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#59050 WiiU Renaming Suggestions (New Names)

Posted by kris1206 on 01 February 2012 - 03:02 PM in Wii U Hardware

Nintendo Dreamcast JK
I would rather them stick with WiiU because it what we have come to know although I did have a dream where Regi came on the stage and was laughing at us because we thought that the code name was the real name, also he started dancing and then he turned into a potato

#59053 The game

Posted by kris1206 on 01 February 2012 - 03:11 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I want something new, its not often that it comes from a third party (I'm not including rockstar as they usually innovate with every game they make) but a new type of game would be nice some type of game that I can't think of at the moment. Maybe something that pushes Nintendo's massively single player online game.
Although The Elder Scrolls VI could come out in a few years but im not sure what Bethesda's development time is like which could really push the WiiU's graphical capabilities

#61484 Wii U menu

Posted by kris1206 on 13 February 2012 - 04:24 PM in Wii U Hardware

I think that it should be in a small city, so the middle would be the disk based things, North would be the e shop, West would be the portal to nintendo network, east would be to allready downloaded games and south would be for social apps such as Video chat and youtube.

#62115 Wii U menu

Posted by kris1206 on 17 February 2012 - 02:57 PM in Wii U Hardware

If they did a city home menu then your friends should gather within a Cafe. Oh and the pictures within it could be taken from the games that you have played like a picture of link flying his loftwing

#62122 Lots of Wii U trademarks from Nintendo unvield

Posted by kris1206 on 17 February 2012 - 03:12 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I used google translate for them and one said sushi party and there was one called Loader Kong

#62814 Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

Posted by kris1206 on 20 February 2012 - 05:14 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I have an Idea for the story;
one day the peace full Nintendo universe was calm and peace full. Link is holding a festival with Zelda and the Skyloft residents when groose falls of the edge of skyloft.
He falls so fast that his bird cannot catch up to him and therefore falls to earth with a bang. When he wakes up he's on a dark deserted ship with skulls on the walls, then a evil person comes through and tries to capture groose but he smacks him out of one of the walls and then you take control of him. After a while groose becomes tired and yells for help. Then a massive boss guy (who looks like sin of FFX) explodes through the bottom of the ship sending groose back into skyloft. He tells the others what has happened and link writes a letter to Diddy Kong (kinda like the start of diddy kong racing) as Diddy lives closer to mario and CO. Meanwhile the world explodes as they took to long.

#92392 Wii U leaked Games

Posted by kris1206 on 07 July 2012 - 03:29 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I would download mario strikers if it was like the gamecube version
Also I doubt this is real cause Red steel 2 is on it unless its an HD remake.

#92393 Rumor: Nintendo Land to Feature More Than Nintendo Themed Mini Games

Posted by kris1206 on 07 July 2012 - 03:37 AM in Wii U Games and Software

A new rabbids game called rabbids land is coming out for Wii U

#92394 Thoughts on New Super Mario Bros. U

Posted by kris1206 on 07 July 2012 - 03:41 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I was hoping that it would have randomly generated levels like cloudberry kingdom

#92646 Olimar's Absence in Pikmin 3.

Posted by kris1206 on 09 July 2012 - 03:54 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Maybe Olimar is in a ship orbiting the planet, were he provides maps of the area.
Or maybe Olimars race only lives for 10 years

#92651 Tons of new Wii U info - Nintendo Network, Achievements, Virtual Console, etc

Posted by kris1206 on 09 July 2012 - 04:19 AM in Wii U Hardware

Freeware is the best thing in this list IMO, and I think that some of the Indy games will make great use of the gamepad.
Getting really hyped now, gunna have to get my mum to turn the internet on cause I doubt mobile internet will work on the wiiu

#92714 Waluigi World - Wii U game idea

Posted by kris1206 on 09 July 2012 - 01:40 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It would be epic if retro were working on this
I could imagen it having a purple fog all over the HUB area

#92715 Camelot (Golden Sun, Mario Tennis) Want to work on Donkey Kong 64 2

Posted by kris1206 on 09 July 2012 - 01:48 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Better yet Rare needs to quit talking about going back to nintendo and actually do it! Then we can have a real donkey kong game the way its meant to be made.

I think rare have lost it now though, all they can make is sports games. They should just give their rights to DK back to nintendo I mean its kinda worthless them having rights to King K Rool and Chunkey Kong anyways

I think that project sora, retro and camelot should work together

Oh and DK64 sequel for the Wii U and a country game for the 3DS as I saw DKCR in 3D on someones youtube video and it looked amazing

#92716 ZombiU Gameplay Collection

Posted by kris1206 on 09 July 2012 - 02:03 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I want this game mainly for the multiplayer, which is a first for me cause I usually buy a game for the single player experience

#92719 Camelot (Golden Sun, Mario Tennis) Want to work on Donkey Kong 64 2

Posted by kris1206 on 09 July 2012 - 02:34 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I wonder if after Nintendo reaquired rare, all the people that left came back

What have they come back to nintendo now?

#92725 Camelot (Golden Sun, Mario Tennis) Want to work on Donkey Kong 64 2

Posted by kris1206 on 09 July 2012 - 03:53 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Sorry I can't understand what you are asking

It doesn't matter I thought you said that Nintendo had bought rare back

#92728 ZombiU Gameplay Collection

Posted by kris1206 on 09 July 2012 - 04:26 PM in Wii U Games and Software

The multiplayer shows of the asymmetric gameplay better than nintendo land IMO plus I want to sabotage my brother with zombies

#92776 Camelot (Golden Sun, Mario Tennis) Want to work on Donkey Kong 64 2

Posted by kris1206 on 10 July 2012 - 03:05 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Nooooo, if they did. Would the old members come back

I don't think they would, some of them will have retired, most of them have gone to other game companies (I know 4 people who left rare to go to lionhead studios to work on fable) and the founders of rare are looking for other opportunities according to this article http://www.1up.com/n...e-founders-bolt

Plus I think rare's work rate has dropped serverly, they made so many games in a short space of time whilst working on their own projects back in the day but now they are just stuck to doing whatever microsoft tell them to do.

Camelot need to prove that they are capable of making games as good as DK64 by making a few games like it on the eshop

#93073 Super Mario Sunshine 2

Posted by kris1206 on 12 July 2012 - 02:43 AM in Wii U Games and Software

As long as we don't have Mario: Nuts and Bolts im happy.
I could see Sunshine 2 taking place on Wu-Hu Island as it is slightly similar to Isle Delfino. (Small city with massive volcano behind it)
All though I want to see a mario game inside a massive town outside of the castle.

I doubt a sequel will come because myiamato said that the game play wasn't accessible enough

#93086 ZombiU Gameplay Collection

Posted by kris1206 on 12 July 2012 - 07:22 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Oh ok that's fine. BTW to reply to someone click "Quote" under their post and go from there

Yeah I know, I just typed the message and forgot to click the quote button and I was to lazy to retype it.

I hope that you can travel around some of London and that the game is free roaming with optional missions.

#93185 Luigis Mansion U/3 Ideas

Posted by kris1206 on 13 July 2012 - 02:14 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Allthough I love Luigi's mansion, I would like to see Luigi in a different type of game like an adventure game a bit like a mix between paper mario and zelda.

#93362 Mario Kart U

Posted by kris1206 on 14 July 2012 - 12:25 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I think they should remove the lucky 7, or make it so you can only get it when your in last place as on MK7 I have gotten it multiple times in 4th place.
Oh and they should make it alot harder to get 3 stars in the cup rankings as until about half way through the 150cc races i got three stars in every attempt.

#93608 Wii U Reveals Predictions

Posted by kris1206 on 16 July 2012 - 10:48 AM in Wii U Hardware

I'd say September so people can prepare for it

#94394 Nintendo Considering Multiple Wii U Models at Launch

Posted by kris1206 on 19 July 2012 - 03:46 AM in Wii U Hardware

I'd get one with an hard drive, pro controller, wii remote plus, and a fishing rod accessory

#94436 "Two Unannounced, Big Multiplatform Games Will Look “Much Better” On Wii...

Posted by kris1206 on 19 July 2012 - 10:24 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Possibly project cars for the driving game
I'd like too see what Black Ops 2 would look like but I doubt tryarch are really to bothered with graphical differences

Just realized that it said unannounced, probably another need for speed then.

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