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There have been 13 items by Katana_Strike (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#18490 How much life do you think the DS has left?

Posted by Katana_Strike on 04 August 2011 - 06:14 AM in General Gaming

But that's the thing; Developers have no reason to STAY with the DS anymore, now that the prices are much more comparable. So while we will be getting games that were already in development, most projects will just be started on the superior successor to the console. Once one of the bigger franchises moves to the 3DS, we will see a huge migration of DS users. Pokemon will probably be the killer, but I see a few people changing over for Rune Factory and SMT:DS Overclocked...

That's true, Pokemon will definitely shift some 3DSs. I was expecting Ocarina of Time to do that as well but I guess it didn't pan out like that. Maybe an original Zelda game will get the 3DSs off the shelves. Rune Factory 4 and Kingdom Hearts definitely sold me! :3

I do disagree that you think it will be a natural migration of projects. The GameCube lost alot of series that were on it's console when the Wii released, Soul Calibur, Main Resident Evil titles to name a few.

#18489 None of the big first parties at launch?

Posted by Katana_Strike on 04 August 2011 - 06:07 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Idk i guess they just don't appeal to me anymore. I don't like many of them because of the atmosphere of them, of course i'm not saying i like the atmosphere of those overated Fps. But I like the scary or mysterious atmosphere in a a game which is why i played amnesia :D

Simirlarly, but not quite the same I wish there were a few more maturer Nintendo titles. I'm not saying Mario and Yoshi are babyish I just wish there was a bit more depth to their games... I don't know it's hard to explain.

#18487 What would you want more in a Wii U video game? Quantity or Quality?

Posted by Katana_Strike on 04 August 2011 - 06:01 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I actually prefer quantity, I need to feel the game has been worth my buck. Epic Yarn was a great experiece but I can't give it anything over a 6/10 because the only thing 'epic' about it was how short it was. I managed to finish it all in one sitting at a friend's house.

Golden Sun may not have been as fun as Epic Yarn but it's a long game making it more worth the money I spent on it.

#18484 How much life do you think the DS has left?

Posted by Katana_Strike on 04 August 2011 - 05:54 AM in General Gaming

Meant the DSi, sorry :P
...And it happens August 11th
And it's quite the opposite; There's just not enough drive for some people to be bothered to get it... There's no excuse NOT to, just no excuse to. Does this sound as confusing as it feels? >.<

I understand what you're saying, there's not things bad enough to make people not want to get it but there's not enough good things to encourage them either, correct?

The problem is, is that the DS is still getting support and until it dries up people won't want to upgrade. Especially with the amazing back catolog of games the DS has.

#18482 PSVita can be used as PS3 controller

Posted by Katana_Strike on 04 August 2011 - 05:49 AM in General Gaming

This really sounds absolutely no different from the ability to use a GBA as a GameCube "controller". Or the DS as a Wii controller. Both of these combinations failed quite miserably in the marketplace, despite how innovative they were. The reason?

Cost. What were the chances that everyone who bought, say, Mario Party 8 would have both a Wii and a DS (let alone one for every player, leaving the Wii U multiplayer debate aside for now)? Requiring people to buy a $250 console, one or more $160 "controllers", and a $50 game on top (remember, pre-Wii and DS price drops) just to play a game was simply too great a risk for developers to take. Thus, very few Wii games actually took advantage of the system's connectivity to a DS, and none were designed to rely on the DS as a controller exclusively. I fail to understand why PS3-Vita connectivity will be any different, except that we're now dealing with a $300 console, a $250 "controller", and $60 games - further reducing the chances of every gamer having the combination of systems available.

The Wii U is different in that every single person who buys one will have the tablet controller. Therefore, it is far more feasible for developers to build their entire game around the controller, because everyone's gonna have it. I also wouldn't be worried about the controller consuming excessive amounts of power and compromising the graphical quality of the game - the Wii U is designed to do just that, and is definitely powerful enough to provide a great image on both screens.

Sounds like Sony trying to smooth-talk their way out of this once again instead of admitting that they've got a worthy competitor.

What are you even talking about, there was no mention of multiplayer in the quote? The Gameboy Advance cannot be compared to the Vita in any way, one of the reasons it failed is the Gameboy advance is worser than the GameCube's own controller so who would exactly want to use it? The Vita is better than the PS3 controller in the fact that not only does it have the controls of the PS3 controller it has got a lot more as well.

Just don't know what you're getting at.

#18480 When the Katana Strikes (Poem)

Posted by Katana_Strike on 04 August 2011 - 05:40 AM in The Museum

It moves like a dancer,
Swift and quick,
With deadly steps
When weilded you will not hear your own sobs for mercy,
or the swish of material as it is lifted through the air,
All you will hear is the sound of metal slicing through air,
When the Katana strikes

It is as deadly as a demon,
Sharp and merciless,
Its point is cruel,
When it rips through flesh and bone you will not hear the splatter of red,
Or the moans of anguish and pain from it's current victim,
Because all you will hear is the sound of metal slicing through the air
When the Katana strikes

#18478 Nintendo is not doing well???

Posted by Katana_Strike on 04 August 2011 - 05:32 AM in General Gaming

Nintendo have a made a few mistakes but it looks like they are trying to rectify it. Whether it's a little too late, only time will tell.

#18477 The Akinator Thread

Posted by Katana_Strike on 04 August 2011 - 05:29 AM in The Café

The Akinator is a web genius that will most likely guess your character correct, all you have to do is answer 20 questions. If he is not exactly right, you can continue to get the right person hopefully. If he asks 20 questions and it is not your character, you win.


Thanks, I've never heard of it. I tried Auron, Sora, Squall and he guessed those! I'm in shock... I need to think of characters more obscure I think

#18476 Have you ever heard the slice of metal through wind when a Katana strikes?

Posted by Katana_Strike on 04 August 2011 - 05:21 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the largest forum about the Wii U Katana! Be sure to read the rules if you haven't already.
If you need any non-technical help, the guides will probably be able to help you. The guides names are in orange, so it shouldn't be to trouble finding me/them. All technical help should all be dealt with Feld0, our administrator and AMAC, our moderator.
I am nintendo3DS, a big fan of Yoshi and Luigi. I am waiting for Yoshi's Island to come to the 3DS, all I have to do is wait. :P

I hope you have fun and post lots!

I guessing you're a guide then, thank you for your welcome. I don't think I've been to a forum that's had guides before that's pretty neat :3 . I've managed to update a profile pic and background but I just need to find the place to input location, about me etc etc

#18474 Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance speculation!

Posted by Katana_Strike on 04 August 2011 - 05:18 AM in General Gaming

I can't wait for this game, Kingdom hearts is my favourite series I've played all of the except the ones that were on gameboy advance.

#18473 How much life do you think the DS has left?

Posted by Katana_Strike on 04 August 2011 - 05:14 AM in General Gaming

Not much longer, I'm afraid.
The 3DS and the DS are now the same price... Which means that, after this next batch of DS games are done, there is no excuse to NOT switch to 3DS.

Maybe in Canada but where I'm from the DS is still a good 50 quid cheaper, not only that but there is every excuse in the world not to switch to the 3DS.

#18471 The Akinator Thread

Posted by Katana_Strike on 04 August 2011 - 05:07 AM in The Café

Noob alert! What's an akinater?

#18470 Have you ever heard the slice of metal through wind when a Katana strikes?

Posted by Katana_Strike on 04 August 2011 - 05:04 AM in Introduction Central


I hate these threads as I never know what to say... I like fantasy novels, I like video games - Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts. RPG favourite genre so I hope you won't be alarmed by the fact that I don't like the Wii... but I love my DS very much. So many RPGs to choose from.

i hope to make many friends here so that we can all play online once the Wii U comes :3. I hope to make interesting topics and post a lot but I'm not promising anthing.

That is all.

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