the third party ones for wii

#101692 Wii U games you'd like to see, but will never happen?

Posted by kris1206 on 24 August 2012 - 02:13 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Both left 4 deads on one disk.
Starbound (could happen tbh)
Nintendo carp fishing jking

#100203 Wii U games that have been overlooked - Official Topic

Posted by kris1206 on 17 August 2012 - 02:09 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Panorama view, but i think its going to be pre installed onto the system.
Maybe New super mario bros. U I know its going to sell millions but I think it needs a few more trailers to make people want it.

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