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#283052 “We Need To Redefine What Nintendo Must Do,” Says Iwata

Posted by lucario23 on 29 April 2014 - 03:55 PM in General Gaming

Nintendo has to radically change in order for this to work.

No one is going to buy cutest Nintendo mascot stuff that does things worse than competitors or does t look and function "cool"

They will be competing against Apple and Samsung. They can beat Samsung. But will anyone be able to look past the company that Makes Kirby and see how awesome their product is?

The answer is actually YES. But... Only if they radically re image. New faces, new marketing, new strategy, way new industrial design. Massive investment in areas like software dev teams, server farms, machine tooling equipment, etc.

It's a cutthroat world now. You've got companies like apple innovating even in areas that aren't theirs-like creating new tools to make smaller components which in turn yield thinner products, etc. then you've got companies like Samsung who steal your tech and largely get away with it. And since Nintendo is japsnese and Samsung is Korean that would get real bad real quick (.look up the history between these nations).

Nintendo is in real danger of just becoming a "me too" company if they aren't careful. And as Microsoft and Nokia are finding out, there isn't room for they strategy anymore.

But Nintendo has never been a me too company. The only problem with that is they sometimes create a worse product just to be different.

If they can really make a go, reinvent (while retaining the good stuff), and reorganize in order to produce superior products that people want and possibly need, go for it.

But it's difficult seeing the current staff as competent for such a thing.

Iwata is good. He's trying to be flexible, open, and visionary. At the sane time he lacks vision. Noes the time for him to surround himself with people that can bolster his goals.

Looking forward to see what results.

Huh. You know, after reading Iwata's goals and your post I realized something. Nintendo sees them in the videogame space for the long haul. Microsoft and Sony have other divisions that can swallow losses when launching new hardware. They are a much bigger company than purely videogames, and that is what has allowed them to have the cash and resources to make good, higher spec gaming machines. Microsoft and Sony are bigger companies with a diverse range of products that allow them to afford it, and Iwata wants Nintendo to be the same way, but with different products. From what I'm gathering, he wants Nintendo to be seen as THE entertainment company 10-15 years from now. There were rumors of a Nintendo theme park a while back. This QOL thing. Nintendo could be looking for other sources of income so they can throw the kind of money into gaming machines that the other two companies are. 

I'll be the first to admit this is of course slightly too optimistic, but it kind of makes sense. 

#295942 3DS XL SSB Bundle

Posted by lucario23 on 14 August 2014 - 08:46 PM in General Gaming

So, I had actually been really looking forward to this until I saw it. I really don't like it. It's too cluttered. Too much stuff. Why couldn't we just get the smash bros logo ala the Link Between Worlds XL? That one was awesome!!

#284441 X/Bayonetta 2 still looking for 2014 release

Posted by lucario23 on 07 May 2014 - 09:16 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Interesting tidbit, but I didn't see Hyrule Warriors slated for a Japan release

#289751 FULL treehouse footage from e3

Posted by lucario23 on 11 June 2014 - 02:19 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Thought i would post this incase anyone else missed it like me,this is the full treehouse footage from e3


Great!! Thanks! will you be posting all of it? All 3 days?

#274689 Mario Kart 8 Wii U Racing Wheel Pre-Orders

Posted by lucario23 on 26 February 2014 - 08:54 AM in Wii U Games and Software

The motion controls aren't bad for mariokart, just not for competitive racing

#278804 Rocksteady: 360/PS3/Wii U couldn't run Arkham Knight, only next gen.

Posted by lucario23 on 27 March 2014 - 06:10 PM in General Gaming

guys, a Wii U version is simply out of the question for a studio like Rocksteady, the architecture is just too different and there simply isn't enough RAM. This is the first of very few games that will truly take advantage of next Gen tech until the second half of the console life cycle. Rocksteady really does push the technology of the consoles they develop on, and for a studio of that size trying to make the masterpiece they are creating, it's just not feasible. Too little RAM, too many differences between architecture. Personally, I'm not upset. the industry needs more studios like Rocksteady and they deserve all the hype they can get. This is only the third game in the REAL Arkham Trilogy and I can't wait to get my hands on it.

#278341 Nintendo Enthusiast's Indie Corner - Racing overview

Posted by lucario23 on 23 March 2014 - 08:44 AM in Wii U News



Nah, for serious though. Pretty neat stuff going on there, although I do wonder how many of those indie titles will ever come to fruition.

Fast Racing Neo Project CARS, and the 90's arcade racer one will definitely come to fruition. Not so sure about the others, but I know he mentioned a few of them would be coming out this year didn't he?

#271585 DK Tropical Freeze: Gameinformer 9.25

Posted by lucario23 on 10 February 2014 - 07:27 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Playing the demo right now and loving it!  Will definitely get the full version.

The demo is good. I will probably get it at some point. probably Spring Break. Thinking about getting Donkey Kong 3D and Ligi's Mansion on 3DS at some point also too. Wow. so many games!!! Can't wait til X and Smash/Mariokart!!! Donkey Kong in HD would actually be really cool!! NEED MONEY!!!

#271580 DK Tropical Freeze: Gameinformer 9.25

Posted by lucario23 on 10 February 2014 - 06:21 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm on the fence about this game. I want to play the first one as well, but I haven't played a Donkey Kong game in forever. Plus I have limited money to go towards this or Bravely Default.

#282695 E3 2014 Discussion Thread Mega-Mix

Posted by lucario23 on 26 April 2014 - 02:32 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I'll be happy if they get Project CARs to get up on STAGE for them and talk about the game on the Wii U console. on top of that, they need the full reveal of Monolith Soft's new game, a reveal of Zelda/Metroid, Smash Bros, and a few third party surprises.

#279114 Space MMORPG Under Development For Wii U

Posted by lucario23 on 30 March 2014 - 07:18 PM in Wii U News

Guys, check out Space Pioneer!! It's a game that just got a Kickstarter for Wii U and PC Linux. It looks way better than this



#282777 E3 2014 Discussion Thread Mega-Mix

Posted by lucario23 on 27 April 2014 - 11:05 AM in Wii U Games and Software

You're expecting way too much from Nintendo if that's what you want to see.

Just because I want to see it doesn't mean I think it's going to happen. And it's not too much to ask for, they just don't see they need to be doing it.

#284863 [Rumor] Leaked: Nintendo Digital Event 2014 --- Star Fox by Platinum Games!

Posted by lucario23 on 11 May 2014 - 10:43 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I don't necessarily think this list is true, but as I look at it I realize that most of the Wii U releases are actually 2015, which DOES make sense as I highly doubt Nintendo has much more planed for this year than already announced.

#279614 Project Cars: over 40% of people interested, will be buying it on Wii U

Posted by lucario23 on 02 April 2014 - 06:48 PM in Wii U News

sweet!! I hope these guys can gain the traction they need to keep their Racing Sim on the console, Nintendo needs one.

#270159 Eurogamers most anticipated game of 2014- MonolithSoft's 'X'

Posted by lucario23 on 02 February 2014 - 08:53 PM in Wii U Games and Software

just curious, but what's the song in the trailer? Can I get it as a download and is there a full version? And this game will be a must buy  for me as well, even though I probably won't invest much time into it. Hopefully that's not the case as it looks amazing and I want to Play it an awful lot. I really hope they hype this game up before launch in other news outlets. It would be a perfect game to advertise in something like a Super Bowl commercial or during a mainstream Western event. The mechs and stuff would totally appeal to that audience that is currently flocking to Titanfall. The advertising would have to be done right, but it has so much marketing potential on top of game potential

#294131 Wii U update version 5.1.0 out now

Posted by lucario23 on 24 July 2014 - 08:18 PM in Wii U News

The downloads are tied to the NNID and the NNID is tied to the console. If something happens e.g your console breaks, you send it to your country's Nintendo and they have the way to transfer the NNID to another console ;)

Your NNID is your ID. You can see all the games you've purchased on both 3DS and Wii u from one console. Surely there's some override switch where you can link a new console to your NNID and shut down the old console if it ever connects again?

#279617 Nikkei: "June will be a major test for Iwata"

Posted by lucario23 on 02 April 2014 - 06:55 PM in Wii U Games and Software

anyone here think Miyamoto would make a good president?

Sakurai. He knows the gamer, He's got a vision and works tirelessly to achieve it. Appreciates the PS4, but understands how Nintendo does things to set themselves apart. He could blend the stuff Nintendo needs to be taking from the PS4 and One and combine it with the good and unique stuff at Nintendo to make awesome stuff happen.


Though he does need to be able to prove himself on a business side I suppose.

#285630 Hideki Kamiya Finds Out that the PS4 isn’t Backwards Compatible, Calls it “

Posted by lucario23 on 18 May 2014 - 06:51 PM in General Gaming

By the time a console is 2 generations old it's games should be ready to be put on an emulator and resold digitally.

If a next gen console isn't powerful enough to run an emulator for all games from the previous generation then it shouldn't be called a next generation console.

Those are my two rules to for console hardware.

#285694 Hideki Kamiya Finds Out that the PS4 isn’t Backwards Compatible, Calls it “

Posted by lucario23 on 19 May 2014 - 05:50 AM in General Gaming

I have a hard time figuring out where to start on my counterargument, so I'm going to just cut to the chase by calling you a derogatory term for a person with inferior mental capacity while strongly advising you to obtain more information on the capabilities and limitations of emulators.

How about the Wii? It was emulating N64. It was playing GameCube games. Granted GCN isn't emulated, so I guess I should say be able to play last gen games though not necessarily emulated.

#270935 Sonic Boom has secretly been announced for a year.

Posted by lucario23 on 06 February 2014 - 10:18 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Dang, leave it to Sega to prove the Wii U can do things graphically.

I know what you mean, but leave it to Nintendo to prove the Wii U can do things. I'm looking a tMariokart 8 and X.


And also, could this be the big CryEngine game everyone was talking about a year ago that was for Wii U? I'm betting it is. I've never played Sonic, but this game looks like it's definitely worth the look

#276635 What if Nintendo changed their image to something similar to MS/Sony?

Posted by lucario23 on 10 March 2014 - 08:12 AM in General Gaming

Nintendo doesn't need to westernize to that extent. They do need to be aggressive enough with their next console to actually get third party support. This doesn't mean they need to beat the online infrastructure of Microsoft and Xbox Live, but they do need to invest in a network they can future proof and have key features like voice chat etc. I'd honestly be ok with paying $30-$50 a year if it meant having a good online network like the other companies, but that's just personal preference. that stuff does require money to maintain you know.


As Nollog said, they would lose all their money if they went that direction completely, but there are some obvious changes they can make that won't cost them much that will make them competitive. They really need to launch last, or at least reveal last this next generation so they can make sure they have tech similar enough for third parties to port most games fairly easily. This way they can make sure they have similar architecture (x86 , powerPC. etc).


Another obvious change and in my opinion the biggest flaw of the Wii U is bringing back analog triggers. this one speaks for itself. Those alone open up the entire racing and fps genres to Nintendo systems. Neither of those changes will cost them billions of dollars and they can reap huge rewards.




As for something I would like to see Nintendo do that is unique, but could be competitive if marketed correctly and planned for financially, is to develop a technology that basically lets servers dynamically switch between configurations for various games. Basically have a server network where servers rotate between the settings for hosting matches of various games. Basically servers wouldn't have to be retired for one game, or even one generation, because the settings for every game that is on a Nintendo device had server settings that just get called and set up prior to a match.


^that was very hypothetical. let me know what you think of the concept without considering cost etc.

#282134 Would you want Nintendo to buy another Western dev

Posted by lucario23 on 21 April 2014 - 11:12 AM in General Gaming

I just want them to expand Retro to where it is the size of EAD and is working on 3-4 western games at a time. It would be a slow process, but that is where I'd like to see them end up.

#276034 In defence of third party publishers

Posted by lucario23 on 06 March 2014 - 08:18 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Nintendo is also to blame in many respects as well. They didn't go with the same x86 architecture that the others consoles went with. granted, this makes the Wii U the only console that can truly be called a console instead of a box with PC parts in it, but still, if they  were able to get ports without rewriting a larger portion of the game I'm sure we would be seeing more support.

#270314 Ubisoft Has Abandoned Their Watch Dogs Trademark

Posted by lucario23 on 03 February 2014 - 03:23 PM in General Gaming

The game's going to come out. It's possibly the most hyped game on the near horizon right now and Ubisoft can't possibly think it would be profitable to not release it. As far as name changes goes. Who cares if they call the game "Chicago Pony Rainbow Chasers" for all I care as long as the game itself is the same.

#292706 The game industry thinks that you are stupid.

Posted by lucario23 on 09 July 2014 - 01:51 PM in General Gaming

To a certain extent he is right, but i don`t think that, in the case of BF, everything is lost. Hardlines, or whatever is the name of the next BF, will prove if EA really tried to change something or not.

I battlefield is suffering it is most certainly EAs fault and NOT DICE. Unless there are some key layoff I'm not aware of (which is actually possible) the talent for battlefield is there, they just can't be tied down by EA: "you have to have this out a a launch title even if its only half done"

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