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#295942 3DS XL SSB Bundle

Posted by lucario23 on 14 August 2014 - 08:46 PM in General Gaming

So, I had actually been really looking forward to this until I saw it. I really don't like it. It's too cluttered. Too much stuff. Why couldn't we just get the smash bros logo ala the Link Between Worlds XL? That one was awesome!!

#284863 [Rumor] Leaked: Nintendo Digital Event 2014 --- Star Fox by Platinum Games!

Posted by lucario23 on 11 May 2014 - 10:43 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I don't necessarily think this list is true, but as I look at it I realize that most of the Wii U releases are actually 2015, which DOES make sense as I highly doubt Nintendo has much more planed for this year than already announced.

#271680 AE games the new game developer slam third party companies for wii u support

Posted by lucario23 on 11 February 2014 - 10:33 AM in Wii U Games and Software

If this was a professional company they wouldn't have taken such obvious jabs at Ubisoft and EA. It's simply not professional. I'm calling either a fake, of a decent to bad indie game

#269644 Agree or disagree? elaborate

Posted by lucario23 on 30 January 2014 - 09:46 PM in Wii U Games and Software

the giants like EA and Activision i know will be around, i just feel personally that they dont dish out enough AAA games aside from their bread and butter, being the giants that they are. Ubisoft has stepped up above and beyond to me, I'm just concerned for this next Gen. 

I agree that Ubisoft seems to be the only AAA publisher that seems to know what it means to go next gen. Activision and EA are both pretty much crap. EA has a few interesting things with Plants vs. Zombies garden warfare, Titanfall, and Battlefront but that's about it from them.


Nintendo really does need to court the indie devs and the more independent studios like the people working on No Man's Sky and some of the neat projects showing up on Kickstarter. I would really like to see continued support from Ubisoft after watch dogs with the Crew and possibly even the division. I doubt it will happen, but that would be all the big third party support you would need along with the indie and kickstarter stuff to really have a powerful library!!


The only other games the Wii U really needs from third party would be Batman, Battlefront, and possibly an exclulsive FPS? Idk, but they really do need minimal third party support for a lot of the big blockbuster Microtransaction games. They do need the publicity for what it is they are doing though. The AAA scene is slowly fizzling out and I think Nintendo could play their cards right to get a lot of sales and great games during the second half of the life cycle if indies keep supporting it.


Kickstarter and Indies are becoming more ambitious as the competition between them is heating up. The Mighty No. 9, Space Pioneer, No Man's Sky, Armillo and many others are starting to look really good. I'd really like Unsung Story to come to Wii U also (Kickstarter). There are tons of fresh innovative ideas out there that will drive the innovation forward. If most of them can make their way on to the Wii U and they can be marketed correctly, then Wii U could become really competitive. especially if they added a few more features like voice chat to make the multiplayer experience more usable for co-op and competitive games.


It would be awesome if Nintendo found some way to get a multiplayer fps like Titanfall that they could get exclusively from a third party developer though. It's the one exclusive they don't really have. I'd be ok with a spin off Metroid series. Like Mario and Mariokart, have the first person adventure game Metroids and a competitive multiplayer Metroid game.


There's just so mmany good games coming to Wii U and it's a shame that many people won't ever know because they aren't being marketed correctly, though on that note I did see a Bravely Default commercial during the later hours Adult Swim on was it Cartoon Network? It was a cable channel in passing...

#288172 Anyone know where I can watch Nintendo Treehouse Live not-live?

Posted by lucario23 on 04 June 2014 - 04:16 PM in General Gaming

As the title says, I have work all day those three days and I really want to be able to go back and watch all of the livestream content at a later date. Is there a way to watch all 3 days of livestreaming after the streams are over? any help you guys could give tracking down a source to watch it from would be great!

#288174 Anyone know where I can watch Nintendo Treehouse Live not-live?

Posted by lucario23 on 04 June 2014 - 04:24 PM in General Gaming


have they actually said they will be posting all the footage from the livestream on youtube? I thought that was just the Digital Event.

#274619 Anyone think X looks a bit worse compared to previous viewings of it?

Posted by lucario23 on 25 February 2014 - 07:41 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Ok guys there was a misunderstanding. You both misunderstood each other. Are you both clear on what the other person meant? Because I really want to talk about this game.

It looks like it's got a lot of neat online features, but I looks far from complete based on rewatch I g those videos. I saw a couple glitches in even the two hype trailers when they first release it.

Also, I've heard this combat be likened to Dragon Age. Is this true?

#273878 Anyone think X looks a bit worse compared to previous viewings of it?

Posted by lucario23 on 21 February 2014 - 01:05 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It was confirmed with the dialog in the chatbox in the very first trailer.

"So what do you want to do today?"

"Oh wow thats huge!"

"Lets go get it!"

Not usually something you see in a single player game.

Wow. Apparently I haven't been following this title as closely as I thought I was. I remember that box, but I didn't know the translations had confirmed they were targeting Online co-op. 

That's pretty awesome!! 


What else am I currently unaware of regarding this game? All I basically knew was that it was an HD successor to Xenoblade with Mechs. And some people think there may be space travel between planets.

#273631 Anyone think X looks a bit worse compared to previous viewings of it?

Posted by lucario23 on 19 February 2014 - 11:02 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Honestly, Im starting to think they arent holding back.

Im starting to think, this project is much much larger than I previously thought it was going to be... which was already very very large.

Ive said it before, but now I say it with conviction. I dont think this game is anywhere near feature complete. I think we have a small (small via in relation to the actual game, but probably several square miles, ie the size of es4 oblivion) area complete enough to warrant showing off, with a handful of models complete enough to allow to be seen, sort of... ANd the rest of it is just placeholders for the sake of functionality so they can hammer out the framework of the game. Its not usually until this is finished, when the project is feature complete, and they start filling the placeholders with release version assets that the first screens start getting shown....

I dont think we are anywhere near there, because of the size and ambition of project X.

Lets take a look at the X hiring spree, judging by their most recent posting, they are still pouring on the manpower:


Urgent! Planner

Work location

Tokyo Head Office (Meguro-ku, Tokyo)

Business content

<Development department>
The data creation and planning of the game

We're now looking for the following staff planning.

① game planner Urgent!
Consumer game production experience, welcome a game development experience with a better network with the specification of experience of proposal

Better scripting capability that may in part ② city planner in charge of consumer game production experience, is responsible for the town part of RPG, welcome in a program knowledge

③ Battle algorithm responsible planner Urgent!
Sometimes in the consumer game production experience, wrote the AI ​​of enemy,
(Another possibility programmers) who it is that it has formed a script

④ UI / menu planner in charge of Urgent!
Those who are design and layout of UI / in-game menu, experience and specification for creating
UI operation transition, graphic production, programs, scripts in the game
If you are some understanding

So, right here, we have some big ones.

Of course, we have the senior planner, you need one of these to head up a team to ensure cohesion and results. They are likely adding entire teams to the project, and need a project senior, and then leads for several areas.

They need city planners, for designing the various cities, and what goes on in them, events, quests, scripts, all the good stuff that goes on in the cities that we are going to be exploring in the game. Its listing is urgent, they want manpower.

Next on the list:

Battle Algorithm and AI programmer. That latest video was pretty cool right? But it seemed kinda lacking compared to say... Xenoblade? The monster was kinda lifeless, didnt really do much, didnt respond much, in areas that even xenoblade on wii did (Monsters getting cowed by powerful hits, paying attention to who hits them). Well, thats this teams job, and its listing for hiring is urgent. They want manpower.

UI/menu planner These guys are responsible for the user interface, the appearence of menus and feedback information shown to the player. Did the menus and hud of X look underwhelming? If you believe so, good news, its just a placeholder, this job title, whos listing is labeled urgent, is for fixing precisely that, and making it look more elegant and less obtrusive.

Next we have 3d CG designer! URGENT!!!!

They want individuals who can create 3d character models (player character, party members, mechs, enemies, you name it)

And also background geometry, like those gorgeous to explore areas in xenoblade.

Specifically looking for good animators, particularly for facial animations. Very urgent. Probably has to do with why we havent seen a characters face up close and doing stuff in any video yet, and why they havent even really shown us any cutscenes or story bits yet.

2d designers Not urgent, but hiring.
Story board artists, scene compositors, designers of the world, guys who do concept art that the other teams then turn into the levels characters and equipment of the game. A prettty big sign the game is nowhere near feature complete.

Effects designer Not urgent, but hiring.
Think those sword swing effects are looking a little lack luster? Think those gun effects lack some puch? Some oomph? Well its this guys future job to make those things happen with pizazz!

Motion designer URGENT!!!

Again, monolithsoft really wants some good animators. Did you think the animations in X maybe looked a little stiff? A little akward? Well, Monolithsoft does too, and they want to hire people to specifically tackle this problem.

This is going to be quite the grand project. I dont see how it can possibly release this year though, unless they hire a MASSIVE team (like western size AAA publisher team size) which will be no easy feat to manage.

I really, REALLY hope Nintendo allows takahashi to once again take as much time as needed for completion like he did with Xenoblade. But also, that doesnt mean to pretend the game doesnt exist either. Screens, a new tidbit here, or there, something like what smash bros is doing would be excellent. This is quite the ambitious project.

Didn't they post positions for networking stuff a while ago? Do we know what happened to them?

#273769 Anyone think X looks a bit worse compared to previous viewings of it?

Posted by lucario23 on 20 February 2014 - 06:30 PM in Wii U Games and Software

They were, job positions were filled, and they are no longer urgently hurting for network coders. Really, you only need so many network coders. Their job cant really benefit to much from a paralell pipeline

People who make assets, like textures, models, animations etc, the more you have doing that, the more you can GREATLY speed up the production process.


So Let me ask you this then. Do YOU think this means that online co op/multiplayer is confirmed? Or just some form of leaderboard/item trading?

#271679 Battalion Wars U: When to expect?

Posted by lucario23 on 11 February 2014 - 10:29 AM in Wii U Games and Software

P.? Maybe I'm to old to understand these abbreviations....

I think he meant pretty good.


Anyway, I want to see a new Crystal Chronicles made for the Wii U similar in gameplay to the gamecube with online co op. I'd also love to see a full 3D Fire Emblem game. I'm also getting prety curious in SMT X FE. I've never played Advance Wars or Batallion Wars, but I'd love to give one a try on 3DS or Wii U.

#271585 DK Tropical Freeze: Gameinformer 9.25

Posted by lucario23 on 10 February 2014 - 07:27 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Playing the demo right now and loving it!  Will definitely get the full version.

The demo is good. I will probably get it at some point. probably Spring Break. Thinking about getting Donkey Kong 3D and Ligi's Mansion on 3DS at some point also too. Wow. so many games!!! Can't wait til X and Smash/Mariokart!!! Donkey Kong in HD would actually be really cool!! NEED MONEY!!!

#271580 DK Tropical Freeze: Gameinformer 9.25

Posted by lucario23 on 10 February 2014 - 06:21 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm on the fence about this game. I want to play the first one as well, but I haven't played a Donkey Kong game in forever. Plus I have limited money to go towards this or Bravely Default.

#271821 DKC: Tropical Freeze has some TERRIBLE loading times.

Posted by lucario23 on 12 February 2014 - 07:15 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Do some pushups or eat a banana during the loading times.

All the Bananas!!! And I've never really had an issue with loading times. For me they were always a sense of anticipation. Granted I haven't played Lego City Undercover so there may be an upper limit to my patience, but Very few games have ever reached it (Lego Island 2 among others)

#282695 E3 2014 Discussion Thread Mega-Mix

Posted by lucario23 on 26 April 2014 - 02:32 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I'll be happy if they get Project CARs to get up on STAGE for them and talk about the game on the Wii U console. on top of that, they need the full reveal of Monolith Soft's new game, a reveal of Zelda/Metroid, Smash Bros, and a few third party surprises.

#282777 E3 2014 Discussion Thread Mega-Mix

Posted by lucario23 on 27 April 2014 - 11:05 AM in Wii U Games and Software

You're expecting way too much from Nintendo if that's what you want to see.

Just because I want to see it doesn't mean I think it's going to happen. And it's not too much to ask for, they just don't see they need to be doing it.

#270159 Eurogamers most anticipated game of 2014- MonolithSoft's 'X'

Posted by lucario23 on 02 February 2014 - 08:53 PM in Wii U Games and Software

just curious, but what's the song in the trailer? Can I get it as a download and is there a full version? And this game will be a must buy  for me as well, even though I probably won't invest much time into it. Hopefully that's not the case as it looks amazing and I want to Play it an awful lot. I really hope they hype this game up before launch in other news outlets. It would be a perfect game to advertise in something like a Super Bowl commercial or during a mainstream Western event. The mechs and stuff would totally appeal to that audience that is currently flocking to Titanfall. The advertising would have to be done right, but it has so much marketing potential on top of game potential

#276701 Extended Nintendo Network Maintenance on Wii U and 3DS Scheduled For 13th March

Posted by lucario23 on 10 March 2014 - 04:54 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Yeah, that and probably work to reduce people hacking Wii U/3ds. I'm not expecting anything major in this update but was meaning their attitude to online in general has been above expectations.


They're getting there. I'm not cutting them slack yet, but I will acknowledge they are slowly improving. This generation is the generation of catch up for Nintendo. I'll be curious to see where they end this generation and start the next.

#293180 Fire Emblem: Awakening characters and Captain Falcon announced for Smash

Posted by lucario23 on 14 July 2014 - 01:28 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I was expecting chrom and robin to be together, but I thought it'd be the other way around. Wish chrom would help out on a few other moves too though. Lucian looks like she's gonna be the quicker Marth from brawl more or less and Marth will be more reminiscent of his melee self

#289751 FULL treehouse footage from e3

Posted by lucario23 on 11 June 2014 - 02:19 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Thought i would post this incase anyone else missed it like me,this is the full treehouse footage from e3


Great!! Thanks! will you be posting all of it? All 3 days?

#290311 Grade each conference

Posted by lucario23 on 14 June 2014 - 05:06 PM in E3 2014 Archive

Microsoft- B-B+


Phantom Dust and Scalebound plus all the usual stuff was great!


Sony- N/A

didn't watch, but No Man's Sky is only a timed exclusive for them and I saw someone in this thread say it was console exclusive to them. It they lied/ extremely downplayed that I'll be extremely pissed and retroactively give them an F on the grading scale that's a 0%


Ubisoft- B to B-


Only got to see the first part of it, and I'm sure it was solid, but as I haven't heard about any new IPs that came out of that conference like Watch Dogs, The Crew, and the Division have in the last 2 years it really couldn't have been their best year.



Battlefront, DICE, and Bioware saved this from becoming a complete disaster. Battlefront didn't have enough shown. Mass Effect looked neat but seemed pretty early on still, Battlefield Hardline and Mirror's Edge were basically the only other highlights besides that.

#285630 Hideki Kamiya Finds Out that the PS4 isn’t Backwards Compatible, Calls it “

Posted by lucario23 on 18 May 2014 - 06:51 PM in General Gaming

By the time a console is 2 generations old it's games should be ready to be put on an emulator and resold digitally.

If a next gen console isn't powerful enough to run an emulator for all games from the previous generation then it shouldn't be called a next generation console.

Those are my two rules to for console hardware.

#285694 Hideki Kamiya Finds Out that the PS4 isn’t Backwards Compatible, Calls it “

Posted by lucario23 on 19 May 2014 - 05:50 AM in General Gaming

I have a hard time figuring out where to start on my counterargument, so I'm going to just cut to the chase by calling you a derogatory term for a person with inferior mental capacity while strongly advising you to obtain more information on the capabilities and limitations of emulators.

How about the Wii? It was emulating N64. It was playing GameCube games. Granted GCN isn't emulated, so I guess I should say be able to play last gen games though not necessarily emulated.

#294135 Hyrule Warriors

Posted by lucario23 on 24 July 2014 - 08:43 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Not my type of game. It still sucks to me.
Looks like a rebranded dynasty warrior.
I think there was even a metal gear solid like this.

Idk why game makers take there series so far away from what it use to be.

You do get the whole point of this game is to be a crossover of sorts to where you have a dynasty warriors style game set in the Zelda universe right? Like you're criticizing a game for doing exactly what the game is telling you it's going to do. I'm sorry it's not exactly what you want, but don't bash it or consider it crap because of that. Grade it impartially for quality, but grade as biased as you like as far as enjoyment.

#283052 “We Need To Redefine What Nintendo Must Do,” Says Iwata

Posted by lucario23 on 29 April 2014 - 03:55 PM in General Gaming

Nintendo has to radically change in order for this to work.

No one is going to buy cutest Nintendo mascot stuff that does things worse than competitors or does t look and function "cool"

They will be competing against Apple and Samsung. They can beat Samsung. But will anyone be able to look past the company that Makes Kirby and see how awesome their product is?

The answer is actually YES. But... Only if they radically re image. New faces, new marketing, new strategy, way new industrial design. Massive investment in areas like software dev teams, server farms, machine tooling equipment, etc.

It's a cutthroat world now. You've got companies like apple innovating even in areas that aren't theirs-like creating new tools to make smaller components which in turn yield thinner products, etc. then you've got companies like Samsung who steal your tech and largely get away with it. And since Nintendo is japsnese and Samsung is Korean that would get real bad real quick (.look up the history between these nations).

Nintendo is in real danger of just becoming a "me too" company if they aren't careful. And as Microsoft and Nokia are finding out, there isn't room for they strategy anymore.

But Nintendo has never been a me too company. The only problem with that is they sometimes create a worse product just to be different.

If they can really make a go, reinvent (while retaining the good stuff), and reorganize in order to produce superior products that people want and possibly need, go for it.

But it's difficult seeing the current staff as competent for such a thing.

Iwata is good. He's trying to be flexible, open, and visionary. At the sane time he lacks vision. Noes the time for him to surround himself with people that can bolster his goals.

Looking forward to see what results.

Huh. You know, after reading Iwata's goals and your post I realized something. Nintendo sees them in the videogame space for the long haul. Microsoft and Sony have other divisions that can swallow losses when launching new hardware. They are a much bigger company than purely videogames, and that is what has allowed them to have the cash and resources to make good, higher spec gaming machines. Microsoft and Sony are bigger companies with a diverse range of products that allow them to afford it, and Iwata wants Nintendo to be the same way, but with different products. From what I'm gathering, he wants Nintendo to be seen as THE entertainment company 10-15 years from now. There were rumors of a Nintendo theme park a while back. This QOL thing. Nintendo could be looking for other sources of income so they can throw the kind of money into gaming machines that the other two companies are. 

I'll be the first to admit this is of course slightly too optimistic, but it kind of makes sense. 

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